It is therefore forbidden to provoke a person, thereby causing him to sin in anger, even though it is not certain that he will do so. |
Sending attachments is forbidden by copyright protocols of the Geneva Convention. |
Any violation is forbidden and punished severely if the hierarchy has the capability to defend its reign. |
He doesn't worship the idols of the Israelites or eat the sacrifices offered at forbidden shrines. |
In cricket, running onto the protected area of the pitch, or even being on the pitch without just cause is forbidden. |
The event simply has had no closure, partly because for 40 years mention of it was forbidden, on pain of torture and jail. |
Commercial tandem rides are presently forbidden because of liability concerns. |
Because the national press was forbidden to report news regarding government repression, the satyagrahis produced their own leaflets. |
Some women used belladonna to pale their complexions to a ghostly pallor but Antonia's mother had forbidden this, fearing her daughter's health. |
And all subordinate authorities, at whatever level, were expressly forbidden to alter, gloss, or interpret the law in any way. |
Sure Gaius allowed her the run of the manse and the property that surround it, but the nearby town was forbidden. |
Complex analysis of the international tale of the hero or heroine who glimpses a forbidden sight and suffers for it. |
It was forbidden to speak Maori within the school grounds that she attended on the East Coast. |
Remember, it is forbidden to fall out with your family, whether they are blood relations or relatives by marriage, distant relatives or whatever. |
The pre-school is not a business, but a registered charity, unable to operate at a profit, forbidden to do so under laws governing charities. |
After witnessing one of Sade's theatricals, she goes and purchases one of his forbidden works and pastes it inside her book of verse for ladies. |
Once, I heard something scuffling inside one of the forbidden rooms, as if a cat or other animal was scratching their paws over the walls. |
The licence gave permission to marry after one asking of the banns, which were forbidden from Advent Sunday to 13 January. |
But the thing is, students will google while they write whether they're forbidden to or not. |
Sword-bearing was restricted to the army, and the characteristic topknot hairstyle forbidden. |
It is, however, forbidden, in the strongest possible terms, to squeeze, grope and fondle your own private parts in public. |
Bushmen state that armed game wardens and other government officials have confiscated their animals and forbidden them to hunt or collect food. |
The hardest part in confessing all this is that aside from my pronounced predilection for pratfalls, I really can't justify our forbidden love. |
Anthea, 32, said she was told that even cuddly toy rabbits and lucky charm rabbit paws were forbidden. |
All our people are forbidden from engaging in the activities prohibited by the Act. |
During this time churches had been plundered, pious fraternities dissolved, new monastic vows forbidden, and many religious houses closed down. |
By Article Nine of its constitution, Japan is forbidden to posses military forces, and forever forswore war as a means to achieve anything. |
The area where the cowsheds stand will become a forbidden area for poultry and livestock breeding. |
Lately, my fascination with the notion of forbidden fruit does not concern rebellious acts, but rather romantic prospects. |
Nostalgia is not a forbidden fruit but astute statesmen never allow prudence to succumb to it. |
These restrictions are officially know as forbidden degrees of relationship. |
In the act of 1580, forbidden degrees of kinship were extensively prescribed. |
Nevertheless dispensations to marry within forbidden degrees are more readily granted to the rich and powerful than to others. |
This has always seemed unlikely since without a dispensation marriage within the forbidden degrees was always open to challenge. |
In some of the myths it is permissible for them to marry women of various forbidden degrees. |
Marriage within seven degrees was not allowed until the Fourth Lateran Council reduced the forbidden degrees to four. |
Surprises emerged when the researchers looked at the crystal's effect on ultrasound frequencies above the forbidden range. |
Now I have to buy the books to find out the forbidden secrets that have been hidden from mankind for thousands of years! |
The total anonymity of the Internet allows for the surfacing of forbidden or forgotten zones of the psyche. |
Japan was a forbidden country for foreigners and no Japanese was allowed to leave Japan. |
Worse, the board kept building on the forbidden land, even after it knew the construction was illegal. |
The authorities, in the meantime, would determine whether any of the seized books or their authors were on any lists of forbidden publications. |
The community is forced to shut down the library, because all the books contain the forbidden letter. |
