Coroner Nicholas Rheinberg said the accident arose from a chain of tragic incidents. |
The key similarity was the evidence that in both incidents he had armed himself with two knives. |
Police believe banning sales of replica guns will lead to a drop in armed robberies and firearms incidents. |
Residents are being warned to make sure their sheds are securely locked after incidents where thieves have struck. |
Since the two incidents, Petra has been kept on a lead and had a muzzle on when people are around, the court heard. |
She clashed with the headmistress so often that she kept a log of incidents on the advice of colleagues. |
Self-testing devices and devices that maintain logs to track incidents are available. |
This included a drugs raid in May, fights in the pub and a log of incidents over the past year. |
There's a database which logs all the calls and incidents, and which gives us an overview. |
There have been more serious incidents, and plenty of a similar nature, left unpunished over the past couple of seasons. |
I am sure there remained a constant risk of further domestic incidents involving violence and breach of the peace. |
We have unverified reports that these incidents have resulted in at least three serious injuries or deaths. |
They would be logging any incidents, to form a case for the closure of the home. |
He savoured such incidents, which he quickly noted in his spiderish hand-writing, to be retrieved for use on some later date. |
It relies on composition, using largely unornamented surfaces, with small incidents of ornament, or at times a small-scale over-all pattern. |
Most of the incidents involved name-calling, verbal abuse and racist comments, rather than physical assaults. |
The media, of course, treats these incidents as an amusing sideshow, a bit of spice in an otherwise bland political soup. |
Operation Trident, which tackles black-on-black crime in London, is investigating both the incidents. |
With Bonfire Night and Hallowe'en less than a month away, police are saying incidents of fireworks being let off are already on the rise. |
There were 21 injuries as a result of accidental fires a slight increase from last year but half of those reported were from just two incidents. |
Creep is a gory bloodbath, with enough macabre incidents of torture to put it up near the video nasty shelf. |
And Pittsburgh education officials recently began placing independent monitors in each school after several cheating incidents. |
Another 144 soldiers have died in non-hostile incidents, according to the Pentagon. |
Soon I'll be reduced to relating little incidents from my life, unrelieved by links anywhere. |
Security is high for shopping malls throughout the region, after several incidents of violence among Black Friday shoppers. |
How many of these incidents, and how many civilian deaths, does it take in Afghanistan to constitute a war crime? |
It has been four years, three teams and countless off-the-field incidents since Kerry Collins quarterbacked a playoff team. |
He said data from accidents and damage incidents is collected and used to tailor officer and staff training to improve safety and cut down costs. |
They were watched over by several hundred police officers, but no incidents were reported. |
These little incidents made me think about the countless dramas and crises that happen to people every day. |
All reasonable people understand that acts of God, accidents, or incidents will happen that will affect the quality of drinking water. |
These are individual incidents and overt racism should be easy to deal with. |
The radios also send text messages and updates on incidents, and there is an emergency button. |
I have been putting events on for 28 years and have never had any incidents at all. |
Failure to adhere to safe working practices in the laboratory can quickly result in serious injuries or incidents. |
The public prosecutors with jurisdiction over the matter didn't treat the incidents so lightly. |
We have incidents of vandalism but to have this sort of robbery with a man trussed up is terrible. |
Ministry of Interior officials were responsible for most incidents of abuse of prisoners, including beatings, whippings, and sleep deprivation. |
Among the highlights were crowd trouble, arrests and the inevitable tabloid furore that accompanies such incidents. |
In other incidents I have received bruises, a sprained thumb and had my head banged against a wall. |
Police were called out to deal with two more incidents involving gangs of youths gathering in Etty Avenue, Tang Hall, York, last night. |
But there have been some suspicious incidents in the South in which one could imagine agents provocateurs playing a role. |
Approximately how many were carjackings, or incidents that involved threats, aggravation or violence? |
Teachers have been aggressed, with many taking to their heels following incidents with their students. |
He said that in many incidents police did not know if a weapon was real or imitation unless it was recovered later. |
Direct aggression can shade into behaviour which may be characterised as violent or aggressive incidents. |
