Both were meticulous artists and canny businessmen, adept at anticipating audience trends. |
The film is visually spectacular, with epic battle scenes and meticulous attention to period detail. |
The book is impressive both in its scope and in the author's meticulous attention to detail. |
The raid by Russia's elite forces was planned in the most meticulous detail. |
How fabulous it would be to have a willing helper to load my gear onto boats and rig my kit with meticulous care! |
A meticulous lecturer and painfully accurate author, he instilled the same standards in his pupils. |
He reveals a meticulous attention to detail when discussing what he looks for in a player. |
The Tribunal plainly considered the objective facts with meticulous care and in great detail. |
Oral odours are best treated through meticulous oral hygiene and optimal dental care. |
He said no items had yet been recovered from the property but a careful and meticulous search would be carried out. |
In line with the management's meticulous eye for detail, some changes are tiny. |
He is a fantastically meticulous actor but if he isn't reined in this detail becomes fussiness. |
Although he had prepared the expedition with meticulous care, the campaign was bungled. |
His group's success was a spectacular tour de force of meticulous technique and solid research design. |
The meticulous tracings preserve every splatter, trickle and drip of the original stains. |
There is a meticulous logging of pedestrian traffic, routines of security personnel, and details of buildings. |
Fairly meticulous planning is involved in an effort to minimalise the pain of travelling as much as possible. |
In fact, I have a feeling that what endears the place to me is its almost meticulous lack of trendy design. |
Articulate, meticulous, and a very quick study, he makes himself indispensable in short order. |
Be more meticulous about using turn signals, so that other drivers know your intentions. |
The blizzard of details the prosecution produced was meticulous and almost irrelevant. |
Radford's historical research was meticulous, and, except for an occasional, very minor slip, the result is astonishing. |
The Chinese painters were meticulous copyists of the bookplates, drawings, or watercolors of arms provided them. |
The meticulous arrangements of fabric are as far from an unmade bed as you can imagine, and they pack a double punch. |
Inside and out, the attention to detail is meticulous and the interior finished in high-quality grey nappa leather. |
The men sport meticulous buzzcuts or sculpted bouffants, while the women swell suggestively beneath their modest attire. |
A whole winter brooding on the events of August would be unthinkable for such a meticulous mind. |
It took a great deal of meticulous soul-searching for Franklin to conclude that he was sick of being part of the establishment. |
References to Romans and their opponents the Volscians have been kept intact, but this is far from a meticulous reproduction of the period. |
Like Dr. Grant, however, the meticulous doctor found no pleasure in soiling his fancy haberdashery during a leisurely round of golf. |
The procedure requires meticulous dissection and exhaustive hemostasis to prevent damage to adjacent structures. |
His meticulous character suited his outside interests of coin and stamp collecting, chess, genealogy, and Scottish history. |
I would like an explanation on why a meticulous man who removes his glasses would leave cardiogram suckers on his chest. |
Production was a meticulous, time-consuming process, comprising painting directly onto clear 35 mm film stock, frame by frame. |
He paid meticulous attention to the warmer sonorities without letting the tinkly orientalia obscure the predominantly smooth melodic contours. |
He dons a carefully chosen outfit consisting of a meticulous striped shirt and pants that match his season. |
For a movie that's about a professional, meticulous hired gun and the FBI dragnet to track him down, we see very little killing or police work. |
It took almost a decade of meticulous and painstaking work to empty the tomb of Tutankhamen. |
The NSW artist's meticulous eye and delight in her surrounds continually inform her work. |
Not even the camera and its glass plate photography could compare with Holmes's panoramas drawn with such meticulous detail. |
This meticulous preservation of historical prototypes from copy to copy articulates a distinctly iconographical realism. |
Of this central Lockean teaching and Zuckert's meticulous and illuminating discussions of it, we hear not one word from Prof. Mitchell. |
Despite the meticulous period setting, the production is not about 1956 but about Jimmy Porter and his similarly intriguing cohabiters. |