Even understanding the roots of certain forbidden actions does not guarantee that they will be avoided. |
I was being watched by the whole office yet I was forbidden from saying anything to anybody. |
He was also forbidden from contacting her or going within a quarter of a mile of her house. |
When used as a sheep-dip it is forbidden to allow sheep producing milk for human consumption to go near Seraphos. |
Although chess, draughts, dice and gambling were forbidden, counters and dice were also found during the dig. |
Material possessions and the means of measuring them by reference to groats, shillings or florins were forbidden in the Holy Parish. |
After itemising the various forms of forbidden relationships the Torah states the following. |
Polygyny and polyandry are not allowed, and it is forbidden to marry close family and kin members. |
If a large quantity of a given drink intoxicates, then a small quantity of that drink is forbidden. |
The work began to display a tendency towards regular rhythmic pulse, consonant intervals and an impertinent use of the then forbidden octave. |
The use of long lens photography to take pictures of people in private places without their consent is also forbidden. |
You may indulge and enjoy some forbidden pleasures but cannot deceive yourself for long. |
He knew that it was forbidden of him to commune with the persons of his past. |
Only true nobles were taught flute, it was an upper class instrument and forbidden to commoners. |
In the revised Code, only sexual perversion and venereal disease remained totally forbidden. |
Its purpose was to immure the emperor, protecting him from the gaze of the common people, who were forbidden from entering. |
Quebec's falconers have the right to allow their birds of prey to soar overhead but the birds are forbidden to swoop down and nab other beasts. |
For instance, we created special quiet carriages where the use of mobile phones and personal stereos was forbidden. |
The dangers of immoderate wine consumption were fully recognized, and excess strictly forbidden. |
Even drinking Coca-Cola and reading newspapers is forbidden during working hours. |
She was ready to enter the world and make her mark on it with the long, sweeping strokes of a pen, that sacred instrument forbidden to women. |
I give Katie a goodbye hug, and I think she is shocked that her mother does not explode in a paroxysm of rage at such forbidden behavior. |
Searchers on horseback had to use Swede saws to clear their way, chainsaws were forbidden even for search parties. |
There is, from the opening chords, a sense of hearing forbidden sounds, of entering into a spirit of resistance against the homogenisers of art. |
There's no sign officials will try to remove the forbidden music from the honky-tonks where it first emerged. |
Germany was also forbidden to unite with Austria to form one superstate, in an attempt to keep her economic potential to a minimum. |
They visited him, knowing they could have alcohol, cigarettes and drugs such as cannabis and poppers, things forbidden at home. |
It is therefore forbidden to add or subtract any commandments from the Torah. |
Garlic, onion and strong spices were strictly forbidden in case they contaminated the leaves. |
Company ships were forbidden to carry opium, thus avoiding difficulties with the Canton authorities. |
Villagers, forbidden to wear shoes, were required to carry heavy loads over difficult terrain. |
Chiefs and headmen are important figures both in villages and nationally, although they are forbidden to be active in party politics. |
The best entrance to the hotel ballroom, a double door at the head of a short flight of steps, was strictly forbidden. |
The United States government is forbidden by its own law from torturing captives and prisoners. |
Our culture, he believes, is given over to unbridled curiosity and a constant hankering for the forbidden. |
Some nations have steeled themselves and forbidden parents from hitting their children. |
Collective punishment is forbidden by the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 governing militarily occupied territories. |
So what if it is all about forbidden love and doomed sexual obsession for a pre-pubescent nymphet. |
He was raised in a strict Calvinist household where secular diversions were forbidden. |
They could barely resist the call of the forbidden, and the urge was overpowering. |
The bank will not lend money, and interest payments and receipts are forbidden. |
The curriculum is scrutinized by the military regime, and it often is forbidden to teach in languages other than Burmese. |
Il Tabarro was a subtitled drama about forbidden love and murderous jealousy. |
Because spearfishing is forbidden, there are many reef fishes in all sizes, and they are not shy. |
But how could he have, for he knew it was forbidden for a white wizard to make contact with a black sorcerer or sorcerers. |
Although usury was theoretically forbidden, in practice it was allowed at rates of no more than ten percent per annum. |
For the busy lady this posed something of a nightmare as sandwiches were forbidden and a nice plate of pasta with sauce was out of bounds. |
