Throughout history, whenever any group has been labelled subhuman, serious abuse has followed. |
Unions sources, meanwhile, strongly hinted the dispute could be labelled official due to the lay-offs and workers being locked out of sites. |
Specimens were collected and transported in clean, leakproof and labelled containers to the laboratory. |
They already have wide currency amongst campaigners even if it is not labelled as such. |
Predominantly in the tangential walls, primary pit fields of high density are conspicuously labelled by aniline blue staining of callose. |
Inside she found two items, one of which was a disk labelled with Cyrillic lettering. |
It has since been labelled the most potent antifeedant known for the desert locust. |
As a group, equities receive a double plus weighting, bonds a double minus and cash is labelled a zero. |
While students in the 1960s were famed for their radicalism, students of today are labelled as apathetic. |
People are unwilling to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist for the fear of being labelled mad. |
Freedom Food labelled Devonshire Red Corn-fed Chicken is now available in a number of major retailers. |
Finally, a subject who is asymptomatic, with no signs of liver disease should be labelled as a healthy carrier. |
The main fatty acids labelled were palmitate, oleate, linoleate, and linolenate. |
The sauce comes in a round jar with a blue lid and is labelled pasta sauce arrabbiata chilli with a best before date up to June next year. |
Other packets of Jellyace Buko Bandan labelled as containing locust bean gum are safe. |
Thus he was labelled an elitist and his invitation to appear on Oprah's show was withdrawn. |
All too often, what would have formerly passed for simple rudeness or vulgarity is now labelled something much more menacing. |
The very notion of trying to sell Spanish cars labelled this man a fool and a loser. |
We function based on these beliefs labelled into finite categories and if you do not believe, tough luck, you lose. |
But he fails to account for why the Austrian government labelled them as criminals and left them in the lurch. |
The labelled reaction products resulting from elongation of the primers were separated on polyacrylamide gels which were then autoradiographed. |
An estate in Harpurhey has been labelled a dumping ground by irate residents who feel not enough is being done to make it a better place to live. |
Even in towns, some successful people in business have been labelled satanists. |
Their achievement is to have overcome being labelled cranks to make a real impact on the crucial environmental debate. |
They are then taken to the preparation area, where they are thawed and labelled. |
Of these, how many have been seen by a gastroenterologist before being labelled, and how many have had lactose intolerance excluded? |
On another occasion I labelled the complete fingerboard showing the notes at each and every fret position. |
This sectioned tissue is usually viewed under an electron microscope to determine which cells within it are labelled. |
The NPA says there are also instances of imported pig products being labelled in a way that can cause shoppers to think they are British meat. |
He offers tips to businesses looking to capitalize on the craze without being labelled a sender of spam. |
PorkWatch says there are instances of imported pork and pork products being labelled in ways that might make shoppers think they are British. |
I realise that while I was labelled a cradle-snatcher when we were together in the past, now I can instead be cradle-snatched. |
What has been labelled moral evil or human evil or sin touches every sphere of human activity. |
Others were labelled infirm, defined as the deserving poor, and provided for by benevolent asylums or charities. |
But 31 years later, the two are the best of friends and have been labelled the dream team by patients and staff. |
Specific genes are then identified and quantified by hybridization to a labelled DNA probe of a complementary sequence. |
Once labelled a terrorist, he was convicted of treason and jailed for 27 years. |
And people like me who say things like this get labelled sour old misanthropes. |
All were incorrectly labelled, either overstating the meat content, or failing to disclose additives. |
I put a labelled dustbin outside the gate for the mail, to prevent the postman having to drive along the farm road. |
Lord Lloyd also said he could see no reason why the condition should not be labelled Gulf War Syndrome. |
Just a small forest of black crosses, each labelled with the name of one of the 80 people who died trying to get out there. |
Producers are also incensed that much of the pigmeat being imported is not labelled with the country of origin. |
Kirsten had probably been mortally offended when Sunny had labelled her a cheerleader. |
Recent centuries have produced explanation after explanation for the phenomenon labelled God. |
The cleaned sand is stored in labelled glass bottles identifying the location where it was found. |
In today's cyber age, people take it as an insult to be labelled narrow-minded for their opinions with obvious bias. |
The packets of cigarettes were being smuggled inside cans labelled as peas or beans. |
In one case a 10-year-old boy, labelled as a dreaded Naxalite, was arrested on an accusation of murder. |
You get old-age pensioners labelled as bad boys because they were rock stars years ago. |
Even when they're labelled stupid and brainless, they receive the news with huge smiles on their faces. |
