To date, the firm has resisted portraying the cuts as anything other than individual business units refocusing their resources. |
At no stage did anything other than a resounding victory for Stradbally suggest itself. |
I don't think this color could be captured anyway other than by one's vision, for the light and resultant color are not mechanical. |
Sauntering along the park and past the bingo, I reflect on the only fact I know about Dr Johnson's amanuensis, other than where he's buried. |
What is the evidence that established that, other than the evidence of the alibi, ultimately said to be false? |
Many of the latter rose to important positions, usually in fields other than their original calling. |
No, it was a normal cake with no icing or any flavour other than vanilla, but it was green, as if he was celebrating Eid, or St. Patrick's Day. |
Add it all up, and that's barely an hour a day meeting and practicing with special teams players other than the kicker and punter. |
This is again a tribute to the producer's ability to involve the youth in something other than aimless time wasting or even worse. |
But other than a few small contract maintenance deals, most of them wimped out when it came to the crunch. |
This absorptive layer is made of material other than an alginate, foam, hydrocolloid, or hydrogel. |
For ablative treatment procedures other than cryotherapy, local anesthesia with topical or injected lidocaine should be used. |
Express the phrase as an ablative absolute, leaving out words other than the supplied noun and verb. |
Man then began to cultivate the fields, and to have a fixed place of abode other than a cave. |
It just haunted me that people could get to a place where bombing clinics or shooting abortionists is seen as anything other than an atrocity. |
Whisky experts are not convinced that the vatted malt issue is anything other than a storm in a quaich. |
Future research will need to include greater numbers of individuals who abuse drugs other than alcohol. |
It's easy to see why the candidates are so eager talk about anything other than marriage. |
The driving rain, high winds and the cold made it absolutely impossible to consider this as anything other than madness. |
After an aha moment, he suddenly realizes that they're seeking the tomb of none other than the famous physicist Sir Isaac Newton. |
Is there a purpose to academia other than the education of a proportion of the population, and if so what? |
Until recently few people considered Wyoming to have potential for gemstones other than nephrite jade. |
It says you can't hit a horse on the head or the flanks or any other part of his body other than the shoulders or hind quarters. |
The copyright owner provides no warranties or indemnities to the licensee, other than any that may be imposed by law. |
No jailbreaker has been sued or harassed other than to have their warranty denied. |
These issues should be addressed in a setting other than the busy, pressured atmosphere of accident and emergency or acute wards. |
He insists we were given no information by a Crown source other than its press officer, who did not provide the quotes in our article. |
At a moment like that, we don't worry about anything else other than accomplishing our specific mission. |
These risks tend to disappear altogether when factors other than weight are taken into account. |
Understandably her mind was preoccupied with things other than sausage rolls, quiches and crisps. |
In fact, every crop in North America other than the blueberry, Jerusalem artichoke, sunflower and squash has its origins elsewhere. |
She was married with a baby on the way and she was in love with a man other than her husband. |
He gets nothing other than the pleasure of putting all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together. |
In fact, the ruling is a perfect example of how the free market is blind to any values other than the pursuit of profit. |
And although I'd deny it if ever asked, being in the spotlight for something other than being the worst player on the ball team was not half bad. |
You conceivably can use work queues for jobs other than bottom-half processing, however. |
Now, what I should have done next was to kiss her back, but I was dying for a wee, and had no option other than to run for the loo? |
Holidays are the best time during which the child can engage in activities other than study. |
History shows that track cycling probably has the worst record of any of our Olympic sports other than weightlifting. |
But the new leadership is based on choice, answering to nothing other than its own justification. |
Pike have been showing this week and anglers are reminded to return all fish other than rainbow trout. |
From Baja California up the US West Coast the climate is mild and arid, other than in winter. |
A spin-off is a technology that has been transferred to uses other than the purpose for which it was developed. |
So this is about a political process and a political reason to do this for reasons other than military justice. |
