King said that the interception of private electronic correspondence is essential to the fight against terrorism. |
A number of organizations and support groups can assist you in your fight against obesity. |
The Australians fought again in Africa at the end of the century, supporting the British fight against the Boers in South Africa. |
Therefore, these antimicrobial peptides might make an excellent weapon in the fight against multiply drug-resistant bacteria. |
It is not fair to blame the Safer York Partnership for failings in the fight against crime, he insists. |
In the fight against cronyism, Malaysian economist Jomo has endured public attacks, lawsuits and death threats. |
Shops in Epsom are supporting the fight against vandals who blight the borough with their graffiti tags. |
They also filter the air, and can fight against the common high-tech condition known as sick building syndrome. |
Leaving the court mafia intact would make the fight against corruption useless. |
A journalist puts up a fight against an industrialist who is dumping chemical waste near a school. |
It certainly doesn't need the distraction of echoing backing vocals and the saccharine strings that it has to fight against throughout. |
Political leadership is fundamental for the pursuit of a determined and courageous fight against poverty. |
By the 1970s the fight against white minority rule was led by a left wing influenced by Maoism and Stalinism. |
Traders have won the first battle in their fight against council plans to introduce charging at a free car park. |
Council leaders have denied they are downgrading the fight against crime by scrapping a dedicated community safety portfolio. |
I'd love it if they'd put up a fight against his nomination, but I seriously doubt they will beyond a few moans and groans for theater. |
Thus, we have a public failure to invest economic resources in the fight against biological warfare. |
He urged the people to cooperate the district administration in its fight against social evils. |
The Global Fund is the leading foundation funding the fight against HIV and Aids. |
The fight against social and political injustice has historically been an integral part of Sikhism. |
The first factor complicating the fight against doping, he said, is the imperfect art of testing. |
Julie revealed she that has received a string of threatening letters since joining the fight against the far right. |
Meanwhile, real farmers fight against a massive outer beltway that would still more suburban sprawl. |
The fight against those who torture animals in the name of science has moved up a step and we must be ready to take our struggle forward. |
The fight against war is indissociable from the fight against the system that breeds it, as it breeds all forms of violence. |
This fight against cultural hegemony and for self-realization is the essence of the feminist struggle. |
Last night a senior Customs officer said the seizure represented a major breakthrough in the fight against top-level criminals. |
In the fight against apathy, inconsiderate behaviour and disrespect, let's try to remember manners don't cost a thing. |
He should fight against oppression and to establish justice and the broadest principles of religious toleration. |
When I was inaugurated at president of the Republic of Namibia, among the points that I said I was going to fight against was corruption. |
Their fight against and defeat of colonialism brought us political independence. |
That leads me to another point in the fight against crime that is very pertinent to the discussion. |
Antibodies, or Y-shaped immunoglobulins, are proteins found in the blood where they help to fight against foreign substances called antigens. |
What can peaceful Russian citizens do to help in the fight against terrorism? |
As the Wehrmacht had to change from attack to defence, the division was deployed to fight against partisans. |
As full-fledged fighting men, they would now join in the fight against the Hun. |
The Americans, humbled by Puerto Rico on Sunday, showed more fight against the hosts in front of a hostile crowd. |
A grandad who lost his fight against cancer asked for his Skoda to be sold to raise money for the hospice which cared for him. |
The campaign has been praised by government supremos leading the fight against antisocial behaviour in Britain. |
A Swindon music scene stalwart who performed with 1960s chart-topping band The Move has lost his fight against cancer. |
Private detectives could be hired to help win the fight against fly-tippers in Tendring. |
The scheme is proving another success in the fight against anti-social behaviour. |
Ian Fairhurst was a happier chappie this week as City have won two consecutive games throwing them a lifeline in the fight against relegation. |
It is vital in the fight against crime that the public is able to trust law enforcement officials. |
Since the nineteenth century many an artist has claimed that he fought the good fight against stuffy conventionalism by baiting the bourgeois. |