Of the batteries that failed, two were branded Nokia, and two were labelled Mobile Plus. |
Expulsion of resorufin was readily observed from the nephridiopore during observation of the labelled parasites. |
To have your condition labelled as a disease may bring considerable benefit. |
The safety standard for children's nightwear says garments must be labelled Low Fire Danger, which the Pjays range was. |
Across the UK, people have reported sightings of animals variously labelled as puma, leopard, panther or lynx. |
Our IT room was the most atrocious spaghetti junction with cables going from one place to another and nothing was labelled. |
For we are discussing a subject which, when I was nobbut a lad, was strictly labelled Ladies Only. |
Shoppers are being duped into buying foreign meat which has been inaccurately labelled as Scotch beef, farmers' leaders have claimed. |
When the FSA took some samples from supermarkets they found that 35 per cent had been falsely labelled. |
While the subaleurone cells were intensively labelled, no label was seen in the outer layers of the grain, i.e. in the testa, pericarp and husk. |
Then in the spring of 2005, the bridge design was labelled a butt-ugly structure. |
If your children are pestering you for super-trendy labelled gear, this is the place to visit. |
The subplot centers were permanently marked with metal rebar stakes with labelled metal caps. |
The names of persons in the photographs should be clearly labelled on the back along with captions, titles or explanations. |
A grandad has claimed he has been labelled a dealer in hard drugs by a police leaflet campaign. |
In addition, alcoholic cocktail drinks must be clearly labelled and not portrayed as fizzy soft drinks. |
Hazardous materials such as batteries, empty paint tins, oily rags etc must be delivered separately and similarly labelled. |
Students must ensure that each item of clothing, including underwear, be clearly labelled with their names. |
Every conservationist is in danger of being labelled reactionary, a stick-in-the-mud, backward-looking. |
The collective refuse to be labelled as their music selection is ever changing and constantly modified. |
Despite being labelled as a fast growing city, the average man on the street expects that the city would be clean and free from pollution. |
Another theorist has labelled similar effects in social organization more generally as mediate and proximate structuration. |
His call to buy more shares and move away from residential property has been labelled an attempt to outflank political opponents on the right. |
Instead they are labelled as bad at maths or stupid when, in fact, what they have is really no more than number blindness. |
We'll be passing around large and clearly labelled jars of PROZAC and carry hip flasks of sherry. |
The seven parts are labelled as stated in the table overleaf, which shows how the parts are distributed between the two sources. |
Observers made their responses by pressing one of two keys on the computer keyboard, labelled with a vertical or horizontal line. |
The front panel pins, whilst not colour coordinated are, for a change, well labelled by the printing on the PCB as to what each does. |
There was another syringe labelled fentanyl that contained the suxamethonium. |
They had to be counted, bagged and labelled and they were the bane of my life. |
This point is labelled A 3b, to emphasize that it is a degenerate quadrilateral. |
Although commonly labelled a jam band, the group prides itself on its musicianship. |
Essentially positivist in outlook, the quest for explanation is sometimes labelled critical rationalism. |
This map was mounted in the CP and streets were labelled using white strips of paper taped to the acetate. |
Flasks and bottles full of nitrates and sulphides and chlorates and acetone, labelled in English and Arabic, lay on dirty tables. |
It has also correctly labelled as disease free most, but not all, of the well people. |
Your music is often labelled as 'folktronica' or 'laptop folk', which hardly sums up your work. |
Wiccans and witches as well as magicians, generally do not like to be labelled in this manner. |
Now, I have in the past been labelled a social butterfly, so I did have some basis for my belief that all humanity would be my bosom friends. |
Her music, soft, almost folky, retains enough rhythm to be labelled rock, but throwing any clumsy label on it is not any critic's place. |
Each light is labelled with its musical name as well as its scientific frequency. |
I think that it's fair to say that this book should really be labelled as a failed experiment, shelved, and forgotten about. |
Even so, Taylor said that the playoffs are a new season and the team is striving for a national championship despite being labelled as underdogs. |
There is a generation of activists that have been labelled as criminals for expressing dissent. |
A Brentwood mother has labelled the postal service appalling after an important parcel took almost three weeks to arrive. |
Many people around the world who were once labelled as terrorists are now regarded as international leaders or even statesmen. |
But to have worked so hard, put so many hours in and sacrificed so much only to then be labelled as a racist is wrong. |
Rangers star Ronald de Boer last night angrily labelled the one-year ban imposed on his brother Frank as a miscarriage of justice. |
The radioactive carbon is the tracer molecule and the carbon dioxide has been labelled or tagged. |
Cells can also be labelled by intracellular injection of fluorescent dyes or reporter enzymes. |