I am aware that recently concerns have been raised about the increasing number of accidents and incidents involving mobility scooters or buggies. |
Smith was charged with three kidnappings, three robberies and three firearms offences relating to alleged incidents on the day. |
The airline recorded more than 230 cases of air rage last year, although it does not log incidents that happen on the ground. |
You cannot have airtight, foolproof countermeasures that would prevent incidents of kidnapping like this. |
There have been a number of other incidents of racial abuse in the area in recent weeks. |
Cash machine crime is increasing in Surrey and there have been incidents of cards being cloned after thieves tampered with machines. |
However, both forfeited their chances of overall victory when their team withdrew later that evening, fearing further incidents. |
There were a number of incidents that were obviously not within the sporting bounds that we require. |
The recent election was one of the most violent on record with 2,247 incidents officially reported, including 46 deaths. |
The three recent incidents cannot be bunched together to conclude that an irreversible rot has set in the police department. |
You want to take another look at the game and in particular those incidents. |
There have been incidents of grounding where ships have been operating where charts are inadequate and waters unsounded. |
The incidents left officials at both airlines red-faced in issuing apologies. |
Stunts filmed for the show have been connected to many copycat incidents worldwide. |
Police had worried about trouble after the match but apart from a few incidents of drunkenness the upset didn't cause patrols any problems. |
Unfortunately incidents like this one last month are commonplace and reflect badly on all involved in providing a train service. |
Ashamed, he tried to cover the incidents up, even ordering his representatives to publicly alibi his wife's violence. |
Firstly it must be said that all of these incidents are regrettable and that this newspaper in no way condemns the breaking of the law on drugs. |
An insurance company needs to reinsure its clients to minimize losses in case of incidents which result in claims. |
This substantial collection of 105 pages of poems is not related as a narrative, but as a variety of incidents from different lives. |
In the rest of the region police said it was relatively quiet for a New Year's Eve with no major incidents. |
He told the packed court that none of the incidents had been accompanied by aggressive behaviour, bad language or threats of violence. |
Recorded incidents of violent crime, typified by drunken yobbery, have more than doubled. |
They investigated eight incidents over the past two weeks in which pilots reported seeing laser beams in their cockpits. |
Such incidents may seem minor, but they represent skirmishes in a larger battle. |
Once a suspect is identified, people retroactively interpret incidents to support the new accusation. |
Those incidents prompted him to restart the computer security inquiry, and new revelations have emerged at today's hearing. |
The season's festive revelries began in force on Thursday evening, but with them came a series of incidents including assault and vandalism. |
All four incidents involving the potentially lethal weapon happened within the space of an hour in Grimsby. |
As controlling behaviour index scores increased, the proportion of women who reported experiencing violent incidents also increased. |
The growing incidents of apparent decay of our moral fibre should be of concern to every right-thinking citizen of this young nation. |
Officers are not connecting the two attempted snatches, but are urgently appealing for witnesses to both incidents. |
The result was a one-third reduction in the number of robberies and a general diminution of other anti-social incidents. |
Slips, trips and falls are a very common cause of accidents with hundreds of thousands of incidents reported each year. |
He recalls one of the many incidents that still trigger him ahead in his mission. |
Early reporting means that police can log the incidents and have more leads to follow. |
In a second round of personal interviews, participants recalled critical incidents of using information from the Web. |
He was not specifically targeted, but was arrested as part of a general round-up after terrorist incidents. |
The accident emergency department was expecting a busy night with incidents that staff said were usually caused by rowdiness, alcohol and drugs. |
There are 40 incidents a day involving whole lorry-loads of waste being illegally dumped, in England and Wales. |
Safety assurances cannot be guaranteed because there is always a first time for incidents to happen. |
August was not August unless it was coloured by the few incidents of skinned knees, cuts and bruises. |
The unions vehemently denied supporting acts of sabotage and rejected the idea that their members were behind the incidents. |
I am greatly saddened by incidents which reflect poorly upon the young people of Wallington. |