He's entitled to his opinions but he has no proof whatsoever other than it's in an area where there are salmon farms. |
No conclusion can be drawn from her death other than that random acts of violence can happen anywhere. |
And it may encourage solicitors to advise silence for other than good objective reasons. |
The kainga encompass all blood relatives and can include people other than blood relations. |
Apparently the merest whiff of a grease-infused treat can harden body parts other than the arteries. |
When I am not filming I rarely eat away from home other than the odd lunch on jaunts to London. |
Frequencies of nuclear abnormalities other than micronuclei, such as binucleates, karyorrhexis and karyolysis, were also evaluated. |
His no-show for any reason other than a personal trauma is a disgrace and an affront to local democracy. |
It's hard to imagine anyone other than a Wikipedian arguing the wider availability of high quality information collections. |
Changes affecting the ever-popular Laybourne Lakes include banning keepnets, other than in match conditions. |
Also, other than fruits and vegetables, is there another healthy, wholesome snack? |
Popular nonalcoholic beverages other than fruit juices include Turkish-style coffee, a thin yogurt drink called kefir, and a tea known as salep. |
There wasn't much other than to get ready for the dinner, but even then she would be getting ready too soon. |
It was nothing more than a sad example of ageism that served no purpose other than to be blatantly discriminatory against the older car driver. |
In the movie, no motive is given for the Martians' aggressiveness other than their impish, evil nature. |
Bodies were found in libraries, or in any place other than where real-life murders actually take place. |
However, his genius was so great that other than French people forgot his dishonesty and he began life anew in his native place. |
I think it will pick up stuff other than country and western, but I wouldn't advise it! |
In late eighteenth and nineteenth century Bengal, the worship of Durga acquired meanings other than devotion as well. |
Weather conditions other than alternating early mists and warm afternoons can result in a satisfactory noble rot infection. |
Frankly, it's difficult to envisage him being nearly as influential in any role other than that of the focal point of the attack. |
The only figure of real interest is the subcutaneous LD50 as few snakes can ever achieve anything other than that. |
It is difficult to think of facts on which there would not be a primary verdict other than neglect. |
I don't know much about her other than that she is a BBC radio personality and has a name that forever captivates and enchants me. |
These rambles take the author, briefly and allusively, through a great many topics other than his primary concern with taste. |
And how willing will our bank be to lend us money to invest in assets other than property? |
Amyloidosis occurs when the protein amyloid is deposited in the kidneys under conditions other than ordinary. |
In an ideal world, we would not need any additional aids to facilitate the training of our horses other than good tack and a good surface. |
Common aromatic compounds other than benzene include toluene, naphthalene, and anthracene, all of which are present in coal tar or creosote. |
I was already beginning to reek and smell, and they were odors other than the normal scents that the body gave off. |
He left no known diary, he had no known confidantes, other than his wife Mira Markovic. |
But they may be explainable for a more simple reason, other than the lateness of the hour. |
If this had have come to my knowledge other than through the public domain, I would have made my inquiries and expressed my views. |
Even knowing one language other than your own says so much about your attitude towards the world outside your own country. |
The only disadvantage of this type of therapy other than the yuck factor is the tickling sensation felt by some patients. |
Joshua professed to have no direct connection with the traditional deities other than Ogun, patron of woodcarvers and all who work with metal. |
Can it lay the ghost of the Roman imperium and become something other than a male gerontocracy? |
I actually thought I played all right as I wasn't really quite on the ball, but other than that I thought that it was a great event. |
Once you get money, bills are paid and your family's health is all right, what more is there to have other than to live and praise God? |
They're either too weak to withstand any hits or their attacks do little other than annoy this rebel hellion. |
On that first day I asked if any of the kids spoke or read or understood languages other than American English. |
In these health centres, no surgical procedures other than laparoscopic tubectomies are performed. |
Very few buildings, other than bomb shelters, are designed to withstand impact from the outside. |