It was forbidden by the colonial government to start missionary activities in unruled areas. |
What we do know is that they dabble in forbidden magic, unlearned fools who wish for more power than they can handle. |
And the jackdaw, unheedful, sought to roost the forbidden bough, though hands reached out in anguish and the world hushed. |
To gain entrance to this forbidden domain she threatened to break down the gates of the underworld, free the dead and devour the living. |
But at the Reformation, this interpretation was forbidden, and a bogey henceforth could only be a bogey, never a ghost. |
The company is also expressly forbidden by legislation from underpricing its services to gain market share. |
Anomalous creatures were abominated as unclean and were forbidden for food. |
Therefore, one should not say a blessing over any forbidden or stolen food, since this is not a blessing but a blasphemy. |
In the book you'll also find magic and monsters, angels and demons, magical swords and forbidden books. |
The prosecutor may be able, by careful questioning, to avoid trespassing into the forbidden territory. |
In some clubs or associations, it is forbidden to hunt antlered stag in battue. |
By the 1808 Treaty of Paris the Prussian army was restricted to a mere 42,000 men and forbidden to raise a militia. |
Some look upon the women as trailblazers in a forbidden area, while many others hold them in disdain because of their frivolous character. |
In any genre where a happy ending is not only not guaranteed, but almost forbidden, one is likely to find a Tragedienne. |
He eventually destroys Paradise by assuming the shape of a serpent and tricking Eve into eating from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge. |
In Norma, forbidden love rears its tragic head as a Druid High Priestess falls for a Roman officer. |
For men, halfhearted comb-overs, plugs, weaves, and toupees are strictly forbidden and will be cause for harsh disciplinary action. |
Coffee, tea, wine, brandy and spices were forbidden to provers and so was chess, but beer was allowed and moderate exercise was encouraged. |
But claiming that one of these ought to be forbidden under the law is absolutely absurd and quite dangerous. |
During World War Two, military personnel were strictly forbidden to keep journals or diaries. |
Freemasonry is non-political, and the discussion of politics at Masonic meetings is forbidden. |
They are not, however, recognized as being official Masonry organization, and Masonic contact with them is forbidden. |
One day many years ago, some friends of mine and I threw caution to the wind and attended a secret, forbidden event. |
Even when there is no intention to kick over the traces, the quiet understanding of compatibles offers a hint of forbidden pleasure. |
However, such victimisation is expressly forbidden by German industrial law. |
Any public activity that would require women to depart from this modest dress in mixed company is expressly forbidden. |
All dainty and showy apparel is forbidden by the state of the atmosphere, and equally so is delicate upholstery within doors. |
He has been based here since he was expelled from Sudan, and forbidden entry to his homeland of Saudi Arabia. |
Due to residues in the witloof chicory heads the use of insecticides is forbidden during forcing. |
They were forbidden to hear Mass, forced instead to attend Anglican services, with steep fines for those recusants who persistently refused. |
I was wondering whether non-golden bangles and necklaces are forbidden for males. |
Toy or replica guns, cutlery, razor blades and knives of any length are forbidden. |
All persons beneath the rank of knight, the order read, were forbidden to gamble for money. |
Contrary to the mass media's claims, teaching of evolutionist theory was not to be in any way forbidden, or in any way restricted. |
These musicians used their art to rebel against the communist regimes of their countries by composing religious music, then forbidden. |
It is likewise forbidden to make use of a stolen article or derive any benefit from it. |
Moreover, questions would often arise during the divine service, when it is forbidden for a Kohen-priest to leave the sanctuary area. |
Her enthusiasm apparently strikes a chord as more and more women become involved in a formerly forbidden athletic arena. |
The duchess, a widow, is forbidden to marry again by her brothers Duke Ferdinand and the cardinal because they want to control her wealth. |
By design, everyone was forbidden from viewing, modifying or retrieving articles they had sent to the next person in the process chain. |
The two women were forced to wait 18 months for a trial, during which time they were forbidden to associate with anti-racist groups. |
He is also forbidden to ride in or on any vehicle without the consent of the owner or to drive without a licence. |
The doctrine likens a woman to an evil that tempts Adam to eat the apple in the Garden of Eden, which God has forbidden them even to touch. |