Flattered by the officer's attentions, the girl, who was being bullied at school, did not report the incidents. |
There are no video or audio tape recordings of what either child said or says about these incidents. |
I've had a few bad incidents myself over my decisions to try ski jumping and the biathlon without any skills, experience, or the right equipment. |
It was one of the most bewildering incidents in aviation history during the Pacific War. |
Many Chinese reacted with alarm to the outburst, mindful of two major incidents in which they were embroiled in the past. |
In November, we had incidents of people breaking through fencing and looking under tarpaulins to see if our wagons were loaded. |
The warning follows a number of incidents in which members of the public have made off from taxis without paying their fares. |
If we turn to various explanations of how these incidents come about and how to prevent them, we face a babel of opinions. |
My sister had told me of incidents of violence in the past, and of controlling and manipulative behaviour. |
Some fans have spoken in rather distressing language about incidents of crushing that conjured up, in their own minds, memories of Hillsborough. |
Three of the incidents were termed crashes, while three were considered hard landings. |
I would expect the incidents of terminal diseases such as cancer or heart disease will increase if you don't do anything to prevent it. |
Violent crime here is mercifully rare, despite some terrifying recent incidents. |
Two of the Navy's trio of offshore patrol ships were on hand to rescue stricken mariners in two incidents on the same day. |
This marks a significant increase on previous years, with some very serious incidents requiring hospitalisation. |
We're still uncovering, as late as this morning, other incidents, other cases, that will be promptly investigated by the Department of Defense. |
She couldn't say this was less significant than those incidents, because this was a new kind of pain too. |
In previous incidents trampolines have been vandalised and on one occasion a knife was left in the playground. |
Of course such incidents are important milestones on our road to adulthood. |
Road traffic accidents in the city would thus be limited to negligent rear-ending incidents. |
Police have condemned the youngsters involved in at least four incidents in a matter of weeks. |
There were unconfirmed reports that police believe the suspect was one of the attackers involved in yesterday's incidents. |
As a result of these incidents the fourth claimant resigned from the golf club. |
Thankfully these incidents are rare, but we've had two high profile cases in a short space of time. |
Of course these incidents are upsetting to those affected in a way other people cannot understand. |
However, these incidents are not thought to be connected with yesterday's shooting. |
The company says it had to divert services after a spate of incidents this month. |
So far the oil from the birds has matched, but that oil has not matched any known natural seeps or other reported incidents. |
Police in Panama City, Florida, said last year they had seen two violent incidents linked to use of bath salts. |
Reporters who witnessed the incidents evidently did not regard the events as newsworthy. |
At this point the visitors began to lose self-control, creating unnecessary and ugly off-the-ball incidents. |
There were an impressive collection of articles dealing with fascinating incidents. |
It doesn't make it easier to cut down on my road rage incidents or keep from hurling sporks at self-obsessed co-workers. |
All the incidents were of a violent nature and included attacks by door staff on customers. |
The most serious incidents include criminal damage and violence against people. |
The trouble then spreads to town centre takeaways with incidents of criminal damage and violence. |
His memory for faces, names and incidents and his concern for every individual leaves behind him an indelible impression. |
It is unfortunate that newspapers publicise the few negative incidents rather than the many positive ones. |
On that night we had reports across the city of burglaries, car crime, public order incidents, domestic violence, road traffic accidents. |
There were fears about what might happen if both engines failed in separate incidents. |
According to the figures the total amount of violent crime rose 11 per cent to more than 812,000 incidents. |
He agreed that describing the incidents as the work of a serial attacker could change the public's psyche, but urged people not to panic. |
A security tape would be held and if any incidents came to light they would be flagged up. |
The two incidents brought a plea from the dentist and his colleagues for people to monitor their dentures and bridges. |
We have heard of incidents where people have suffered from quite aggressive behaviour from unsolicited tradesmen. |
There've been numerous other similar incidents this year of footballers mucking up in public. |