When was the last time a politician shocked us for reasons other than being caught with his pants down or his hand in the public cookie jar? |
He compares these thoughts to the temptations that married heterosexual men have for women other than their wives. |
Spectrally the mineral separates do not show absorptions due to any mineral species other than antigorite. |
Aayla didn't think much of him other than he seemed like a nice guy, if a bit proud and on the stuck-up-y side. |
In short, Amiana proposes that writers of amatory fiction write something other than amatory fiction. |
He seldom applied surface decoration other than subtly toned lacquers to protect the metal against tarnishing. |
Anything other than a home win is unthinkable if United are to stand a chance of reclaiming their title. |
Can there be a downer side to Mardi Gras other than the inevitable killer hangover the day after? |
There are links to 1,203 sites in languages other than English, including one in Arabic and one in Latvian. |
We understand what people are saying but we won't be carrying out any more improvements in the near future, other than to retile the underpass. |
Sponge cells perform a variety of bodily functions and appear to be more independent of each other than are the cells of other animals. |
While it's great to spread your wings, taking a chance for someone other than yourself often has limited success. |
In the process, companies are finding that assets other than inventory and receivables can be mined for liquidity. |
One of the placements should involve communication in a language other than English, at least at a basic level. |
Health benefits are often documented in laboratory studies of animals other than humans. |
The affect retained or impressed is other than representation and is productive directly. |
Do you have plans to use the label to release material by bands other than yourselves? |
We totally refute any suggestion that these dismissals are linked to anything other than a serious breach of discipline. |
It must be an very sad place to be for victims, when they see no hope other than the ultimate step of taking your own life. |
I wake up for no discernible reason, other than to assert my existence. |
But what must be deterred is none other than America's rash action. |
But nobody can look at that diagram and think about anything other than an impressively sized phallus. |
Little will actually be solved other than a generation exhaling with self-satisfied relief. |
Still, there was nought he could do, other than fight and survive. |
In the following year he is said to have been a pupil of Frans Hals in Haarlem, for which there is no further evidence other than an adventurous and lively technique. |
Now is hardly the time to be doing anything on the so-called peace process other than trying to avoid an explosion on the ground. |
I think that, at this point, anything is jumping the gun, other than saying he's the most logical suspect and all the evidence does point to him right now. |
But what has their over-investment landed them with, other than big debts? |
Specific stocks were written down to fair value if an impairment in the value of the entire stock portfolio was considered to be other than temporary. |
After a lead-in period from last year, this means that from this year onwards, a grower who plants any seed potatoes, other than certified basic seed, is breaking the law. |
And he got a lift home from none other than the Mayor of Bolton. |
At such a moment, the pilot has no resources other than his own instincts and experience. |
This could be due to the fact that dormitory residents tend to interact more with each other than do off campus students who may spend less time on campus. |
Under the law government branches other than the defense ministry would have the power to designate information as state secrets. |
Japanese schools other than Zen are also well represented in the West. |
Parents who want to transfer custody of a child to someone other than a relative must seek permission from a judge. |
Jatropha requires no pesticides, Mr. Samake said, little water other than rain and no fertilizer beyond the nutrient-rich seed cake left after oil is pressed from its nuts. |
For all they have been doing the extraordinary this season, Celtic rarely looked anything other than strictly, nay yawningly, ordinary in the first half yesterday. |
It may not be disclosed to, or used by, anyone other than the addressee. |
They had no potential support other than that of imperialist bayonets. |
First, there's no rehearsal, other than a walk-through of the action. |
It certainly smelled like something other than natural good vibes was fueling the impromptu dancing in the aisles. |
He called a wildlife rehab person at the community college to whom he had taken birds other than eagles in the past. |
In an air rifle the projectile is supposedly driven down the rifling of the barrel by a source of gas other than that provided by a fast burning mixture. |