Another star who refused to appear on screen because he was forbidden from smoking in the studio was duly ridiculed on air. |
The Defence Act defines these items as Commonwealth property and their disposal by private sale is forbidden. |
Cameramen are forbidden by the Iraqis from filming from hotel balconies, but the rule is widely disobeyed. |
Those things forbidden included a dog, a rollerblader, a bicycle, and a martini. |
Flying kites has been forbidden in public parks and gardens throughout the city since the beginning of this month. |
They were all enchanters and enchantresses, for the city of Nevada was strictly forbidden to mortals. |
On an impulse that she hardly understood, she crouched in a shadowed groin of the red-tiled roof, and peeked down into the forbidden area. |
Exclusive psalmodists claim that God nowhere authorizes uninspired hymns. The conclusion that uninspired hymns are forbidden follows naturally. |
Even in wartime, the Israelite army was forbidden to cut down fruit trees, unless they were actually being used as bulwarks in defending against a siege. |
Like Lent, the season of advent was a period of reflection and fasting, and items such as dairy and sugar were forbidden. |
In my view, the present perfect is forbidden when the verb is qualified by an adverbial referring to a time period, except if the time period includes the present. |
Government departments have reached a draft agreement to give the military sole authority to shoot down unidentified aircraft entering forbidden airspace. |
We live in the Dark Ages right now, where everything is forbidden but it was not always like this and it will change again. |
Recently, a Sikh student in Montreal was forbidden from attending his school if he wore his kirpan, a dagger Sikhs are obligated to carry as a part of their faith. |
Ever since Eve urged Adam to sample the forbidden fruit, men have been doing crazy things in the name of love. |
The causes of their deaths were usually said to lie in people's wrong doings in both the recent and the remote past, and their invasion of forbidden domains. |
At the same time, the first great modern neuroanatomists were doing forbidden human dissections at the new, secret amphitheater at the University of Padua medical school. |
They have no decision-making skills or sense of moderation when faced with the forbidden fruit roll-up. |
Yeonmi was forbidden from using computers in the town center because she was a foreigner. |
They could conduct baptisms, weddings and funerals, but certain priestly functions were still forbidden, including consecrating the communion bread and wine. |
The small private dining rooms that characterized most restaurants offered the possibility of forbidden political dinners or risky amorous assignations. |
We have reached a point where use of a work can be forbidden by the author or his heirs or assignees for the author's entire lifetime, and then for two generations thereafter. |
He was also forbidden from associating with certain named individuals. |
Many theologians hold that these attributes are metaphorical rather than real, since comparison of God to human beings is strictly forbidden due to fears of associationism. |
Nearly 2,000 years ago, in the Mishnah, rabbis puzzled out 39 activities that constitute work and are forbidden on Shabbat. |
As Patrick tells it, Fr. Foy was forbidden to say Mass on the High Altar and carried his portable tabernacle on the occasions he said his private Mass. |
When it comes to footwear, tennis shoes and sandals are forbidden. |
In Martyries and Monasteries ordinations are strictly forbidden. |
At this time, it is forbidden to beat drums or make other loud noises. |
There are no drums beating from the forbidden side of the mountain. |
The custom of sending love tokens goes back hundreds of years, but reached extreme levels in Victorian times where precious items were sent as tokens of forbidden love. |
She was forbidden to take notes and was forced, more or less, to commit the information to memory. |
But like drugs, and alcohol during Prohibition, black-market contraband always provides a means to acquire whatever is the forbidden fruit of the moment. |
The Qur'an states the spilling of another Muslim's blood is forbidden, unless by accident, in which case the guilty party should pay blood money to the victim's family. |
They have put up signs making it clear motorcycling is forbidden. |
Bound in the flayed skin of 100 saints and penned with the blood of virgins, this sinister and forbidden occult text is an item of incredible power. |
Oceanic navigation was with some exceptions forbidden, out of a not unreasonable conviction that all blue-water sailors in these days were potential pirates. |
To see another's nakedness when bathing was not forbidden in the temple. |
Siva's devotees are forbidden to smoke, chew tobacco or inhale snuff. |
The issue of Mexican immigration and border crossing is reversed, as Americans stream toward the border, only to be forbidden entry by Mexican patrols. |
