The scientist James Lovelock named his influential theory of global interconnectedness the gaia hypothesis after her. |
Yes, that is her voicing narrator gaia in the popular God of War video game series. |
From the Greeks we inherit the concept of Gaea, or Gaia, the earth mother that gives rise to life in all its complexities. |
On the other hand, perhaps I am carefully picking my words so that I can make both Gaia and the animal kingdom sound as if they are alive. |
Gaia pulled out her drawing pencils and started to sketch the still life that sat on their table. |
But the life span of Gaia has to be measured in hundreds of millions, even in billions, of years. |
Called Gaia, she is the first mother goddess of the world, from which all other gods came. |
The Gaia hypothesis was later refined to emphasize that the environment is regulated through feedback between living and nonliving systems. |
He advocated its use to alter the insect life of earth in order to venture beyond the homeostasis concept to the mythical state of Gaia. |
If Gaia didn't luck upon the right system for that problem on the first try, things would quickly become grim. |
Until we do, Gaia, the spirit of the living earth, is an idea to think about rather than an idea to think with. |
Working in harmony with Nature, our growth and transformation can evolve us beyond Gaia, into the cosmic whole and possibly home. |
The likes of Cybele, Kali, and Gaia are examples of this type of mother goddess. |
Gaia guides my inhalation and exhalation by putting pressure on the areas I need to concentrate on such as my stomach and chest. |
I've been involved in the Gaia Foundation for the last 14 years, working in the area of deep ecology, spiritualism and environmental activism. |
He was one of the Titans, the children of Gaia and Ouranos, Earth and Sky. |
His most famous idea is the Gaia hypothesis, which holds that living organisms and non-life together form a coupled system in which life creates conditions that favour it. |
If they keep The big guy in the platform, one of these somebody is going to demand that it also include Gaia. |
Herschel, Planck and Gaia are all observatory missions that will be positioned at the Lagrangian point L2, 1.5 million kilometres behind Earth as seen from the Sun. |
I grant that the metaphysics of the Gaia Hypothesis is dumb, dumb, dumb. |
His worship of Great Mother Nature as a beneficent spirit would have led him to Greenpeace, if not Earthfirst, and he would certainly have believed Lovelock's Gaia theory. |
The 132-room Gaia Napa Valley Hotel wants to go for the gold, making it the highest-rated hotel in the state and the nation. |
Dawkins has also been strongly critical of the Gaia hypothesis of the independent scientist James Lovelock. |
The Hecatoncheires are giants that have 100 arms and 50 heads who were also the children of Gaia and Uranus. |
Hyginus emphasises the primordial nature of Atlas by making him the son of Aether and Gaia. |
After Cronus was born, Gaia and Uranus decreed no more Titans were to be born. |
This pairing may also be further attested in an Old English ploughing prayer and in the Greek pairings of Ouranos and Gaia and Zeus and Demeter. |
Fred Andrew's mystery novel, Plato's Pond, features the fictitious land of Gaia, which is a continent in the middle of the Sargasso Sea. |
Gala-Net's diverse service portfolio includes Flyff, Rappelz, Luna Online, Tales Runner, Allods Online, Aika Online, and Heroes of Gaia. |
Gala-Net's diverse service portfolio includes Flyff, Rappelz, Tales Runner, Luna, Allods Online Aika, and Heroes of Gaia. |
Gaia is a space observatory of the European Space Agency designed for astrometry. |
Gaia will be located at one of the five Lagrangian points in the Sun-Earth system, at the L2 point. |
My wife Emma Thompson and I did Greyfriars Bobby and Nanny McPhee, which means that Gaia can see both mum and dad. |
Earthrise, for unaccompanied choir in 40 parts, with a telling contribution from tenor Samuel Boden, celebrates the beauty of the world, as does Hymn to Gaia. |
The book opens by introducing the Lovelock Gaia hypothesis and motivating glacier science as a major abiotic component of the homeostatic planetary system. |
Gaia theory forces us to see that they offer much more than this. |
The Elder Cyclopes were the children of Gaia and Uranus where they later made Zeus' Master Thunderbolt, Poseidon's Trident, and Hades' Helm of Darkness during the Titanomachy. |
Gaia ark's lame-mind vandals, mouthin' malarky, scar land, made Gaia wane. |