Thus, the fight against sweatshops is defined in this context as a struggle for physical improvement of workplaces. |
Yet the fight to encourage pub companies to take up real ale and preserve old pubs is not just a straight fight against the alcohol industry. |
Three appeal court judges will hear the case on March 31 as he launches his fight against the conviction. |
An open and free media can play an important role in the fight against poverty. |
The Kremlin apologists are trying, for their part, to present this conflict as a fight against the oligarchs and corruption. |
The humans and elves fight against the monstrous orcs and ogres while the third group, called the Zerg, seek to destroy both of them. |
Police are stepping up their fight against illicit drugs with a pioneering new piece of computer technology. |
In one battle the unit he belonged to was to fight against crack enemy troops. |
They have been there, they have been there, steadfast in the fight against terrorism. |
The fight against war and social reaction requires a socialist perspective. |
She will not be making an anniversary cake to remember this fight against women's oppression and exploitation. |
It exhorts viewers to fight against divisive forces that disrupt the peace of a nation, says Sundar. |
What follows is a powerful rendering of the clashing realities facing Arab youth as they fight against religious dogmatism. |
Emotional selfishness is not a concept in dogdom and they don't know how hard we sometimes have to fight against it ourselves. |
Experts say a lack of funds is hampering the fight against bird flu in Asian countries such as Indonesia, where a fifth victim died on Monday. |
With the death of Joshua, the Israelites were not sure who should lead the fight against the Canaanites. |
Meanwhile, Bourque hopes to win Haitians back by promising his mayoral salary to the fight against gangs, a big issue among Haitians. |
Can we stand idly by while in the name of the fight against terrorism countries are bombed or invaded by the US war machine? |
Cael pinched his eyes shut as he continued to fight against Lionel, but when the gun discharged, he froze. |
In practice this has been an inefficient way of aiding the country's fight against left-wing guerrillas. |
He felt helpless as he watched her fight against the pain that was racking her body. |
She helped them to fight against the expropriation of their property by ruthless opportunists. |
In this context, it's the fight against these systems that are more important than actual victory. |
Those disagreements are real but that does not necessitate disaccord on the fight against terrorism. |
Born in Indiana, raised by the 1960s, he has never retreated from the fight against the squares. |
Or you could dig in your heels and stubbornly fight against life, trying to defeat it, like the fallen tree. |
We must therefore fight against these limits and not respect linguistic conventions like grammaticality. |
We should fight against those who would turn unions away from collective action and into the providers of personal services. |
Addressing a UN forum in Brasilia on Tuesday night, Silva vowed to spare no effort in the fight against corruption. |
And he also credited the public as having played a major role in the fight against crime. |
A town centre has been awarded safer shopping status in recognition of its fight against crime. |
But he said they were an important weapon in the fight against terrorism and organised crime. |
The fight against burglary, anti-social behaviour and serious drug crime are at the top of our list. |
Footage from existing cameras is already helping in the fight against crime. |
That time frame leaves an almost inexhaustible supply of pretexts to draw upon in the fight against the West. |
We also need the respect of the general public in the fight against crime and drugs. |
That's a very European idea, which needs to fight against a tough tide of facts for survival. |
News that technology is assisting the fight against crime has been welcomed. |
Stephen Lewis speaks to the exorcist whose fight against the forces of darkness reaches the nation's TV screens tonight. |
Now he was taking a more proactive stance in his fight against evil and the dark forces. |
Too many people think cloning cells for the fight against disease is the same thing as creating Frankenstein's monster. |
Many observers questioned whether Sonny Liston took a dive in his second fight against Ali. |
The fight against flood devastation in Mozambique is next to impossible without more help. |
The tsunami should open our eyes to the reality that no force on earth can fight against the fury of sea. |
Scientists at the University of York have made a major breakthrough in the fight against prostate cancer. |
Thai motorists have a new ally in the fight against poor vehicle quality and shoddy after-sales service. |