Pizza, pasta, burritos, and any food that must be salted or is occasionally sold with an action figure from a current movie is expressly forbidden. |
Elton John and Tim Rice's musical Aida is the story of a Nubian slave princess, Aida, and the forbidden love that she shares with an Egyptian captain, Radames. |
All nutcrackers are forbidden on the premises as these items have been found to be a potential security risk and safety hazard in the hands of inadequately trained personnel. |
Closet Hookup Baptisms may symbolize new life, but Olivia and Fitz use the opportunity to rekindle their forbidden romance. |
He says they've also canvassed the idea of posters and leaflets in waiting rooms warning that sexual relationships between doctors and patients are forbidden. |
The earliest known reference to stoolball is in a 1330 poem by William Pagula, who recommended to priests that the game be forbidden within churchyards. |
Exchanges of goods and services except through him are strictly forbidden. |
Drinking was ostensively forbidden under their roof, so Hemingway drank clandestinely in his room, drawing from a host of liberated Italian liqueurs hidden in his bookcases. |
Excessive bail and fines, and cruel and unusual punishments are forbidden. |
Even though most such oxen are used for plowing, which is forbidden in the Sabbatical year, it is not unusual for someone to buy an ox for its meat. |
A land that is home to walruses, seals, foxes, wolves, oxen, polar bears, and where six million birds fly in for summer, can hardly be called forbidden. |
That's right, honeybunch, you tell him how to establish successful relationships with patients when you've just forbidden him to have patients at all. |
The sale of horsemeat was not actually forbidden in the Netherlands. |
He was really funny, but laughing was forbidden on the parade square. |
It is therefore forbidden to resort to any idolatrous faith healer or shrine, even when one is dangerously ill and a psychological cure may be effected. |
While there is a connection via name, that's about it for this tired tale of witch doctors, plantation ownership, zombie field hands, and forbidden thrill kill cults. |
This is typical of a tunneling transition, which is forbidden by energy conservation in classical physics and hence has no expansion around a classical limit. |
Leading up to Easter is Lent, a period of penance lasting forty days during which only one meal a day was allowed and flesh and fish were forbidden. |
After the escape the general area had been cordoned off and the regular guards were forbidden to explore the place lest they discover the scene of the crime. |
It is forbidden to refuse anyone, even a stranger, shelter and food. |
We were literally forbidden from contact with the outside world. |
I'm a little unclear over whether I'm actually forbidden from using it. |
Fear over the discovery and stealing of the forbidden books is muted. |
This leads to the optically forbidden state becoming partially allowed. |
Whether it was the forbidden joy of being allowed to paint on a wall, or the exhilaration of letting their inhibitions go, their faces glowed with excitement. |
Nevertheless, there has been no action of forbidden sacrifice as yet. |
Grateful for our help, the king was more than willing to allow us access to the forbidden locales, giving us a royal pass in order to avoid suspicion. |
Light within a forbidden range of wavelengths can't propagate through the array, so if a row of cylinders is omitted, the light will be trapped in the missing row. |
That is, family lines should be known well enough to prevent marriages within the forbidden degrees and to determine blood and family obligations. |
He had made an illicit marriage within these forbidden degrees. |
The use of radios is forbidden, except with the use of earpieces. |
Among other things, the legislation deep-sixed restrictions that had forbidden banks from owning insurance companies and brokerages, and vice versa. |
There was an exuberance or prodigality of sweetness about the mere act of living which our race finds it difficult not to associate with forbidden and extravagant actions. |
They were forbidden to apply for promotion to the position of captain in 2000 and last year because the posts were reserved for designated groups. |
Feminism, on the other hand, was interpreted as a rejection of God-given hierarchy and authority on the same scale as Eve's eating the forbidden fruit. |
The Russian Orthodox Church had long forbidden the creation of sculpture in the round as contravening the biblical prohibition against graven images. |
We got a few dirty looks, but amazingly nobody actually stopped us or told us what we were doing was highly dangerous and forbidden, which I'm sure it was. |
Even Indonesians acknowledge that prolonged exposure to the smell may have negative effects, and as a result, the carriage of durians on public transport is forbidden. |
Dramatics seem to have been part of a student's life early in the history of the University, surprisingly, because attendance at the theatre was forbidden. |
Professional boxing is forbidden in Iceland, Iran, Saudi Arabia and North Korea. |