Although the fines are not particularly onerous, the shame of being publicly labelled a flopper might be an effective deterrent. |
These holy warriors, frequently labelled fundamentalists, represent a direct engagement with the modern world rather than a simple repudiation. |
Historic houses were being labelled slums just because they were old. |
On a global scale the critics of the system are labelled heretics and on a micro scale people like me still seek refuge in shopping when it all gets too much. |
This may be because the complicated, lengthy claim forms confuse many people or perhaps they are scared to claim benefits for fear they will be labelled as scroungers. |
Analyses designed to sniff out diethylene glycol demonstrated just how much of this Austrian wine had been used to bolster sweet wines labelled as 100 per cent German. |
Fluorescence micrographs of radicle cells of dry seeds and seedlings of Medicago truncatula, labelled with tubulin antibody and with a fluorescent secondary antibody. |
British police officers have labelled the violence as drunken yobbery. |
We placed a sizable order and received them recently beautifully packed and labelled with an instruction sheet for planting and manuring the bulbs. |
Imagine looking desperately for adrenaline while treating a patient with a cardiac arrest, finding an ampoule labelled ephedrine, and mistaking it for epinephrine. |
His image has always been one of a man apart, the scraggy hair, ear-ring and stubble complementing a dress sense that could be labelled urban grunge. |
Exposing the gel to photographic film would give me a pattern of dark bands like a bar code, showing the positions of the radioactively labelled fragments. |
It is apparent from correspondence that a number of investment products labelled bonds have performed in a manner which has surprised their owners. |
The associate director does not think users will have any problems with the software, with the exception that some messages will be mistakenly labelled as spam. |
On Judgement Day I'd rather be labelled a do-gooder than an evil-doer. |
No dots can be detected in the vacuoles but the tonoplast and the transvacuolar trabeculae of cytoplasm are labelled demonstrating that actin is present at this level. |
Sequences were labelled according to previously published designations. |
To even suggest this fact is to be labelled a women hating bigot. |
Although labelled extra brut, it drinks more like a medium-dry. |
The coverslips were mounted, cell side up, on labelled microscope slides. |
Some tapes were labelled with the names of children and women and detailed information about the film, even whether the footage was light or dark. |
Every square on the board is labelled by a letter and a number. |
Locked iron-bound chests labelled with Sathe script were everywhere. |
Each of the first entries is labelled with the name of the voice. |
Longitudinal sections of the embryonic root showed that the structures that protect the rootlet, i.e. the root-cap and coleorhiza, were strongly labelled. |
It was labelled with the name of one of the directors of the hotel. |
A group of youths in Silsden are fed up being labelled as vandals and are working with Silsden Business Watch to find an area where they can ride their bikes. |
I've been labelled anti-feminist for questioning how we care for babies. |
The student who enters grad school intent on becoming a traditional humanist is the student who will be labelled as hopelessly unsophisticated by her peers and her professors. |
And even before all the recent events, Mali had been labelled as a sham democracy, full of corruption and ethnic strife. |
What really hurt them was being labelled as under-achievers. |
Now the generation of 1968 defends its position in academia and politics against a younger generation, often misleadingly labelled as post-modern rebels. |
Packets of Jellyace Buko Pandan which are labelled as containing locust bean gum, instead of Konjac, are legal and consumers are advised to check the label. |
As a general rule, the time of exposure to the labelled solution should be long enough to allow nutrients to pass the free space of the apoplasm and to reach the symplasm. |
We need to accept that the majority of young people don't commit crime and those that do need help and support, rather than being labelled as bad or evil. |
Despite being labelled as weak Havering councillors were putting on a brave face and pointing out they were at least moving in the right direction. |
But outright refusal often gets people labelled as freaks or loonies, and correspondingly discredits the challenges they deliver in the eyes of those they address them to. |
While we choose not to be labelled as such, it behooves us to reflect on the sadness and self loathing we experience as a result of performing acts of escapism. |
After three subsequent changes of fixative, metaphases were prepared by dropping the cell suspension onto labelled clean, moist microscope slides. |
The press has labelled the failed settlement a power-sharing agreement. |
The optimistic vision was presented at a council meeting last week, but some of its 43 measures were met with scepticism and labelled as over-optimistic. |
Please bring labelled seedlings, herbaceous plants, house plants and bunches of flowers, unwanted accessories and gardening books and magazines etc. |
I know the two words striking fear, at least into many departments at my company, are his honesty boxes, where these rates would have to be clearly labelled. |
