Looking for sentences and phrases with the word ofttimes? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
They serve to affirm that when children regard us, they do so by taking us at our word, by reminding us of the present, and in evaluations without context, which are ofttimes the most thorough and unyielding.
The Croats' ofttimes difficult alliance with the Muslims of Bosnia had and still has a purely tactical, anti-Serb quality about it, Serbia being perceived as a common threat to both.
Examples from Classical Literature
And when they came to the last lines Kunz would ofttimes join in, taking the bass part or continuo to the melody.
True, Nell ofttimes had fenced with the King and knew his wrist, but she was no swordswoman now.
But in their wealth they forgat the goodness of God, so that ofttimes he gave them over into the hand of their enemies.
Strychnia alone, or with either of these oils, is ofttimes beneficial.
It is so darkened that ofttimes it seems to have been quite put out.
So contradictory are ofttimes the ways of God and the opinions of man.
The therns have ofttimes wondered whither you had flown, since you had neither taken the pilgrimage, nor could be found upon the face of Barsoom.
Here he looks to find a tiny particle of the demolished larva, ofttimes not more than a speck of moisture.
In repose the faces of the men were intelligent and dignified, those of the women ofttimes prepossessing.
Too, he was of giant proportions, the very weight of his huge bulk serving ofttimes to discount in his favor the superior agility of a younger antagonist.
I ofttimes think bitterly, even yet, of that first life I took, but of this I am as glad as though I had slain a wild boar that laid waste a fair country.
Ofttimes he drew his sleeve across his face, but there was no damming that trickle.