Before taking office, he spent some time secluded in a cave, without women, forbidden to eat salt, or to go out during daylight. |
Due to fear of rebellions and other uprisings, they were forbidden to be armed at militia levels. |
Because Adam and Eve broke the covenant by eating the forbidden fruit, they became subject to death and were banished from the garden. |
While she was permitted to receive occasional visitors, she was forbidden to see her daughter Mary. |
Slavery was officially forbidden, as were alcohol and other forms of immorality. |
In some jurisdictions children below a certain size are forbidden to travel in front car seats. |
Citizens of Liechtenstein were forbidden to enter Czechoslovakia during the Cold War. |
Marriage with a deceased wife's sister was forbidden by ecclesiastical law, though permitted by common law. |
If I see you send another naughty email to your friends, you will be forbidden from using the computer! |
Consequently, the same sort of actions must be generally permitted or generally forbidden. |
Flash photography is forbidden in the main gallery because it may damage the paintings. |
Public criticism of atheism was unofficially forbidden and sometimes led to imprisonment. |
Strict fasting is canonically forbidden on Saturdays and Sundays due to the festal character of the Sabbath and the Resurrection, respectively. |
Travel at night was forbidden and frankly, none of us seemed upset about this as we all knew how the U.S. Army troops had itchy trigger fingers. |
Nevertheless, this book is about the truth, the good and the bad, so I will tread into the forbidden territory, the Mordor of motherhood. |
I consider that in the first commandment where atheism and polytheism and allotheism are forbidden directly and principally. |
Germany was forbidden to have a military air force by the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, but developed aircrew training in civilian and sport flying. |
The lines are there to warn the Cohanim, descendants of the Temple priests who are forbidden to enter cemeteries, that they may not cross. |
The invertebrae are usually forbidden, the only exceptions being several types of locusts enumerated in the Torah. |
Both are forbidden by both biblical and modern American jurisprudence. |
Set in the mid 1940s, SNOW APPLES tells of a girl's determination to pursue a forbidden romance against the wishes of her watchful mother. |
An owner of a shooting range in Guam said, 'I think it's human nature to be curious about something that is forbidden. |
She's now on bedrest and forbidden to work until she has recovered completely. |
He has forbidden the offering of the Mass and closed the Latin churches, calling us azymites. |
Characteristic narrow absorption lines, observed at 380 and 435 nm, are most likely from forbidden spin transitions in ferrous iron. |
Under the rule of the fiercely anti-Shia Taliban, Ashura commemorations were forbidden, and the country's Shia population kept a low profile. |
Yield to the forbidden music of my soul. Dear Chloe, please can I sink my teeth into your neck and drink your blood? |
Follow the urbexers as they navigate the inner and outer surfaces of our forbidden cities. |
The totem members were forbidden to eat the flesh of the totem animal, or were allowed to do so only under specific conditions. |
He hath forbidden you only carrion, and blood, and swineflesh, and that which hath been immolated to any other than Allah. |
Even the mention of partisan politics has been unconvincingly forbidden. |
Realms that had once been strictly forbidden to the female gender were now being ruled by one. |
Back then, my ideas of daredeviltry did not conjure up the taking of my black body into a roadside luncheonette for a forbidden cup of coffee. |
Production of hard alcohol such as snaps is forbidden in the Faroe Islands, hence the Faroese akvavit is produced abroad. |
The outskirts of the place is accessible by car, but it is forbidden to park or drive through the centre. |
The use of any device on the motorcycle to artificially decrease the temperature of the fuel below ambient temperature is forbidden. |
It is a sin or a crime to perform a forbidden action or not to perform a mandatory action. |
As of 1981, NLRB was still the only federal agency forbidden to seek economic information about the impact of its activities. |
Eastern Orthodox bishops, along with all other members of the clergy, are canonically forbidden to hold political office. |
In the United States and Canada, pursuing quarry for the purpose of killing is strictly forbidden by the Masters of Foxhounds Association. |
They are not expressly forbidden but instead the ban is derived from more general legal principles and basic rights. |
Players may move anywhere around the court but accidental or deliberate obstruction of the other player's movements is forbidden. |
The President of the Constitutional Court, Petre Lazaroiu, has stated that previous rulings had not forbidden euthanasia either. |