One is tempted to conclude that it reflects a fear that anyone who is publicly critical of the extent of the problems will be labelled as a racist or similar. |
The harvested plant material was chopped up and returned to the soil to allow it to decompose so that no labelled nitrogen was lost from the system. |
Yet its exhibits, gleaned from some of the world's finest collections, elegantly displayed and labelled, are in essence, works of purposeful, premeditated vandalism. |
She then counted the number of half units and labelled the tick marks using improper fractions on the number line. |
The reformers, however, were quickly labelled as radicals and as associates of the French revolutionaries. |
The butterfly collection had each specimen labelled with the scientific name on a little piece of paper. |
Darwin had not labelled the finches by island, but from the notes of others on the Beagle, including FitzRoy, he allocated species to islands. |
Hobbes was terrified at the prospect of being labelled a heretic, and proceeded to burn some of his compromising papers. |
The Variations have amused me because I've labelled them with the nicknames of my particular friends. |
Around 1,000 of these companies are global market leaders in their segment and are labelled hidden champions. |
For inclusion in this scheme, it is not necessary that parties labelled themselves as a liberal party. |
For example, in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, consumer beverages are labelled almost exclusively using litres and millilitres. |
The cause of his death was labelled as lethargy, but he probably experienced a stroke. |
He found he was being labelled as the poet of the wild, writing only about animals. |
They disagreed with being labelled an indie band, with Powell saying they had only ever sought to write pop music. |
In 2003, the magazine Esquire labelled her the most beautiful woman on the planet. |
Hence ctenophores and cnidarians have traditionally been labelled diploblastic, along with sponges. |
The Atlantic cod is labelled vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. |
It has been labelled a public relations disaster by leading New Zealand PR firms and Consumer advocate groups. |
An early example of what today would be labelled a 'designer drug' was LSD, which was synthesised from ergot. |
They sailed south, passing Isfjorden and Bellsund, which were labelled on Barentsz's chart as Grooten Inwyck and Inwyck. |
Ultimately, the discrepancy was restricted with what some labelled artificial logic in the cases of R v Pora and R v Poumako. |
Furthermore, although the bottle was labelled as Stevenson's, McByde suggests it is possible it did not originally belong to him. |
Even today, women who show signs of anger and who express themselves in some assertive way may be labelled stroppy for doing so. |
As an intelligent and conscientious student, he was often labelled as teacher's pet in school. |
The Larkhall potter was Crucible king in 2006 but five years on is still angered some critics labelled him the worst world champion ever. |
Kinetics of labelled sugars and localization of absorbed products by freeze-substitution and autoradiography. |
Readers will enjoy the labelled diagrams of the inventive gadgets the space cadets take with them on their missions. |
The capsules are said to stimulate appetite and packaged in a grey bottle labelled as a product of Kweilin Drug Manufactory. |
The US government is seeking support for action against Iraq, which he labelled part of the Axis of Evil in his State of the Nation address. |
A CAMPAIGN has been launched to save a dancing lollipop lady labelled a hero by the schoolchildren she helps every day. |
The New York Times recently featured a gent labelled Lonnie Loosie who flogs cigarettes. |
Stewart had been taking Inferno, a substance labelled as a 'fat burner', which contains Ma Huang, a natural source of ephedrine. |
These genetically labelled bone marrow cells remylinated a peripheral pattern of mylination reminiscent of schwann cell myelination. |
The meatballs were labelled as beef and pork and were in one-kilogram frozen packs sent to the Czech Republic for sale in Ikea stores there. |
At King's our priority was to create a place where youngsters felt safe and make sure those who worked aren't labelled swots or teachers' pets. |
Some have labelled it Cyber Misogyny meaning a hatred for women via the internet. |
Sucralfate, although not labelled for this indication, has been used for SRMD prophylaxis. |
Children unlucky enough to have any medical problems, even minor ones, were likely to be labelled as unadoptable and not placed. |
Fifty-five people have been diagnosed with Mers-CoV, which was first labelled as a novel coronavirus with 31 fatalities. |
The OLF and OLA are labelled as a terrorist organisations by the Ethiopian government. |
The kid has been labelled with ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Asperger's and Bipolar Disorder. |
The truth is that, when made by an artisan, they are altogether superior to a varietally labelled Vin de Pays. |
Check the box labelled Disconnect when connection may not longer be needed, then click OK in each of the three open dialog boxes. |
The Court of Criminal Appeal in Edinburgh heard that psychiatrists now labelled his problem as an untreatable dissocial personality disorder. |
But a BBC investigation labelled them ditherers who sought to flee during the battle. |
Writing for the website Manchester Confidential, Mr Stringer says children labelled dyslexic are simply confused by poor teaching methods. |