These are intricate contraptions requiring complicated computer programming and meticulous physical refinement and testing. |
No matter how meticulous the police operations to remove dealers from the streets, a new wave will fill their shoes within weeks. |
He is observant and conscientious and pays meticulous attention to details. |
The whirlwind paced action inherently requires meticulous timing and control, which the cast display with consummate verve and flair. |
Some of the earliest ledgers date from 1821, when the High Street apothecary kept his records in meticulous copperplate handwriting. |
After just six years in service, a normal plane undergoes a meticulous and costly check for corrosion. |
Indeed, meticulous cleaning of the myriad channels, ports, crevices, and valves is critical. |
I have always taken pride in my meticulous cleansing routine, and now have to use a cotton bud to de-fluff. |
Parkman was a meticulous researcher, and diligently footnoted virtually every fact and passage. |
But despite its meticulous construction, upon casual listen the album can appear to be almost formlessly wispy. |
The elders were meticulous in their portrayal of the characters and their attention to their costume foxed the judges. |
This is the story of two very different goat dairies who found direct-marketing success with meticulous management and distinctive products. |
The appeals courts are very meticulous about making sure every death sentence is appropriate. |
He kept meticulous records of his expenditure in Africa and reading the six-page digest shows just what a herculean task remains to be faced. |
What distinguished him was his extraordinary care and diligence in maintaining a meticulous filing system. |
He disassembled the phone with meticulous care, then scattered the pieces with his foot. |
Having distrained upon the plaintiff's goods, the inventory prepared fell short of being meticulous. |
For all the opulent exoticism of his unique harmony, Alexander Scriabin was nothing if not meticulous about musical form and structure. |
Initially trained as a classical comparative ethologist, he learned the disciplines of meticulous observation and objective description. |
These estimates are based on a massive and meticulous use of primary and secondary sources that are well documented in the volume. |
He was famed for his meticulous preparation, producing his own racecard detailing the jockeys' colours and other key details. |
For once, the best-laid economic plans of the meticulous Chancellor of the Exchequer went agley. |
Riker, a veteran of the Manhattan recording scene, may be somewhat of a wild man, but he's also extremely meticulous. |
According to a biography published by his son, Bingham was a meticulous record keeper. |
Some of the cases have highlighted the midwife's meticulous record-keeping of the situation. |
He was known for his meticulous interviews and his strict word of honor about protecting witness identity. |
He is a workaholic who puts in 14 to 15 hours a day and has a meticulous eye for detail. |
Last year the chapel was re-erected at the museum after a meticulous restoration that lasted ten years. |
He had refreshed his memory by consulting the meticulous diaries he has kept throughout his career. |
The voice is a little colourless in its lower register, compensated by a bright tone in the middle of his voice, and meticulous intonation. |
This book is perhaps the best introduction to the Pali texts, with their peculiarly meticulous and laconic style. |
With meticulous industry, she shows the direction for the student community to pursue remunerative careers, with a high degree of optimism. |
Of the 15 attempts at replantation, only 5 were successful, despite meticulous technique. |
You are minutely analytical and can fulfill any task that requires meticulous attention to detail. |
Despite meticulous suturing, telescoping techniques, or covering the anastomosis with pedicles of vital tissues, dehiscence may still occur. |
But the fly-half is a chip off the old block when it comes to meticulous planning and almost disturbing dedication to duty. |
He wasn't the type to show off or anything and he was so meticulous about doing everything properly. |
Visually, his art is specifically stylized, with thin line work and meticulous attention to detail. |
In such cases, the armiger to whom the supporters are being granted will be meticulous about the accuracy of the uniform concerned. |
Darwin's last major publication was a treatise on the lowly earthworm that exemplified the meticulous scientific method that brought him to fame. |
The story line is telegraphed from word one and the meticulous unfolding plot plods ahead inexorably without the slightest bit of suspense. |