But PC Lees stressed that the figures were just the tip of the iceberg with many incidents going unreported. |
And we have no idea how many incidents have gone unreported or have been covered up. |
Monday's attack is the latest in a number of nasty incidents that have shocked locals in the town in recent weeks. |
Detectives say there have been at least eight incidents involving youths hurling missiles in the space of 10 days. |
Credibility is strained to near breaking point by incidents like this but never quite snaps. |
They urge everyone to report incidents of drug offences or anti-social behaviour on the estate to the boys in blue. |
This provides the driver with advance warning of incidents and snarl-ups ahead. |
In the trenches, among men facing death minute by minute, chance incidents were blown up and acquired a magical dimension. |
The case may turn out to be one of those terrible incidents that provide a wake-up call and a catalyst for positive change. |
Traffic incidents included 15 motor accidents, 30 cases of traffic obstruction and 16 illegally parked cars. |
Mr. Zanussi who travels round the world delivering lectures on cinema, has interesting incidents to relate about his sojourns. |
This generic twoness is reflected by other incidents of doubling throughout the novel. |
With this final volume, the reader realizes that small incidents and asides in earlier installments create a breadcrumb trail of clues. |
When she complained to the council she was asked to log the incidents. |
As I have analysed this and gone over the incidents a few times in my mind, right now I am having a few doubts to say the least about my reading of the situation. |
One of those incidents came last December, when a driver for the company fatally struck 6-year-old Sofia Liu in a crosswalk. |
Over the past five years the number of major traffic incidents that close down major urban arterial roads for hours at a time, has been increasing. |
The monsoon season that year saw six tiger attacks, despite the normal rarity of such incidents in that season. |
The meeting took place at the behest of the councillors in the wake of a spate of untoward and vandalistic incidents which have taken place in the town in recent months. |
My call will not be very long, but I do point out to this House that the number of incidents of female prison officers getting involved with prisoners is in the ascendant. |
The unit, formed under the Litter Act, comprises 12 wardens who will be responsible for minimising incidents of indiscriminate dumping of garbage in the city. |
A dog which was run over, a set of misplaced keys and a woman wanting a plumber were just a few of the incidents Bradford's emergency services dealt with this year. |
They've said all the allegations and incidents aired in the media so far have been simply the public airing of internal investigations that are already underway. |
It is believed incidents of car crime increase over the winter because of the dark nights and cars containing Christmas shopping in the run-up to the festive period. |
In the worst of a series of friendly fire incidents, 18 American special forces and their Kurdish allies were killed when they were bombed by a US warplane. |
The Daily Beast maps where the past month's freakish incidents have gone down. |
Some also express fears that sky marshals could be tempted to become involved in less dangerous incidents, such as cases of air rage or drunken brawls on board. |
The safety of passengers and crew is paramount and we will not tolerate air rage in any shape or form, although such incidents are fortunately extremely rare. |
Several of the shoplifting incidents were attributed to two culprits. |
This figure does not account for unreported or undiscovered incidents. |
While baking the cake we cooked the fish and chips and ate the food as it was gradually cooked while talking about terrible plane incidents on QANTAS airlines. |
People don't go to this kind of movie expecting accurately detailed, historically and truthful representations of real people recreating true incidents. |
Reported incidents should be taken at the umpire's word, and should carry automatic penalties, for which the tribunal should only be an appeals body. |
Most power cuts in city are due to incidents such as tripping of a transmission line or transformer failure and these are usually localised events. |
For example, research has shown that most carbon-monoxide alarm incidents are triggered by a malfunctioning furnace. |
The coroner says that tragically the deaths were not isolated incidents, as petrol sniffing at Balgo is widespread and some children are chronic sniffers by the age of eight. |
Law-abiding drivers will have to fork out extra to pay for compensation awards to victims of some 1,000 hit-and-run incidents being dealt with by insurers. |
We only log the details of those incidents where there have been injuries. |
Our members are statistically amongst the safest people with whom to share a racetrack, with consistently fewer incidents and therefore more track time. |
Thankfully, not all such incidents result in accidents and thankfully, even though this young woman's car was a complete write-off she only suffered minor injuries. |