Any practice not found in either the Quran or Hadiths was to be forbidden as innovation. |
Although teaching of evolution was not forbidden in Kansas schools, critics said it was downplayed so much that the state looked backward. |
It was prohibited in Jurchen culture to use dog skin, and forbidden for Jurchens to harm, kill, or eat dogs. |
Fracking causes earth tremors, which is why it is forbidden in much of California. |
In 1621, the voyevodas were forbidden by Tsar Michael to take bribes as this had become a problem. |
Artisans were forbidden to change their profession, and were grouped together in the citadel according to their area of specialization. |
Even some foods associated with the native religions, like amaranth, were forbidden. |
Players are forbidden to wear or use anything that is dangerous to themselves or another player, such as jewellery or watches. |
The Bruges branch was, when first incorporated, strictly forbidden by the terms of the partnership to lend money to temporal lords and kings. |
The Sierra Leone Government is constitutionally forbidden from establishing a state religion. |
Beginning with Torn Curtain, Hitchcock was finally able to blatantly include plot elements previously forbidden in American films. |
Pomelloes, a name under which forbidden fruit is sometimes sold in this country by fruiterers. |
His wife Louise had forbidden him to attempt to beat his own world punchball record of 32 hours, 20 minutes. |
Marriages between parents and children, or between full siblings, with few exceptions, have been considered incest and forbidden. |
The avenger was forbidden from harming the unintentional killer if the killer took refuge in one of these cities. |
Anabaptist, Arminian and other minor Protestant communities were also forbidden. |
The use of torture was forbidden, except by royal prerogative or a body such as the Privy Council or Star Chamber. |
After the plague struck in 1967 entry to huge areas was forbidden and disinfectant footbaths were placed at the entrance to every farm. |
Its members were stripped of their ceremonial armour and forbidden to come within 100 miles of the city on pain of death. |
It is acknowledged that while magic exists, it is forbidden to practice it on the basis that it usually involves the worship of other gods. |
Intermarriage between the castes was forbidden by the Lex, and wergilds were set based upon caste membership. |
The Trojans prevail and force the Greeks back to their wall, while Hera and Athena are forbidden to help. |
Apples appear in many religious traditions, often as a mystical or forbidden fruit. |
Hare coursing with greyhounds was once an aristocratic pursuit, forbidden to lower social classes. |
Thus, a mixed marriage is forbidden as is the union of a horse and a donkey, and in both unions the offspring are judged matrilineally. |
Weygand had forbidden a retirement, ordering the Bresle to be held come what may. |
And I hardly know how the rest of my prayers would survive if those for the dead were forbidden. |
Cetaceans have been relentlessly hunted by commercial industries for their products, although this is now forbidden by international law. |
Realms that had once been strictly forbidden to the female gender had now been ruled by one. |
Loud talking within the mosque, as well as discussion of topics deemed disrespectful, is forbidden in areas where people are praying. |
At this time, the slavery of whites was forbidden, but the legal statuses of these practices were not clearly defined. |
English settlers were given incentives to move to the walled garrison town, which for decades the Welsh were forbidden from entering. |
Gloucester was probably chosen because other abbeys had refused or been forbidden to take the King's body, and because it was close to Berkeley. |
As official religious statistics are forbidden in France, there are no official figures about religious practices in Brittany. |
About ten years later, the employment of children and women in mining was forbidden. |
They were also forbidden to communicate in writing, but sympathizers discreetly ferried letters between the two. |
In Brittany, it was forbidden for the pupils to speak Breton or Gallo, and the two were strongly depreciated. |
This ever-growing list of forbidden words and taboo subjects, drawn up by Liu Binjie and his army of censors, starves the nation's soul and encages the minds of writers. |
Other crimes require the act to produce a legally forbidden consequence. |
Since the smoking ban came into force in March 2006, Clackmannanshire have issued four fixed-penalty notices to people smoking in forbidden areas. |
Russia was forbidden from hosting warships in the Black Sea. |
Following the Second World War, US film companies were forbidden by the Marshall Plan to take their film profits in the form of foreign exchange out of European countries. |
The night being calm, the steersman also decided to sleep, leaving only a cabin boy to steer the ship, a practice which the admiral had always strictly forbidden. |
However, taking unhusked rice across the border was strictly forbidden. |