Two long-haired, goateed young men in flannel shirts momentarily stopped their dart game to stare. |
If you're going to choose a long-haired cat, know that your new pet will need frequent grooming sessions to prevent matted fur. |
The statue is of a long-haired Lennon sitting casually on a park bench, wearing jeans and his trademark wire-rimmed round glasses. |
The actress is now married to a long-haired rock musician from The Black Crows. |
The brown long-haired mutt won Best in Show and Best Trick, for howling on cue with his owner. |
These long-haired little dogs from the Inner Hebrides have a romantic history. |
To his right are a long-haired bassist and a long-haired lead guitarist, the second partially obscured behind a high pedal-steel station. |
He was cooling his heels at the bar with his date, a long-haired willowy blonde in a low-cut black dress. |
Brandon and Gordon looked and faced down a long-haired, sallow youth just a little older than Gordon. |
One of his four dogs, the long-haired dachshund, jumped up in my lap and we had a prolonged session of ear scratching. |
The farmers were not telling jokes, they were laughing uproariously at the long-haired, dippy hiker bloke. |
The host, a long-haired bloke with a Northern accent, was a genial non-condescending guide. |
To avoid the clumping or matting of hair in long-haired cats, grooming with a brush or comb is recommended. |
In recent years, too, long-haired fur has greatly increased in value, and red foxes are worth a lot of money to trappers. |
Magnificent spaniel ears very long pending, the round head and long-haired, rich and silky forming fringes. |
There are three varieties of hair, based on the region of origin: The long-haired variety has a longer topcoat. |
The first time she saw me I was a long-haired, post-hippie, shaggily dressed, 27-year-old cave dweller. |
We start with a blond, long-haired young man shambling through the woods, mumbling to himself. |
The long-haired variety needs a regular brush and comb and occasional trimming of stray hairs. |
Thousands upon thousands of long-haired and leather-clad fanatics crowded into the club for what was the gig of the year for many. |
She rushes off with the first long-haired motorcyclist who looks like he knows how to roll a joint. |
One theory is that he went off to India and became a long-haired hippy. |
They were also clean-shaven, long-haired and wore round woollen hats. |
Depp looks like the dark prince of fairy tales, long-haired and brooding. |
Most dog grooming brands offer specific products for long-haired dogs. |
At first I thought this was merely a good-natured jibe, but apparently this long-haired, tattily dressed young man was quite serious. |
The hotel manager come up to yell at him, but was just freaked out by this long-haired dirt butting a little 15-year-old's head into the wall. |
Until recently long-haired men risked being picked off the street for an obligatory short back and sides. |
Heading the list of acceptable prejudices is that against middle-aged, long-haired beardies. |
I am talking the days when he was a long-haired, hat wearing, toothsomely clean-cut teenager whose voice hadn't broken. |
The setter's long-haired coat easily wards off the north country's brisk autumn climate and punishing brier tangles. |
Rosie, a three-year-old long-haired tortoiseshell cat, lives with her owner in Gainsborough Close. |
Taylor Kitsch's haunted by Tim Riggins, Friday Night Lights' brooding and long-haired hunk. |
Inside, a long-haired cat lounged on a glass display case that held used semi-automatic pistols. |
Jeeves is a long-haired black and white tuxedo cat who is a veritable dishrag of love. |
I didn't want the unkempt, uncombed, untrimmed look that many of the long-haired men I saw were wearing. |
The Sphynx is a hairless cat while the Manx and Cymric are short-haired and long-haired cats without tails. |
The instant way to long hair is long-haired wigs, long hair pieces, or hair extensions. |
He sent an ambulance to me, and while I waited for it, I sat on the curb, scared stiff, clutching a matted, long-haired tabby cat. |
These particular friends were young, long-haired white kids. |
The intermediate type is long-haired but without ruff, fringes, culottes or feathering on the tail. |
I am one of those increasingly multiplying long-haired adolescent boys! |
The German longhaired pointer owes its looks and temperament to several of the long-haired continental bird dogs, as well as the Irish and Gordon setters. |
Despite that, nostalgia for the headless warrior or long-haired harridan has not vanished completely. |
We are being weaned, very slowly, from the idea that an inventor, a scientist, or a professor, is a long-haired gentleman, a little wild in the head, who has crazy ideas which sometimes work out. |
If you have a long-haired dog and the short contact points fitted to the collar in the factory are inadequate, remove and replace them with the long ones supplied with the kit. |
The battling, long-haired No10 opened the scoring in the sixth minute and then added a second just one minute later, cracking a shot from eight yards out. |
His father manufactured long-haired fur coats. |
I told them both about my crusade to spread the word of sustainability and debunk the mythos about long-haired, granola-eating folk that surrounds it. |
The long-haired, 35-year-old got on the bus by way of Facebook. |
It had fed bodgies and sailors and long-haired louts imitating The Beatles, as well as those kissing couples who had met at the Be-Bops dance on Saturday night. |
Nine times out of ten, it will conjure up an image of a brooding, sweaty, long-haired hunk. |
And though they were often derided as long-haired layabouts, they actually worked extraordinarily hard to conquer new territories and win over new audiences. |
At the entrance of the building, a full-length portrait of a heroic long-haired soldier sits imposingly. |
From that time on long-haired blue-eyed white kittens sprang up in most unexpected places. |
Mister, a long-haired mixed breed who enjoys walking on a leash, had no trouble adjusting. |
Shetland Sheepdogs are little long-haired working dogs of great beauty, with no sign of heaviness or coarseness. |
Regular sessions with a slicker brush also help keep long-haired coats looking good. |
At that time, garments made of long-haired furs went out of fashion, there was a major depression in fur prices and a decline in trapping, and the lynx population was able to recover. |
Back in the Eighties, you were either a mod, a long-haired rocker or a football casual and if you were a particularly awkward teenager you were a goth. |
True to type, Richard Stallman, the philosophical leader of the Open Source movement, is a charismatic, long-haired utopian. |
Here in Fitzroy, the city's bohemian heart, you'll see long-haired urban nomads sipping lattes next to the clean-cut businesspeople and second-hand stores next to high-fashion boutiques. |
Doubtless, you'refamiliar with the directory advert's twin skinny long-haired runners, with their droopy handlebar moustaches. |
In Tibet the breed is known as Apso Seng Kyi, which means long-haired lion dog. |
As he walked up to the stage at convocation, the cadets rose to salute him-the long-haired yin to their close-cropped yang-in front of thousands of parents, generals and the defense minister of the time. |
We're talking shaggy coats, darling – whether crinkly sheep, long-haired goat or full-on fur, it's set to be the cognoscenti's outerwear of choice. |
Her fellow San Franciscan Fraser is a long-haired, 24-year-old ex-baseball player with rugged, modelish looks. |
Women competitors in the Olympic Games have to pass a saliva test to prove they are not long-haired men. |
His Celtic harp went with him all around the world, too. Some decades later, the long-haired bard continues his artistic journey, still as interested as ever, still as attracted by the future. |
For five months the long-haired Negri scored goals as if they were going out of fashion. |
A mountain climber, he was long-haired and instinctively unaccommodating. |
Mr. Pinchot, wearing a long-haired fright wig, plays a guileless nut named Bobby McGee who has been struck by lightning and turned into a psychic. |