It comes following numerous accidents involving the vehicles, including incidents in which users have inadvertently driven their mobility scooters onto motorways. |
They could agree to procedures in the Straits of Hormuz to prevent incidents from escalating. |
Ibrahim says that his son spent over 10 years in solitary confinement because of these incidents. |
I live in a city in the US where it is common to see such scarved women on the bus and in the market and on the street, yet I have never seen any such incidents of harassment. |
The California Horse Racing Board has increased security on backstretches throughout the state since four sponging incidents at Santa Anita in October. |
The team has been connected to some weird incidents this summer. |
The emergency tenders, which carry heavy-duty rescue equipment to incidents such as the Selby rail crash and serious road accidents, all need replacing. |
Representatives of the tax authorities said they have come across incidents when the excise labels had been attached to the bottles with adhesive tape or rubber bands. |
Even if it did happen such incidents are commonplace on the training fields of the land, a storm in a teacup quickly sorted and set aside by practical managers. |
The Department of Transport's latest air accident investigation report reveals details of incidents involving three jumbo jets last year at Heathrow Airport. |
There have been violent and, tragically, fatal incidents in the past. |
His reign as the Irish soccer manager could have been so much better if only a series of incidents had to fall in his favour rather than against him. |
Those incidents provided welcome relief from a turgid second period that saw Dunfermline monopolise possession, but rarely convince anyone they knew what to do with it. |
In May vandals went on the rampage trashing cars in a spate of incidents on the estates, including smashing windows, slashing sunroofs, tyres and scratching paintwork. |
Because the two opposing fleets never came face to face, a number of significant incidents of the battle are unrecorded, and these artworks help fill the gaps. |
The curfew was lifted in some parts of the city one day, only to be reimposed the next day in the same or other localities because new incidents had occurred. |
Although this was the first of several disciplinary incidents in Mendez's career, he was regarded as one of the game's best scrummagers, equally comfortable at prop or hooker. |
Each of these incidents incited the miffed woman to disseminate mild hearsay about my sexual orientation or general oddness. |
In Lusaka, police have recovered four vehicles which were stolen at gun point in two separate incidents and four people have since been arrested in connection with the thefts. |
As she noted, there have been no other known incidents of alleged sexual misconduct by Cosby that postdate the 2005 lawsuit. |
The programme has included officers patrolling in pairs and has seen violent incidents fall and a 20 per cent increase in the number of revellers. |
More often than not these kinds of infections are caused through faecal matter but there were no reports of any incidents of that sort on that day. |
A couple of people were treated for minor injuries but no major incidents occurred. |
My father's non-Muslim friends recount proudly incidents and anecdotes of maulvis and madrasas much in the same manner as we remember our school and teachers. |
Police believe the two incidents are connected and are appealing for witnesses, releasing artist impressions of three men linked with the raid this week. |
There are no statistics on the number of unreported incidents of sexual harassment. |
While the programmes chronicle real-life Irish incidents, their producers are clearly besotted with the whizz-bang of American television's hottest slice of hokum. |
Such incidents were legion and the spoils of office could be immense. |
But those incidents are due to mistakes and leaks, not proper fracking procedures. |
They suggest that use of this approach led to a reduction of aggressive incidents and that the approach has broader application to other forensic and mental health settings. |
Among the many incidents recalled in his long and winding career is a night back in 1962 when he MC'd the first-ever British performance by the erstwhile Robert Zimmerman. |
Earlier, hooligans pelted riot police and uniformed officers with bottles after numerous incidents on the Wearmouth Bridge approach to the stadium. |
Several minor incidents of little significance are included. |
Despite several degrees of self-censorship in those chatrooms, the number of incidents where the government followed an online outcry is countless. |
It is the season for lambing and sheep owners in the area are very worried as there have been a few small incidents already and they are hoping this will not happen again. |
It was the view of the committee that, in these instances, the incidents had likely involved the fouling of submarine telecommunication cables or associated debris. |
