If a couple adopts a child, parents will be entitled to adoption leave and paternity leave. |
Despite being on paternity leave at the moment, I'm still struggling to find the time to do everything that I want to do before I return to work. |
Throughout the world, paternity leave has been recognized as an important means of reconciling the professional and familial lives of workers. |
But what about additional paid paternity leave for, say, a fortnight when a baby is born? |
With the birth of his son, last spring, he took a six-month paternity leave from his job. |
He must notify his employer of the date he wants to start paternity leave in the 15th week before the baby is due. |
If the government is serious about encouraging fathers to take paternity leave, they have to do more. |
It's crucial to find out about maternity or paternity leave, pay and conditions. |
Only 30 per cent worked in companies where paternity leave was an entitlement. |
One of the guys is currently on paternity leave and the wife of another is pregnant, as well as this supervisor expecting. |
Men are fighting to have more involvement with family life, for paternity leave. |
We should also institute statutory paid paternity leave after the birth of a child for fathers. |
In the states that began to mandate paternity leave, a slightly greater number of fathers utilized it. |
Yet they continue to have a full social service system, including maternity and paternity leave. |
Well, with any luck, I hope they would prepare for paternity leave, actually. |
People become ill, quit, go on vacations and take maternity or paternity leave. |
Increases in paid and unpaid maternity leave face the chop, paternity leave could also go, and time off for parents who adopt would also be under threat. |
The realities of active service dictate that paternity leave often cannot be taken until some time after the happy event itself. |
The party's plan to triple paternity leave would extend overall paternity leave to 58 weeks. |
The union has also succeeded in extending maternity or paternity leave to include adoption leave. |
Whether you're taking parental, maternity or paternity leave, the law protects your job and working conditions. |
He called for paternity leave to be considered an essential social value, noting its need when birth rates were declining. |
Indeed the father can benefit from his paternity leave to spend time at home. |
Measures such as paternity leave can encourage men to share parenting and other care responsibilities equally with women. |
If we can expand maternity and paternity leave, it would also be beneficial. |
The maximum number of weeks during which the paternity leave may be interrupted is equal to the number of weeks of the hospitalization. |
An entitlement to paid paternity leave of at least two weeks was also approved by the committee. |
She asked whether the State party had introduced paternity leave for fathers who wished to take care of their children. |
Monaco has also adopted legislative provisions on paternity leave to accord fathers more extensive rights in that context. |
My wife is due in October and I would love to take paternity leave. |
He's just finished a term's teaching after returning from paternity leave. |
William returned to his RAF base on Anglesey yesterday when his paternity leave came to an end. |
Some seventy-plus countries currently offer some paternity leave or parental leave days reserved for the father. |
Several submissions argued in favour of establishing a new paternity leave under Part III to allow fathers to provide care and support during their partner's labour and in the period immediately following the birth. |
Such paternity leave may be taken in one continuous period or in two periods of equal or unequal duration, at any time during their children's first year. |
The Conservatives never submitted any proposals, not even in connection with their election promise to make self-employed workers eligible for employment insurance during maternity and paternity leave. |
Union Syndicale has put forward a set of proposals to bring the Framework Rules into line with the new Staff Regulations as regards maternity and paternity leave, parental leave, family leave, part-time work, etc. |
At the same time, birth rates have gone up and there is now more understanding when it comes to paternity leave and greater support for motherhood. |
Today, dads are entitled to just two weeks' leave but the Lib Dems will pledge they would give a further four weeks of protected paternity leave. |
Or if you're expecting your first baby you may need to consider the impact of a maternity or paternity leave on your budget in addition to expenses related to having a baby. |
Most men I know take about three months' paternity leave. |
Maternity and paternity leave are not included in this calculation. |
Within the framework of shared family responsibility and with a view to more equal roles, post-natal paternity leave has been extended from one to five days. |
She also considers it essential to add a provision whereby pregnant workers and those who had recently given birth or were breastfeeding, along with fathers on paternity leave, would be entitled to refuse to work overtime. |
Ladies and gentlemen, it is also important to us that paternity leave and co-maternity leave be regulated here, as this directive also concerns equal treatment between women and men. |
Employed fathers are entitled to two weeks' paternity leave, with Statutory Paternity Pay paid at the same standard rate as Statutory Maternity Pay. |
He even took paternity leave from his role as an RAF rescue pilot. |
Facebook's US staff can take up to four months of paid maternity or paternity leave. |
As well as introducing this radical new policy, the Lib Dems are also committed to giving fathers six weeks' paternity leave. |
That is why Community legislation should also provide specifically for non-transferrable paid paternity leave, to be taken at the same time as maternity leave. |
In addition, work must be done to balance labour and family life, for women as well as men, through policies such as paternity leave and improvement of children's and elderly care services. |
Cameron took paternity leave when Arthur was born, and this decision received broad coverage. |
It was also stated that Cameron would be taking paternity leave after his second daughter was born. |
On 12 May the party revealed plans to legalise cannabis and extend paid paternity leave. |
My husband is on a 3-month paternity leave while he looks after our newborn baby and I'm working abroad. |
One of them aims to reinforce the legal status of stillborn babies in terms of civil status, and the other one the recognition of a right to paternity leave. |
Also out are seamers Alan Richardson and Mel Betts leaving New Zealand all-rounder Scott Styris to return from paternity leave as skipper. |
The first paternity leave introduced in Belgium in July 1994 was designed in this manner, converting all or the untaken part of maternity leave into paternity leave in the event of the mother's death or hospitalisation. |
Signees claim paternity leave benefits solve not only the demographic but also the economic crisis. |
Some of companies that offer paternity leave include Facebook and Yahoo, which offer fathers four months and eight weeks of paid leave, respectively. |
As AP notes, the prince is the first senior royal to take paternity leave and follows in his father's, Prince Charles, footsteps when it comes to parenthood. |
Coun Hart, who was a communications manager in Sunderland at the time, had spent all of his two weeks' paid paternity leave by his wife and newborn baby's side. |
In particular would they renegotiate the social chapter to remove rights for workers, including maternity and paternity leave and protections for part-time workers? |
Paternity leave is defined as a period of leave from employment which enables fathers to bond with the mother and newborn child. |