Always check the seller's identity by asking for proof of name and address and be wary of sellers who want to meet you anywhere other than their home. |
It was clear that individual services, other than the free legal advice now almost universally available, were not the most significant reason for members joining. |
Ja, I really can't further comment on it other than what I've said, Alec. |
None other than Dylan Thomas, with his rhetorical verse, could have brought to life with such gaiety and compassion the little fishing village of Llareggub. |
But something other than money, even vast piles of it, keeps Bond going. |
Nobody in leadership positions was angry about climate change in the 2000s other than Al Gore? |
Clearly, something other than feminism and the sexual revolution must be at play. |
For many years people stayed away from Northern Ireland, frightened that they might be shot, bombed or kneecapped in the street for no reason other than their Religion. |
The U.S. military has said it is too early to make any conclusions, other than the war is on course. |
There are many ways of cheating on standardized tests other than doctoring the answer keys or even using questions from the test in class exercises. |
But within a couple of hours of the Boehner plan's release, it was denounced by none other than Erskine Bowles. |
Like most seven-year-olds, Joe can think of a zillion things to do with his time other than the three Rs, which I assume are still being taught in school. |
The piece was authored by none other than Samantha Power, who now serves as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. |
Most have experienced nothing other than the 48-year rule of the Baath Party. |
And if anyone other than me cares about my car, the catalytic converter light gracing my dashboard was apparently crying wolf and has consequently been disconnected. |
Murphy says those opposed to the race need to look at the bigger picture, with the event putting New Zealand on the map for something other than rugby or yachting. |
For the first time in 133 years of international football, the England kit carried on it something other than the three lions badge and the sponsor's logo. |
There's a decent-sized cult coalition that seems to think this young whippersnapper will eventually do something other than grow his own mutual funds. |
In 1869, for example, a secret camera was set up on Derby Day, to take photographs of gentlemen visiting the races with ladies other than their wives. |
Nobody would be in a position to give other than a personal view on what might happen if you engaged, for example, in amalgamations of these various bodies. |
The university might want to give some of these responsibilities to someone else other than a teaching assistant, like an adjunct or a graduate student, for less money. |
What is it about bleakness and tedium that are so attractive, other than the fact that most people instinctively recoil from it? |
Now, the power of removal from office at any time in cases other than the case of a Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner is exercised by the Commissioner. |
The woman you saw in my company, was none other than my kinswoman Morgan. |
No one other than Paul himself had any idea that he had been boozing before he took the wheel. |
I admire his steadfast refusal to be anyone other than himself. |
This book was recommended to me by none other than my pen pal. |
Wenger allows no events other than football to take place on the tight little pitch, where the fans are almost close enough to the players to touch them. |
I think in this particular community there's still a lot of work to be done and I don't feel a strong calling to be other than here at the moment. |
Secondly, you could always send your lady to school to learn English, so that you both have some other way of communicating other than by Braille. |
There does seem to be some adjunct therapy other than external beam radiation or chemotherapy that may be viable options and may decrease the amount of recurrence. |
Be that what it may, branson himself saw another value in his company other than its technical achievements. |
But Wigs on the Green provides a lesson in something other than style and is something more than a curio. |
Only one world other than Earth is known to harbor large lakes, Saturn's largest moon, Titan. |
Males more commonly use their horns against each other than against another species. |
In the Patagonian mara, young are also placed in communal warrens, but mothers do not permit youngsters other than their own to nurse. |
A few species feed from animals other than insects, with the vampire bats being hematophagous, or feeding on blood. |
However, this design does not permit many movements other than hanging or clambering up trees. |
Most of this is ingested through foods or beverages other than drinking straight water. |
Creole languages other than Haitian Creole are also spoken in parts of Latin America. |
Sources of nicotine other than tobacco and sources of cocaine in the Old World are discussed by the British biologist Duncan Edlin. |