Because of their involvement in a number of incidents and controversies over the past 50 years, dioxins have been subjected to the most intensive studies. |
Over the past 35 years, there has been an average of jut under 20 incidents per year. |
There was no assassin but despite the overwhelming presence of troops and FBI agents, violent incidents still occurred. |
The Wasps need an experienced cameraman to video matches, an important role as tapes of incidents may have to be sent to the Rugby Football League for judgement. |
If it only takes this to turn me, Mr Peaceful, into a homicidal maniac it's easier to understand how more frequent and serious incidents lead to people tooling up. |
The strike period passed uneventfully with no major incidents in the area. |
On the contrary, we remain, rightly, shocked by these incidents. |
Women who drink rival men in amount of alcohol consumed, and trail men only slightly in incidents of binge drinking. |
Because the political bloggers who have been targeted live in different states, Frey has met with the FBI about the incidents. |
In a country where violent incidents have become more common, the Kunming attack was nevertheless a major shock. |
Over half the German regiments in Belgium were involved in major incidents. |
Night now gives place to the brightness of day, and amid its affulgence the world rolls on again to night, and each brings its incidents of life. |
These animals normally hit the plane's windshield or get sucked by the engine, in which case authorities label the incidents as avian ingestion. |
The pages of the diary are chock full of fascinating reports of medical incidents of all sorts. |
Two incidents damaged Churchill's reputation within the Conservative Party in this period. |
From 1969 to 2003 there were over 36,900 shooting incidents and over 16,200 bombings or attempted bombings associated with The Troubles. |
The City relies upon stations in the surrounding London boroughs to support it at some incidents. |
According to the European Railway Agency, in 2013 Britain had the safest railways in Europe based on the number of train safety incidents. |
For this reason Stansted has been involved in more hijack incidents than might be expected for an airport of its size. |
Such incidents are common in places such as Burkina Faso, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal and Tanzania. |
Books devoted to the homely beliefs of the peasantry are filled with incidents of pixie manifestations. |
Similar incidents are described in the medieval biographies of Carannog, Padarn, and Eufflam, probably written around the 12th century. |
All such incidents were widely condemned by politicians and religious leaders. |
The connection of the incidents to each other seemed rather forced to Gentleman. |
Of these earlier incidents, only one led to people being hurt, but at the Apollo Theatre 76 people needed medical treatment for their injuries. |
Off the field and in televised matches, there is often a third umpire who can make decisions on certain incidents with the aid of video evidence. |
The running of the 1956 Grand National witnessed one of the chase's most bizarre incidents. |
Button made the best of various first corner incidents and weaved his car into third place. |
These incidents led Stephen Hendry to say that O'Sullivan was not fully focused. |
In addition to the incidents described above, there were reports of intimidation during the campaign. |
These gusts are responsible for the many recorded incidents of wind-measuring devices disappearing from weather bureau roofs in midstorm. |
After the early 1920s, there were occasional incidents of sectarian unrest in Northern Ireland. |
In November and December 2008, multiple incidents of major theft, robbery, and arson attacks afflicted NATO supply convoys in Pakistan. |
The Taliban's claim that the over 135 violent incidents disrupting elections was largely disputed. |
The reports included many references to other incidents involving civilian casualties like the Kunduz airstrike and Nangar Khel incident. |
Many incidents of Fedayeen fighters using human shields were reported from various towns in Iraq. |
Ben Nevis's popularity, climate and complex topography contribute to a high number of mountain rescue incidents. |
In the event, no incidents between OSCE and Texas authorities were recorded during the elections. |
After the album's release, the band embarked on a successful world tour that was once again filled with incidents. |
The tour passed without any major incidents and was the band's most successful in more than a decade. |
He suggests that it would have been a good thing if plant operators learned lessons that prevented future serious incidents. |
There have also been a number of incidents of red kites and other raptors being targeted by wildlife criminals. |
After the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660, the incidents of feuding between clans declined considerably. |
An increase in nongrooming contact, including sociosexual behavior, following both food provision and aggressive incidents unrelated to food. |