The deal, it was said, would enhance the fight against crime and was an important step towards healing the breach between Europe and Washington. |
The Ministry of Agriculture has issued a series of circulations and standards to fight against zoogenic diseases for this year. |
There has been no real fight against the Le Pen vote organised by the dominant left parties. |
And then there are times when we have to stand up on our hind legs and put up a glorious fight against all reason. |
Searching for ways to fight against the sniffles leads to a healthier menu and that is definitely a plus any time of the year. |
It was a struggle for truth and for memory and a fight against those who sow the seeds of racism and anti-Semitism. |
The ragtag Republican forces, resisting him in their forlorn fight against fascism, had encircled the town. |
To the extent they fight against the new revivalism of that old time ideology of liberty, they give aid and comfort to the enemy. |
The king promised to cut unemployment, improve the fight against crime and corruption, and fight tax evasion. |
We have been involved in a year-long fight against the rezoning this 35-acre site. |
They had to fight against the corporate parasites up top and imperialism abroad to retain the value they produced. |
The objectors retreated to their homes, licking their wounds and gathering their strength for a fight against two other wind farms. |
One of the salient characteristics of the book is that it is unspecific about the exploitation it seeks to fight against. |
A major Democratic constituency, the feminist left, expects a fight against any of his nominees. |
A drug with an unpronounceable name is being hailed as the biggest breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer for more than 20 years. |
In Mile End Hospital low paid men and women workers from African and Lithuanian backgrounds are united in the fight against low pay. |
Richard Rorty says twice that St Augustine was involved in the fight against the Arians. |
President Bush helped unfurl a giant flag, and pledged to press the fight against terrorism. |
Many aided the Rangers, supplying carts and food, and often taking up arms to join in the fight against the Japanese. |
Researchers hope the findings can be used to help fight against muscle diseases, like muscular dystrophy. |
The plotline is simple, but the real complexities of the film lie in the newspaper offices, not the fight against the evil drug lords. |
Be that as it may, let us all hope that that all the doubts of the doubting Thomases will turn out to be unfounded and a serious fight against corruption will be launched. |
Soleimani has been advising President Bashar al-Assad in neighboring Syria and helping in the fight against Sunni rebels there. |
But there is broad agreement between Washington and Ankara as to how the fight against ISIS should proceed, he said. |
But most recent histories depict it as a necessary fight against German militarism. |
Despite its recent gains on the battlefield, the fight against rebel brigades has taken a significant toll on the government army. |
True, it is grounded in the realities of a fight against a sort of blatant segregation that no longer exists. |
What was found, he said, indicated the building was used as a waypoint for foreign fighters crossing into Iraq from Syria to fight against the coalition. |
What was found, he said, indicated the building was used as a way station for foreign fighters crossing into Iraq from Syria to fight against the coalition. |
Any force strong enough to fight against the power of prices should be a strong force indeed, strong enough for all to see. |
Every British motorist will soon be driving on petrol made from sugar beet and diesel made from oilseed rape as part of the Government's fight against climate change. |
While the world has begun to mobilize in the fight against the virus, many fear the effort is coming too late. |
Their role as workers, soldiers and activists in the fight against white supremacy at home and fascism abroad created vast social changes that set the stage for Brown. |
Just why a public body should set itself up to start a fight against its own public is a mystery to me but they sure have a fight on their hands now! |
For the girl ranting about keying SUVs. I'm so glad you've decided to fight against people's destructive actions with such a constructive solution. |
The conception that a Marxist party has to swim against the stream and to fight against the prevailing forms of consciousness is entirely anathema to them. |
Residents are being urged to help the fight against crime the next time they send a letter with the introduction of police crime boxes in post offices. |
There had been some improvement in customs and tax control, in the fight against the sale of goods with fake or without excise revenue stamps, and against VAT fraud. |
The next thing we have to tackle is the fight against racism and fascism. |