Andronikos mobilised a small fleet of 100 ships to defend the capital, but other than that he was indifferent to the populace. |
An active galaxy is a formation that emits a significant amount of its energy from a source other than its stars, dust and gas. |
Little is known of this rebellion other than its occurrence, and that it may have had a religious inspiration. |
Britain's victories around the globe led William Pitt to insist that nobody other than Britain should have access to Newfoundland. |
I'm becroggled. I've never made a pie crust with anything other than butter. |
A chainless bicycle transmits power to the driven wheel through a mechanism other than a metal chain. |
Of particular importance, other than in Maryland, hospitals are generally free to charge whatever they want in their chargemaster. |
It must be remembered that the English organ until then had little to offer other than stopped diapasons and clarabellas. |
Parliamentary guidelines state that MPs should not use comcars for anything other than official parliamentary or committee business. |
Ozzie Train, secretary. Ozzie needs little introduction, other than that he is the remaining half of Prime Press, and a genuine completist. |
This is because subjects in the new cyberian culture are other than the rational, autonomous individual. |
The primitive Esquires were no other than what the Latins called Equisons, who had the care and intendance of the equerries, or stables only. |
In Newspeak, euphony outweighed every consideration other than exactitude of meaning. |
Indeed, without any form of social media other than word of mouth, flash crowds materialize almost spontaneously. |
Now, other than the fact that that is bureaucratic gobblygook written by somebody whose fourth language must be English. |
Hardware is the generally accepted colloquism for anything inside a computer other than an engineer. |
The South East has the highest percentage of people born outside of Britain other than London. |
It has been reported that this version will work on operating systems other than Microsoft Windows, using emulation programs. |
If I had learned anything that summer, other than Boy Scout stuff, it was that I needed to be the sexual hunter rather than the huntee. |
Victory over Napoleon left Britain without any serious international rival, other than Russia in Central Asia. |
It would seem unthinkable that the granting of kawanatanga was other than permanent if Maori were to be subject to it. |
However this stretch of the river has little traffic, other than small pleasure boats, canoes and some tour boats in Shrewsbury. |
The holding of city status brings no special benefits other than the right to be called a city. |
Broadcast seeding results in a random array of growing crops, making it difficult to control weeds using any method other than hand weeding. |
Monasteria seem to describe all religious congregations other than those of the Bishop. |
Neither Victricius's De Laude Sanctorum nor the Passio Albani mention where he was martyred, other than that it was in Britain. |
Early sources say nothing about him other than the fact that he was at Ely and that he led the last band of resisters. |
Scribes other than those responsible for the main text often copy the vernacular text of the Hymn in manuscripts of the Latin Historia. |
Hence, as with Montreal Massacrist Marc Lepine, who murdered 14 women in 1989, it was an act devoid of anything other than personal context. |
Presumably these authorities did not consider any of Marlowe's works to be unacceptable other than the Amores. |
He was given an extremely rigorous upbringing, and was deliberately shielded from association with children his own age other than his siblings. |
According to Ackroyd, other than these, perhaps the most important literary influence on him was derived from the fables of The Arabian Nights. |
I didn't really have any misconceptions about our ability to do anything other than play music, and I was scared. |
The Rolling Stones would become the biggest band other than the Beatles to come out of the British Invasion, topping the Hot 100 eight times. |
Agate thought it the best thing Gielgud had done so far, other than Hamlet. |
The Laws of the Game do not specify any player positions other than goalkeeper, but a number of specialised roles have evolved. |
In February 1971, astronaut Alan Shepard became the first person to golf anywhere other than Earth. |
For any match other than the final, if the teams were still tied after extra time, lots would be drawn to determine the winner. |
To suggest this as anything other than natural is a bit of a misleading argument. |
In the men's pommel horse, a tie was declared between three competitors, all Finns, and no medals other than gold were awarded in this event. |
These are used in cases where it is illegal to fly the Union Flag, such as at sea from a ship other than a British warship. |
Neither does it appear in any standard hymn book in a guise other than Parry's own, so it may have been harmonised specially for the film. |