This period is labelled as Eneolithic in the Karelian research tradition due to the presence of tiny pieces of native copper in some assemblages. |
In a small garden, especially where there's not much width, look for trees labelled Fastigiate. |
Oats act as a functional food and can be labelled accordingly, however it is the intrinsic characteristic of oats that are functional, not an added dietary component. |
These labelled samples are then combined, run on an isoelectric focusing gel in the first dimension, and separated by SDS-PAGE in the second dimension. |
If he is fed up with being labelled a feigner, it does not show. |
I don't like the ergophilia, bureaucratitis, technomania and war fever that I'm surrounded by, yet these things don't actually get labelled as sicknesses. |
But the pugmark method has often been labelled inaccurate by experts. |
Urine epigenomics as labelled by Sanchez-Carbayo is clearly a hot topic in bladder cancer, but obviously requires additional studies and especially validation. |
But Eminence Grise didn't agree with Mr Pickles being labelled a fat cat. |
He was labelled a molecular gastronomist, though he dislikes the term. |
Almost all Alsatian wine is varietally labelled, which is rare in France. |
Eight in ten people think it is important that the country of origin is labelled on meat and poultry, and around three quarters feel it is important for other foods. |
Both Verdad N8 and Verdad N9 can be labelled simply as 'vinegar' and are produced by the fermentation of corn sugar with specifically selected food cultures. |
Michael Chopra, the local kid with black and white blood, was effectively labelled a Premiership no-hoper, such was the poor contract offered during the summer. |
They last came to Coventry at the start of the year as they filmed a special series on obesity after the city was labelled one of the chubbiest in the country. |
For example, prior to the announcement of one acquisition, Goffer gave one of his tippees a disposable cell phone that had two programmed phone numbers labelled 'you' and 'me. |
Kiwi international Locke finished with 16 points from a try and six goals, but Giants coach Paul Anderson labelled Tasi's hit on Danny Brough a cheap shot. |
The first ski jump competitor to represent the UK, Eddie the Eagle was labelled 'the world's worst ski jumper' due to his record of finishing last every time. |
Millefoglie di Casa Perbellini Perbellini's extraordinary version of Mille-Feuille has been labelled 'legendary' and 'the dish that made him famous. |
Major oceanic-tectonic features including transform faults, mid-oceanic ridges and subduction zones are now outlined and labelled for easier reference. |
Many of the insults go well beyond the accustomed malignment of political opponents and are better labelled as character assassination and demonization. |
Therefore, labelled leukocyte imaging is less useful in disease in which the cellular response is not predominantly from neutrophils, such as in tuberculosis. |
Metabolic power of European starlings Sturnus vulgaris during flight in a wind tunnel, estimated from heat transfer modelling, doubly labelled water and mask respirometry. |
According to Professor Chinn, Chamberlain has been harshly labelled as an appeaser who wasn't strong enough to stand up to the evil German leader. |
In the wake of the scandal, she faced a fierce backlash from diehard Twilight fans and was labelled a home wreaker for coming between Sanders and his wife, model Liberty Ross. |
Finally he turned to the huge volumes of the Oxford English Dictionary where he found that the word 'sphairistic', labelled 'rare', meant tennis playing. |
This reluctance has been labelled constitutional conservatism. |
Throughout history they have been incorrectly labelled as Black Caribs. |
Using Nevado Mismi, which in 2001 was labelled by the National Geographic Society as the Amazon's source, these scientists made new calculations of the Amazon's length. |
Outside India, such a drink would more likely be labelled a rum. |
Interesting, then, that 10 years later, I would be labelled a racist. |
This and Duchamp's other works are generally labelled as Dada. |
The rise of the centralized court is one of the economic and political features of what is often labelled the Age of Absolutism, personified by Louis XIV of France. |
Other saints may not be identifiable unless labelled with an inscription. |
The dispute then broke out in full force in 1711 when the Royal Society proclaimed in a study that it was Newton who was the true discoverer and labelled Leibniz a fraud. |
The government increasingly resorted to force in its attempts to stamp out the Cameronians and the other Society Men, in a period subsequently labelled as the Killing Time. |
Freedom of expression is essentially another, and perhaps more accurate, way of referring to the composite of rights usually labelled freedom of speech. |
The stigma is the problem for those who don't want to come out of the closet, because they'll be labelled as the floppy wristed pansies that everybody thinks they should be. |
As I said earlier, the Prime Minster and the Minister for Employment and Youth Affairs have unmercifully labelled sections of the unemployed as dole bludgers. |
The second group was also fed the labelled diet but only during the last ten days of the fattening period when animals were fitted a neck collar to prevent caecotrophy. |
When finally recognised as a serious chronic condition and labelled myalgic encephalomyelitis, victims finally got some of the belated help they deserved. |