The body is also overlaid with logs and fragrant juniper branches, so that onlookers see only flame, not the body as it incinerates. |
An environmental company that incinerates the materials manages the printing inks. |
On the Queen Mary II an elaborate plant treats waste and incinerates it on board in an environmentally friendly manner. |
The method, Dry-RexTM, takes wet sludge, presently landfilled, and dries it together with bark and incinerates it to produce steam. |
I was assured that as Bolton incinerates its rubbish, and the incinerator is used to produce electricity as a by-product, that in effect this waste is being recycled. |
While the city of Bern currently incinerates the collected materials due to the lack of a regional sorting facility and merely utilises the resulting energy, Zug is involved in an experiment to reconvert plastics into oil. |
The Daisy Cutter creates a huge fireball that incinerates everything within a 600-yard-radius. |
A carefully metered pilot flame incinerates the sample. |
Stack sampling has not been required, nor conducted, at the St. Joseph's Hospital incinerator, as this facility only incinerates 12 tonnes of waste per year. |
Cameco responded that it incinerates contaminated combustible material from Cameco's Blind River facility and Cameco's Port Hope nuclear fuel conversion facility. |
Together with Dexia Crédit Local, Dexia Crediop was mandated as advisor and lead-arranger to finance the Tecnoborgo cogeneration project, which will produce electricity as it incinerates post-consumer waste. |
Furthermore, Sydkraft's subsidiary Ecoplus operates a so-called waste-to-energy facility in a Swedish municipality where it incinerates non-hazardous waste for the production of heat to the local district-heating network. |