Entities other than states can also be relevant in power acquisition in international relations. |
Very little is known about them other than they posed a constant military threat to the Roman border. |
Victory over Napoleonic France left the British without any serious international rival, other than perhaps Russia in central Asia. |
With the effective collapse of the entire defensive line, there was little choice left other than an overland retreat to India or to Yunnan. |
The Germans had ordered French civilians, other than those deemed essential to the war effort, to leave potential combat zones in Normandy. |
As a preventive measure against new wars, countries other than the Four Policemen were to be disarmed. |
There is effectively no ethnic distinction between black and white Bermudians, other than those characterising recent immigrant communities. |
Note that an individual serving a prison sentence for an offence other than high treason is not automatically disqualified. |
The period for which Bills other than Money Bills could be delayed was originally two years. |
Unlike the invasion period, by then there was a substantial presence from many nations other than America, Britain, Australia and Poland. |
For hydrides other than group 1 and 2 metals, the term is quite misleading, considering the low electronegativity of hydrogen. |
There has been no other documented cases of Haplogroup T occurring in Northern Europe other than those two cases. |
Although Europeans and Chinese are obviously different, in skin color they are closer to each other than either is to equatorial Africans. |
A third were born in a Western European country other than the UK, and one in seven were born in an Eastern European country. |
In 1999, the church voted to prohibit the flying of flags other than St Patrick's flag and the Flag of the Anglican Communion. |
Holdings were so small that no crop other than potatoes would suffice to feed a family. |
The outcome of this case is unknown, but it seems to indicate that this Malory was something other than an ordinary country gentleman. |
The arts of cultures other than the European had become accessible and showed alternative ways of describing visual experience to the artist. |
Some authors have written tales centred on characters from the canon other than Holmes. |
In 1963, Sargent recorded Gay's The Beggar's Opera, one of his few operas on record other than Gilbert and Sullivan. |
Every artist other than Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, Donald Judd and Damien Hirst will be a footnote. |
If a batsman hits the ball twice, other than for the sole purpose of protecting his wicket or with the consent of the opposition, he is out. |
The conflict has also been referred to by names other than the War on Terror. |
New York State, in second place, had 9 languages other than English spoken by more than 100,000 persons. |
Magma composition can be determined by processes other than partial melting and fractional crystallization. |
An indigenous species may occur in areas other than the one under consideration. |
Common languages amongst them, other than English include Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati and Nepali. |
It is unclear how often capital punishment was carried out in situations where it would be licit without any records other than the legal tracts. |
Over the years, a number of materials other than paper have been used to print banknotes. |
No players other than the vice skip from each team should be in the house while score is being determined. |
The BP scale is sometimes used for dates established by means other than radiocarbon dating, such as stratigraphy. |
Flint rarely occurs in Wales other than in drifts, or as small pebbles on beaches. |
Copper is one of a few metallic elements with a natural color other than gray or silver. |
The new research shows that dolphins have the longest memory yet known in any species other than humans. |
This desire for cleanliness extends to the prayer halls where shoes are disallowed to be worn anywhere other than the cloakroom. |
There is little industry other than farming, so tourism plays an important part in the county's economy. |
Only four episodes have ever had their premiere showings on channels other than BBC One. |
They have a layer of fat, or blubber, under the skin to keep warm in the cold water, and, other than the walrus, all species are covered in fur. |
Waste from nuclear weapons decommissioning is unlikely to contain much beta or gamma activity other than tritium and americium. |
The botany of the county is very diverse and includes some rare species not found elsewhere in the British Isles other than Cornwall. |
Thus the Azorean population received a significant contribution from people with genetic backgrounds other than Portuguese. |
Oceans, seas, lakes and other bodies of liquids can be composed of liquids other than water, for example the hydrocarbon lakes on Titan. |
