Still, he needs to read defenses better and gain a better understanding of when to call audibles. |
By studying that language, by learning its grammar and syntax, one can unlock its subtle mysteries and gain a better understanding of the world. |
In space, astronauts conduct experiments to gain a better understanding of the effects of microgravity on various materials and life forms. |
By using these research techniques you will gain a better understanding of what happened to your service person. |
On a recent trip through the Middle East, I attempted to gain a better understanding of the crisis. |
Both project and dissertation set out to gain a better understanding of the thermodynamic behaviour of natural structures made from wood. |
It is also necessary to study previous cases in order to gain a better understanding. |
Cells obtained in this way could help us gain a better understanding of such diseases. |
Lawyers from outside firms also often gain a better understanding of a company's culture and operations. |
The fish have enabled scientists to gain a better understanding of gene therapy, cellular disease and molecular biology. |
The Commission wanted to gain a better understanding of this mechanism and its value. |
The main objective of the project is to gain a better understanding of how beluga whales make use of their habitat. |
To gain a better understanding of the bigger picture he lived in the region for a greater length of time and cultivated a paddy field. |
Although extremely rare and poorly understood, TGA is helping researchers to gain a better understanding of the neuroanatomical basis of memory. |
Ever since the Copernican Revolution, science has attempted to gain a better understanding of the world through a process known as reductionism. |
At the same time, scientists are attempting to gain a better understanding of the complex action of water in the thawing layer of the permafrost. |
To gain a better understanding of how cities must evolve in the face of this cultural shock, we interviewed Francois Ascher. |
The sandstone dykes and surrounding sediments were subject to petrographical analyses in order to gain a better understanding of their relationships. |
We help clients gain a better understanding of their investments and to be aware of the risks involved. |
The victim of the crime was also interviewed to gain a better understanding of what had taken place. |
In 2001 the Institute initiated a strategic effects research program to gain a better understanding of knowledge gaps that existed. |
The purpose of the research was to gain a better understanding of the extent of child labor in order to inform Save the Children's programme. |
We have been forced to gain a better understanding of our weaknesses and to take the necessary corrective measures. |
Oregon Scientific is dedicated to bridging the gap between humans and technology, while helping humans to gain a better understanding of both the environment and themselves. |
We fund traditional land use studies to gain a better understanding of traditional knowledge relating to the Kearl project lease area and surrounding region. |
In 2007, the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation and the Health Council of Canada commissioned a research team, led by Juanita Barrett, to gain a better understanding of the evidence regarding team-based care. |
The eelgrass network was created in 2004 to gain a better understanding of the highly productive seagrass beds formed by this marine plant along the St. Lawrence estuary and gulf. |
Objectives: To gain a better understanding of the impact of digital delivery and related developments on the growth, productivity and competitiveness of selected sectors of business services. |
We welcome the fact there is to be a European Maritime Day on 20 May each year, with an open day to help the public gain a better understanding of the work and importance of the port sector for our lives and our well-being. |
Through these seminars, chairpersons gain a better understanding of their responsibilities and duties, and have the opportunity to share their knowledge and expertise with other chairpersons. |
This issue is of fundamental importance in order to gain a better understanding of how cultural and political institutions shape and direct the world view of a given culture. |
Ambassador Overfeld of Germany has offered to call a co-sponsors meeting on 5 September, which would help the Secretariat gain a better understanding of Member States' needs and priorities in this area. |
Efforts must target the acquisition of knowledge that can be used to gain a better understanding of the functioning of the vast river ecosystem and support the implementation of recovery plans for species and their habitats. |
In order to gain a better understanding about the variability, numerical sea ice models are used to perform sensitivity studies. |
It therefore becomes important to gain a better understanding of the ecological differences between the caribou ecotypes in order to be able to explain the conservation issues. |
Using our interactive tool, you can gain a better understanding of how our generation facilities work and access all the essential facts and figures. |
We are hoping to gain a better understanding of barriers to obtaining a doctoral degree and working as a doctorally prepared nurse in Georgia. |
One unique property currently being investigated is the ability of cold mix systems to self heal irrespective of pen grade used: this is being researched to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms involved. |
The study will make it possible to undertake actions to ensure safe transhumance and reduce conflicts as well as gain a better understanding of various components of transhumance. |
This phenomenon is being studied at the physiological and molecular levels to gain a better understanding of the underlying causes of recalcitrance in clonal propagation of conifers. |
Further research is necessary in order to gain a better understanding of the extent and nature of parents' roles in their adolescent children's youth justice experiences. |
An additional questionnaire was sent out to some 25 sites in the different regions in order to gain a better understanding of the various actions related to the objectives. |
What can people do to gain a better understanding of insects? |
Genetic factors are recognized as having a significant influence on health, and it will be important to gain a better understanding of these influences. |
The Representative's aim in visiting the country was to gain a better understanding of the situation of displaced Central Africans and the challenges they face about which little was known until recently. |
Hence, we are committed to ensuring the security of the global energy network, and will work to gain a better understanding of its vulnerabilities and ways to improve our efforts to prevent disruptions by deliberate attack. |
To gain a better understanding of material-cell interactions, research on cell cultures is in progress to determine how particular cells respond to various environments. |
Students will compare Canada with Sub-Saharan Africa by using maps and a variety of print information, and will gain a better understanding of some the concepts of human geography. |
In order to gain a better understanding of the Secretary-General's proposal, the Committee requests that a mock-up of the proposed budget parts be included in the detailed report to be submitted to the Assembly in May. |
Over the past decade, a good deal of work has been done to gain a better understanding of the potential for violence in the workplace and how to recognize and prevent it. |
We analyze poems and fragments of the great works of these literary periods in Spanish, in order to practise literary criticism as much as to gain a better understanding of each literary movement in Spanish. |
These encounters have provided a valuable opportunity for me to gain a better understanding of our client's needs and those of our project partners. |
Surveying beaches that are going to be harvested, as well as several unharvested beaches to gain a better understanding about wild recruitment processes. |
By participating in this voluntary program, Canadian businesses can gain a better understanding of the threat posed by espionage and take appropriate steps to protect themselves. |
The results of this project will help scientists and doctors gain a better understanding of NSCLC and potentially lead to the development of new treatments for the disease. |