Exercise actually helps us to fight against anxiety and depression, and a strong immune system makes the mind better able to cope with life's stresses and strains. |
Mary, like the other voluntary members of the group, has a personal interest in the fight against cancer losing relatives and friends to the disease. |
The dead include civilians, soldiers and the tribal leader Rahim Bezoni, all killed for refusing to back the fight against the British forces attacking the city. |
Police are developing a mobile scanner that can detect weapons being carried on the streets as part of the fight against the rising tide of gun crime. |
The unions are spending a boatload of money to protect their paycheck deduction for dues and to fight against extending the time to get teacher tenure. |
The badgers are baited by terriers and those who watch them bet large amounts of money on which terrier will put up the best fight against the badger. |
Even those who did fight against the Russians played only a marginal role in determining the outcome of the war. |
His father was stabbed in the chest, and his mother then endured the longest and bloodiest struggle as she bravely put up a barehanded fight against her attacker. |
Starting in the 1970s, then MPAA president jack Valenti began what was to become a decades-long fight against the quota system. |
From tigers to the killing of Tibetan antelopes and sea turtles in Orissa, everything worries her, and there is a strong determination to fight against all odds. |
At the bottom of the right-hand column of this page, I've added links to some fine little organisations who need your help in their brave fight against the forces of darkness. |
Oliver Letwin, the Shadow Home Secretary, said teaching officers to touch-type would be a valuable weapon in the fight against lawlessness and disorder. |
Protesters blame him for mismanaging the economy, bungling the fight against SARS, and listening too carefully to Beijing and not enough to local opinion. |
Inside her miraculous recovery and her fight against returning to Afghanistan. |
This year, the groups have continued to fight against attempts to revive the credit. |
He received a sum of money from the Prince of Orange for the mosstroopers and cattle-drivers from the middle marches whom he despatched to fight against Holland's enemies. |
She is portrayed as a single-handed crusader in the fight against drugs. |
A civil servant to his bones, he is also diplomatic because he thinks the fight against climate change needs long-term support from all sides of politics. |
The real culprits are the leaders of opinion, who run scared of the fight against unreason instead of standing strong and pushing for what they know to be right. |
We also pushed them to fight against the vast amounts of untraceable, unlabeled non EU beef which is finding its way onto retail and wholesale markets. |
Others were putting up a mediocre fight against the unwashed. |
Colonists like the pattens did not fight against imperial rule because they resented paying taxes. |
For all their faults, Ireland put up a brave fight against the professional Australian side and are not without hope of redeeming themselves in Melbourne in a week. |
He signed with her in October 1993, right after a fight against Texas policewoman Melinda Robinson in Miami. |
Despite massive US military and economic aid, his corrupt administration failed to win the fight against the Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces. |
They would fight against any potential amnesty, for tax and regulatory reform, he said. |
A white stinkwood tree was planted in Ivory Park, near Midrand, on Friday 17 October as a symbol of prosperity in the global fight against poverty. |
With just 2,500 immigration agents, there's no question the federal government is so outmanned in the fight against illegal immigration that it's really no fight at all. |
This history of conflict subsists in the environmental devastation caused by oil exploitation and Delta peoples' fight against faceless European and American oil corporations. |
I would contend a crucial first step in the fight against bigotry is to ban the vendors outside the grounds who sell the paraphernalia which causes most offense. |
For to me it seemeth a thing unreasonable, that, in this my decrepit age, I shall be compelled to fight against shadows, and howlets that dare not abide the light. |
In New York, he has been at the forefront of the fight against swine flu. |
A controversial report written by a top policemen says too many officers are coasting towards their lucrative pensions and contributing little to the fight against crime. |
It's more about the illogicality of suffering and how inexplicable that is and how we fight against it in all our lives, whether it's cancer or whatever. |
As a month-long cold wave hammered parts of India, Bangladesh and Nepal, it is the poor who fared the worst in the daily fight against dropping temperatures. |