There was no furniture in the abandoned house, other than a broken bedstead. |
The townships are therefore often nearer to each other than they are to the distant farms in their own parishes. |
Other microbes live in habitats lacking in oxygen, and are dependent on chemical reactions other than photosynthesis. |
While the dentition of walruses is highly variable, they generally have relatively few teeth other than the tusks. |
President to have spoken a language other than English as his first language. |
All mine components other than wire rope, explosives, and detonating circuitry were manufactured by Detroit automobile firms. |
The Channel Islands served no purpose to the Germans other than the propaganda value of having occupied British territory. |
Some GPS applications use this time for display, or, other than for the basic position calculations, do not use it at all. |
Tax systems in countries other than the USA treat an entity as a corporation only if it is legally organized as a corporation. |
Few jurisdictions tax nonresidents other than on specific types of income earned within the jurisdiction. |
In many chalk downland areas there is no surface water at all other than artificially created dewponds. |
Fishing may include catching aquatic animals other than fish, such as molluscs, cephalopods, crustaceans, and echinoderms. |
The distribution of short vowels in unstressed syllables, other than when absolutely final, was quite restricted. |
As Tacitus wrote, the younger generations alive in AD 14 had never known any form of government other than the Principate. |
Passive instruments sense only radiation emitted by the object being viewed or reflected by the object from a source other than the instrument. |
After that, the Visigoth kingdom was limited to Hispania, and they never again held territory north of the Pyrenees other than Septimania. |
Mormon baptism does not purport to remit any sins other than personal ones, as adherents do not believe in original sin. |
As travel became easier, faster, and less expensive, Germans started to see unity in factors other than their language. |
As far as transportation goes, it is the cheapest form, other than walking, in Acapulco. |
Usage other than for marine charts is now deprecated and more suitable projections are available. |
Torres has been presented by some writers as Portuguese, without any evidence other than his name. |
As new kinds of fur entered Europe, other uses were made with fur other than clothing. |
The term was once used to refer to breeds of light riding horse other than Thoroughbreds or Arabians, such as the Morgan horse. |
The use of passive voice allows speakers to organize stretches of discourse by placing figures other than the agent in subject position. |
Among consonants other than l, practice varies for some words, such as where the final syllable has secondary stress or an unreduced vowel. |
However, the cases may be deployed for other than the default thematic roles. |
By contrast, a second language is any language that one speaks other than one's first language. |
Actors are often called upon to speak varieties of language other than their own. |
The IPA is also not universal among dictionaries in languages other than English. |
These, and others, are supported by Unicode, but appear in Latin ranges other than the IPA extensions. |
This sense of vowel reduction may occur by means other than vowel centralisation, however. |
The Greater Toronto Area is diverse linguistically with 44 percent of its people holding a mother tongue other than English. |
Such poetic copula dropping is more pronounced in some languages other than English, such as the Romance languages. |
Since the 1970s, languages other than French on commercial signs have been permitted only if French is given marked prominence. |
The metropolitan's powers over dioceses other than his own are normally limited to. |
Coke had no official role, other than acting as a mediator between the two, but in the end Fuller was convicted by the High Commission. |
This means a command, for something other than money by the court, such as restraining the continuance or threat of harm. |
For liturgical functions other than the Mass the bishop typically wears the cope. |
In offenses of absolute liability, other than the prohibited act, it may not be necessary to show the act was intentional. |
Persons other than the original obligor and obligee can become parties to a negotiable instrument. |
Anyone who worships a divinity other than the Self is called a domestic animal of the gods in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. |
The relevant part of this testimony is that the defendant was at a place other than the scene of the crime at the time the crime was committed. |
Textiles for industrial purposes, and chosen for characteristics other than their appearance, are commonly referred to as technical textiles. |
A 1923 report by Mott, Hay and Anderson suggested that other than the paintwork, the main span of the bridge was in good condition. |