He is meticulous in locating his own work in relation to existing feminist scholarship in the field. |
Matthews, a previous Pulitzer nominee for Where The Buffalo Roam, is a meticulous mapper of Manhattan's diverse animal population. |
Above all, he prepared mounts that were marked by meticulous attention to detail and precise labeling. |
Bristow, scrivener and the King's clerk, was meticulous in his record keeping. |
Both are works of meticulous detail and in each, there are powerful depictions of innocence under threat. |
He sought to depict the inner reality of objects by means of meticulous physical observations. |
The trick here is meticulous preparation in order to avoid the intrusion of any semblance of reality. |
She brings the historian's craft to bear on the study of the epidemic raging at that time, and her account is both enthralling and meticulous. |
In all of this merrymaking, I cannot overlook the meticulous research into instruments and music that preludes such an undertaking. |
A most meticulous man, his toolbox was his pride and joy and woe betide anyone who didn't put a tool back exactly where they got it! |
Service is meticulous and as far as we could tell the food was prepared to order. |
She was very careful in her everyday life and was meticulous and was not the type of person to approach strangers. |
You are known to be a rather meticulous musician, with a great attention to details. |
It's hard to devise an argument that debunks the merit of his meticulous methodology. |
It is his meticulous attention to detail which has brought him the fast cars and the fast lifestyle he has enjoyed. |
Their leader must be a very, very intelligent, meticulous and careful person. |
Babinski obtained his doctorate with a meticulous thesis on the topography of lesions and their correlation with symptomatology in multiple sclerosis. |
It exhibits the same meticulous detail and refined finish, only varying in the addition of a lapis lazuli stand and in some minor heraldic details. |
He admitted responsibility without hesitation, and in meticulous, grisly detail. |
Making real moving holography is an incredibly meticulous and time-consuming practice. |
They proved that fungi can be identified in virtually all patients with chronic rhinosinusitis if meticulous, painstaking efforts are taken to procure samples. |
Each page of score is spaciously laid out, meticulous and uncluttered. |
Besides keeping meticulous records, the fifth earl of Huntingdon was a man of exemplary piety, a moderate Calvinist who was obsessed with sabbatarianism. |
In a line of business built on meticulous order, the inner workings of Spinal Solutions were a study in disorder. |
The new building steers the straits between meticulous restoration and furious demolition, refusing a puritanical stance towards the glass-cased bibelot. |
As a General, Monty was a great planner, meticulous in his attention deal. |
In this case, it is the story of a heroic time told by a quite unheroic, irritable, meticulous, but affectionate and completely determined human being. |
Les was meticulous and precise, particularly in his use of English. |
She had planned for her retirement and old age with meticulous care. |
The work is so meticulous that even their outer ears have to be painted with a tiny brush, which makes it difficult to remove their makeup after a performance. |
The team carried out meticulous studies of the birds' eggshells to show that speckled areas of shells are significantly thinner than unpigmented patches. |
Rick suggests a Woodbury-esque sneak attack on the hospital and lays out a meticulous strategy relying heavily on timing and luck. |
Colleagues describe Kashkari as sharp, meticulous, and something of a slave driver, despite having a lighthearted sense of humor. |
Graceful sampans, piled high with meticulous arrangements of fruit and vegetables, tables, urns and clay pots, float leisurely as they plied their merchandise. |
It took a special, meticulous kind of person to accomplish the undertaking, someone with brains, patience, and nerves of steel. |
Both Trudeau and alter, levelheaded as they are, are extremely meticulous about their production. |
In his heyday, Richards had an eerily clinical and meticulous approach to drug use, a backhanded compliment to be sure. |
Without overshadowing his talented counterparts, Cedar commands the stage with a meticulous mix of stoicism and candor. |
David, the meticulous neoclassicist, insisted upon the verity of his work. |
In everyday life he's a gentleman to his fingertips, and professionally he is just about as meticulous and capable at his job as anyone you could ever hope to encounter. |