This in fact means to struggle in the way of God by striving to do good, and to fight against only those who persecute and not by attacking innocent civilians or bystanders. |
I have observed that more women, including domestic helpers, have now realized their rights and, therefore, are putting up a fight against discrimination and violence. |
Described as a blueprint to crack down on the trade in fake goods, the scheme involves closer inter-agency co-operation in the fight against pirates and bootleggers. |
Some struggles emerged for social programs, like the fight against de-indexing pensions in the late 1980s, which the government was forced to abandon after popular outcry. |
The final fight against the power grab will have to be in court. |
I shall round up the kids and fight against the harsh wintery gale sending sleet and icicles down our backs as we trudge eleventy hundred miles home again. |
From the beginning, we've had to fight against all national divisiveness. |
William Wilberforce was a driving force in the British Parliament in the fight against the slave trade in the British Empire. |
Nitrogen mustard was found to be less toxic and the chemical agent became a new weapon in the fight against cancer still used today. |
The fight against neofascism in Europe and throughout the capitalist world continues. |
Have deals been cut with the drug lords in return for help in the fight against the Taliban? |
Chidambaram said the government may have to revisit its policy of not using the air force in the fight against Naxalites. |
Charles, who did not wish to be trapped in Naples, had to fight against them in the Battle of Fornovo. |
The game involves you taking the role of the Spartan leader to fight against a huge Persian army on the edges of the Plataean cliffs. |
In 1915, the British signed a treaty with the Idrsids guaranteeing their security and independence if they would fight against the Turks. |
I won my last fight against the Tanzanian champion Francis Cheka and had to work hard for it. |
Of course, a key historical role was played by the Costa Rican Army in unifying the other Central American armies to fight against Filibusters. |
The South African fight against Andries Steyn in Johannesburg was a mismatch with his opponent's corner throwing in the towel in the third round. |
Sir Ian Blair, Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said the register could be one tool in the fight against cross-Channel organised crime. |
And one has to fight against that and create some haven for optimism. |
She is also one face of Fashion Targets Breast Cancer in the effort to also create awareness and funding for the fight against breast cancer. |
Furthermore, eggs are rich in an amino acid called cystine, which helps fight against the alcoholinduced toxins that contribute to your hangover. |
Octavian later recalled the veterans of the Ninth to fight against the rebellion of Sextus Pompeius in Sicily. |
Pacifist numbers during both World Wars were fairly low, especially in the Second World War, which was seen as a fight against fascism. |
Experimental results have revealed the superiority of this antimicrobial nanodrug over gentamicin in fight against Staphylococcus Aureus. |
Unlike Sweden and Poland, Denmark under Frederick II had trouble continuing the fight against Muscovy. |
However, some British and American individual citizens also volunteered to serve with Chinese pirates to fight against European forces. |
They broadly aim to enhance the fight against organised crime and corruption and depoliticise the judiciary. |
The time charter of a ship chandler and a chemical tanker as part of the prevention and fight against marine pollution in the Mediterranean. |
They also pledged to fight against all forms of protectionism and to maintain trade and foreign investments. |
He said our armed forces are giving innumerous sacrifices in the fight against terrorism. |
He said the violence now is worse than during the fight against Gaddafi. |
Ibn Qatan invited Balj and his Syrian troops, who were at that time in Ceuta, to cross to the Iberian peninsula to fight against the Berbers. |
Fitness Boot Camps is determined to help his home state fight against obesity. |
The Portuguese Navy was still involved in several other conflicts and maintained an important role in the fight against pirates. |
The site is leading the fight against scams through the medium of scambaiting. |
She saidA that Bulgaria could achieve economic development only by makingA progress in the fight against corruption. |
Oxfam asserts that worsening inequality is impeding the fight against global poverty. |
In the High Middle Ages, the fight against the Moors in the Iberian Peninsula became linked to the fight of the whole of Christendom. |
Currently there are limited measures to fight against filovirus infections. |
A COUPLE whose hotel was burned down by a fire-raiser have launched a legal fight against the local authority that asked them to house her. |