The following table includes the number of incidents reported and the rate per 1,000 persons for each type of offense. |
Dubliners is a collection of short stories by Joyce about incidents and typical characters of the city during the early 20th century. |
Its symptoms normally include re-experience of the traumatic event, avoidance of the incidents, and abnormal mood swings. |
Historical incidents such as foreign invasions, trade relations, and colonialism have played a role in introducing certain foods to the country. |
A number of technical incidents have affected Eurostar services over the years, but up to the present. |
In individual incidents, 38 died at Felixstowe in Suffolk when wooden prefabricated homes in the West End area of the town were flooded. |
Two men were killed in separate incidents while attempting to haul mines aboard to clear fouled sweeping kites. |
Streets near the beaches are still named after the units that fought there, and occasional markers commemorate notable incidents. |
These incidents often demonstrated a lack of respect for the rules of the Geneva Conventions and their protection symbols. |
In North America, incidents of gray wolves killing coyotes are common, particularly in winter, when coyotes feed on wolf kills. |
Although humans and owls frequently live together in harmony, there have been incidents when owls have attacked humans. |
Scholars are divided as to whether or not it accurately depicts incidents described by Stesichorus in his poem Sack of Troy. |
These storms have in the past caused a number of incidents related to the Triangle. |
These books are often the only source material for some of the incidents that have taken place within the Triangle. |
Smaller incidents are coordinated by the New Zealand Police, who may call on the services and resources of the coastguard. |
However, his fame is tempered by such incidents and attitudes as displayed in the notorious Pilgrim Ship Incident previously discussed. |
Support is offered to Force Contact Centre staff who have dealt with distressing incidents. |
Devon and Cornwall Police have officers that patrol the streets and attend incidents with police dogs. |
The unit responds to incidents with firearms and taser guns, and are the only officers in the force who are routinely armed. |
Scillonian III is part of the emergency response and civil contingency for incidents occurring on the Isles of Scilly. |
For example, in Hampshire all reported incidents are recorded and all records then retained. |
In one study, up to 94 percent of observed mounting incidents took place between males. |
In June 2009, a number of incidents occurred between the drug cartel and the government. |
Those incidents subsequently came to symbolize the human rights violations committed in the last years of violence. |
Hundreds of bombings, arsons, acid attacks, invasions, and incidents of vandalism against abortion providers have occurred. |
The Sopranos series depicted numerous incidents and types of robbery throughout its series run. |
Still, the resulting flag incidents were not the casus belli as in the previous war. |
Several months of increasing tensions coupled with various incidents preceded the actual rebellion. |
Individual incidents captured the public's interest and were heavily reported by the press. |
These incidents left him unmoved, as he did not believe them a true manifestation of public opinion. |
Most of these risks can be greatly reduced in modern mines, and multiple fatality incidents are now rare in some parts of the developed world. |
It is the first authorised building in the main square which was made of stone to avoid fire incidents. |
In January 2008 two walkers died after falling from the ridge in separate incidents. |
Navigation can be difficult, and there have been a number of incidents with ships running aground and in one case, striking Keadby Bridge. |
Such incidents create debate about localism, a brand of territorialism that has been practiced at surf breaks around the world for decades. |
Studies I completely made up show that 84 percent of voluntold incidents originate with your parents or your spouse. |
Such incidents should be dealt with 'firmly and sensitively' according to a school's antiracism policy. |
The alleged incidents happened when the antivivisection group Speak, had been protesting against animal testing outside a theatre in Oxford. |
Those incidents were principally between Georgian and South Ossetian or Abkhazian units, though some involved Russian forces. |
It was one of 13 incidents recorded near Teesside's war memorials this year, records released to The Gazette show. |
High Flyers are to be offered insurance for the mental and physical effects of air rage incidents. |
Nearly 1300 racist incidents were recorded in Scots schools over the past two years, it has been revealed. |
There have been several incidents of anti-Semitic behaviour at or around football matches in recent weeks. |
It is undoubtedly improving and I think before we start making knee-jerk reactions to particular incidents we ought to bear that in mind. |