So wherein lies the greatest value of a meticulous catalogue of this sort? |
Such plans should include meticulous scale renderings known as elevations. |
There is a lot to be said about stop-motion animation and the meticulous work that is put into those projects. |
Both songs are remarkable works of songcraft, with meticulous arrangements that balance unconventional chord progressions with moments of pure melodic grace. |
In his own way, the smart and meticulous Lancashire starred in the dramas of TV studios, with his hair tuggingly late delivery of scripts. |
The speech is meticulous in details, a common mark of all his extant works, and he goes into long digressions on related matters. |
Most critics group Lanyon with the Chicago imagists, artists who use ordinary objects and meticulous detail to explore fantasy. |
Their report was a meticulous forensic investigation and indicated that coal dust contributed to the severity of the explosion. |
The earliest Netherlandish oil paintings are meticulous and detailed like tempera paintings. |
Once he had his theory, Darwin was meticulous about gathering and refining evidence before making his idea public. |
This has resulted in meticulous strict handling procedures with new cases of serious crime. |
Geography, the census, and the meticulous keeping of written records were central concerns of Roman Imperial administration. |
He experimented with many forms, but is best known for his meticulous still lifes and portraits. |
The Incas formed this civilization through imperialistic militarism as well as careful and meticulous governmental management. |
His meticulous attention to detail was revealed through the legendary train sets. |
In this meticulous and engagingly written study, David Collins examines the phenomenon of humanist hagiography. |
His late still lifes are stunning in their meticulous execution and imaginative treatment. |
Best Quote Given his meticulous, pragmatic and unexcitable nature, it's not always easy to tease a blockbuster line out of Kenny Jackett. |
Once a brand to be equated with meticulous, intelligent and craftsmanlike theatre, its standards have plunged disastrously. |
Panarchy theory had its origins in Holling's meticulous observation of the ecology of forests. |
Burletta for the meticulous precision in performing the compression set tests. |
His horses were renowned for their footsure jumping, a talent honed by the meticulous nature of their preparation. |
One project is a meticulous academic study bridging intellectual history and literary criticism by examining how Arab intellectuals and belletrists have dealt with sexuality. |
Coinage from this era displays a highly consistent degree of quality including meticulous attention to Domitian's titulature and refined artwork on the reverse portraits. |
With meticulous attention to all of Barth's forced symbolizations and twisted theological assessments, Sonderegger traces the development of his negativity toward Judaism. |
From the trees comes the doleful cry of the black-faced dioch, and the weary rustle of galagos creeping back to their nests after a meticulous night's prowl. |
In the 14th century, Carthusian monks of southern Spain kept meticulous pedigrees of bloodstock lineages still found today in the Andalusian horse. |
That means Colin's the world's best mindreader as well as a cracking designer, or, er, Michael doesn't have the meticulous, hands-on role that fans might expect. |
The Maya made meticulous observations of celestial bodies, patiently recording astronomical data on the movements of the sun, moon, Venus, and the stars. |
Through a meticulous unpacking of Heidegger's lecture on Aquinas's Five Ways, Kelly charges that Heidegger misframes Aquinas's project as a kind of ontotheology. |
The final two decades of the 19th century saw the birth of modern scientific archaeology in the Maya region, with the meticulous work of Alfred Maudslay and Teoberto Maler. |
To some, the meticulous presentation will inevitably read as inauthentic. |
The clerk was in charge of the written record of everything on the ship, especially the cargo inventory, which he tracked with meticulous precision. |
Cunnington made meticulous recordings of neolithic and Bronze Age barrows, and the terms he used to categorize and describe them are still used by archaeologists today. |
Professor Tobias may be best known for his meticulous, detailed and wide-ranging research work as a palaeoanthropologist on the human biology of various populations in Africa. |
Meticulous on the one hand, but unbelievably sloppy and careless on the other. |
Meticulous copy editing may be another impediment to the quick dissemination of results. |