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How to use gags in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word gags? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The film opens with a flurry of sight gags and double entendres, layered over incipient tension.
Each story was a report, essentially a series of gags, rather than a story with its own comic jet propulsion.
We're looking for jokes, gags, funny stories, pictures, whatever, but they must be your original work.
Four years ago, I started the Lie Emporium, a website dedicated to lies, whoppers, porkies, politicians and just plain old cheap gags.
At least 25 per cent of the gags were funny enough to get me to laugh out loud, which counts for something.
Plus, you get many of the gags that would eventually be tiredly rehashed in sequel after sequel but are fresh and original here.
The script is so heavily laden with gags it can barely fit them in, and the acting is impeccable.
There were also syringes, metal and leather gags, electrodes and even a laryngoscope, normally used by doctors to examine patients' airways.
In both cases we're talking about gags on the Zarathustrian saw rather than an act of theophonous violence.
After these first wan gags, subsequent riffs on the same themes fail to amuse.
Wind gags are basically furry things that fit over your mike, that cut down on the roar you will hear if filming in wind.
And yet it's also just a part of a pleasurable little scene between two performers intent on topping one another with their jokes and gags.
There are plenty of gags, but few that are likely to make you laugh out loud.
Instead, save the scythe for the kitschy styling, indolent performances, and hokey gags.
Alex can ride the unicycle, lie on a bed of nails, spin plates, juggle, deliver gags and is now mastering the art of puppetry.
As he wages his campaign against them, the visual gags and wise-cracks come thick and fast.
But those seemingly random gags only work effectively when anchored to strong characters and tight story structures.
Stand by for a second helping of tongue-in-cheek humour, sight gags and a great soundtrack that should appeal as much to adults as children.
The plot treads water and most of the gags are so achingly obvious, you'll be hard pushed to even smile.
I'm sorry to say that looking at the movie today I found the jokes, sight gags, and puns all to be a little forced.
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Now, put the gags into their mouths and truss them up, as you did the others.
The newsletter recaps cartoon gags that appear in more than 50 publications in North America.
The Night Before has some Radcliffe McAvoy in Frankenstein amusing moments, but gags fall horribly flat more often than they hit their target.
The Night Before has some amusing moments, Radcliffe McAvoy in Frankenstein but gags fall horribly flat more often than they hit their target.
He was played by the low-comedian, who had introduced gags of his own and was on most friendly terms with the pit.
The frantic antic rules of 'toons are inventively applied as gags pile up a mile high.
Everything is soused in vulgarity, from the gags to the look of the thing.
So he went in through the window, and, stooping over the man and the woman, cut their thongs, pulling out the gags, and looked round the hut for some milk.
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