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How to use maximus in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word maximus? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
You must squat to build a symmetrical sexy lower body with a balance between the quadriceps and the hamstrings and gluteus maximus.
You also use lower-body muscles including your quadriceps, hip flexors and gluteus maximus.
Your gluteus maximus, quadriceps, hamstrings and calves work to bend your knee and lift your body upward and lower it back to the start.
The two principal species of elephant are Loxodonta africana, the sway-backed African elephant, and Elephas maximus, the Asian elephant.
The hamstring muscles on the back of the thigh work with your gluteus maximus during leg extension and knee flexion.
The basking shark, Cetorhinus maximus is only second in size to the whale shark.
Swimming, cycling, power walking, running and step aerobics will tone up your gluteus maximus nicely.
Your gluteus maximus and hamstrings are powerful hip extensors that are activated whenever you stand, sit or step up.
In the hip joint, the gluteus maximus and hamstrings muscles are strongly involved if you go sufficiently deep.
The primary muscles of the hip joint are the gluteus maximus and hamstrings.
I type this having regained the feeling in my fingers, toes, trapezius, gluteus maximus and cerebral cortex.
The first three work the gluteus maximus in conjunction with all the complementary muscles, and the last two zero in on and specifically isolate the glutes.
It moves your leg out and away from your body's midline with the help of the gluteus minimus and four other assistor muscles, including the gluteus maximus.
Both moves target the glutes, particularly the gluteus medius that forms your upper hip, and the upper fibers of the gluteus maximus, the largest muscle of your glutes.
The lunge, in all of its forms, primarily targets the quadriceps and gluteus maximus, the muscle that gives your backside its shape and definition.
Next go to the squat machine, which exercises the largest muscles of the lower body, the gluteus maximus, the quadriceps, hamstrings and the gastrocnemius.
The gluteus maximus is one of the biggest muscles in the body.
The tendon of the gluteus maximus muscle was split to allow anterior translation of the femur and to prevent traction on the sciatic nerve.
On the contrary, no significant change in muscle volume of the gluteus maximus or muscle CSA at L4-L5 was observed in either group.
Gunnerus was the first to describe and name the species Cetorhinus maximus from a specimen found in Norway.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The rhombus maximus, said to be the best, and excepting the halibut, the largest of our flat fishes.
The Turbot, rhombus maximus, resembles in its general form a lozenge, whence its name of rhombus.
She ran towards maximus, who walked in advance and concealed me with his bulky form.
I do not intend to weary you, maximus, with a long reply on these points.
But it was now a question how maximus was to be got into the canoe.
What then is the purpose of such a long disquisition on maximus?
The second part, at least, was addressed to Caesar as pontifex maximus.
I know, maximus, that you will readily give a hearing to this letter.
This contest of disintegration and recomposition was carried on with much spirit between Maximus and Gabriel.
The reviser, Maximus, was condemned by a council, and confined on a charge of heresy in a distant monastery.
He was justly compared to Fabius Maximus, distinguished by the epithet of cunctator.
General Maximus is a battle-weary commander of one of Rome's finest legions.
The Department for Work and Pensions has announced US company Maximus will carry out the controversial Work Capability Assessments.
He received it, notwithstanding the labarum, and received further the title of Pontifex Maximus, which he retained all his life.
Maximus came up against theodosius in the end, and that was the end of him.
The most important of the works of Maximus will be found in Migne, Patrologia graeca, xc.
Frescoes of the school of Zuccari, representing games in the Circus Maximus, etc.
The chief of the pontifices, the Pontifex Maximus, was at the head of the college.
The case was tried by the proconsul himself, Claudius Maximus.
Mommsen's account of the pontifex Maximus should be consulted, Hist.
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