Many Han Chinese and Khitan defected to the Mongols to fight against the Jin. |
In 2001, she became the first woman boxer ever to represent England, in a fight against an Irish boxer. |
Finally, on the same issue, Alsharq newspaper accused Turkey of foot-dragging in the fight against terrorism. |
Also engaged in a fight against positivism was Lukacs himself in his most important monograph, Historial Consciousness. |
Venice remained an ally of Byzantium in the fight against Arabs and Normans. |
The musician yesterday announced in Dubai his partnership with the UN World Food Programme in his fight against hunger in the Horn of Africa. |
In order to establish itself as an American empire, Spain had to fight against the relatively powerful civilizations of the New World. |
Most Roman troops had been transferred from the Balkan Peninsula to fight against the Sassanid Empire in Armenia. |
He hired Huns to fight against the Alans who invaded the Greuthungi's land, but he was killed in a battle. |
We will fight against Islamophobia, but we need Muslims to fight against Judeophobia. |
However, his followers had him named king and continued the fight against Inge. |
The fat also allowed the mammoths to increase their muscle mass, allowing the mammoths to fight against enemies and live longer. |
And there should be no let-up in the fight against an ignorant philosophy that deems such an eradicable disease as a necessary evil. |
He anticipated that neutrons would become a major weapon in the fight against cancer. |
Domitian also founded a new legion in 82, the Legio I Minervia, to fight against the Chatti. |
Data is aided in his fight against the powerful androids by a newly created female android and a 500,000-year-old android. |
To maintain a painful fight against the law of sin, is the work of the penitentiary. |
Holy Roman Emperor Otto II had assembled a great army of Saxons, Franks, Frisians and Wends to fight against the Norse pagan Danes. |
The objective of the uprising was to drive the German occupiers from the city and help with the larger fight against Germany and the Axis powers. |
The question may be raised whether we will win the battle against racism, sexism, and agism only to lose the fight against languagism. |
Shark's Captain Loftus Jones won the Victoria Cross for his heroism in continuing to fight against all odds. |
Each likewise portrays itself as on the side of the angels, as fighting the good fight against adversaries who are neither decent nor fair. |
William continued to fight against the invaders from England and France, allying himself with Spain and Brandenburg. |
At this time, he started a cancer foundation called Love Hope Strength to help with the fight against cancer. |
When training for a fight against Lee Ramage, Louis noticed a young female secretary for the black newspaper at the gym. |
Aside from the Byrd fiasco, Klitschko was forced into retirement after his December 2004 fight against Danny Williams because of aknee injury. |
On 21 May, Welsh took part in a fight against Johnny Owens of Aberaman, unofficial Lightweight Champion of Wales. |
The natural progression was a title fight against the then WBO title holder, Johnny Nelson. |
The fight against Dracunculiasis, or Guinea worm as it is more commonly known, has achieved tremendous success in recent years. |
Sakoba Keita, the Guinean health ministry official leading the fight against the Ebola virus disease, said Friday that there are 115 confirmed cases of the deadly disease. |
LinkTek has stepped up its fight against the growing epidemic of link rot. |
A BIRMINGHAM-based charity backing Villa captain Stiliyan Petrov's fight against leukaemia has launched a PS1 million appeal to support children battling the disease. |
A team at the Northern Institute for Cancer Research is leading the fight against advanced basal cell carcinoma, with a trial for this form of skin cancer. |
The novel unfolds around a black woman activist's fight against a moneyed redeveloper for the supervisor position of San Francisco's Tenderloin district. |
On 14 September 2012, Hatton confirmed he would return to professional boxing with a fight against an unnamed opponent scheduled to take place in November that year. |
Two great windows of opportunity will swing open this year in the fight against world poverty, surely one of the most pressing moral issues of our age. |
Armstrong reaffirmed that he is, above all, interested in making seasonlong use of his bully pulpit to promote the worldwide fight against cancer. |
It was used in 1984 to purchase 32 acres of land at Sharpitor, near Burrator Reservoir, in celebration of the successful fight against the Swincombe reservoir. |
Prison reform and the rehabilitation of prisoners need to be part of the fight against crime, since it is critical that revolving door syndromes of criminality be arrested. |
The Farm Journal Foundation aims to rally communities around the fight against world hunger through programs including Farm Teams, HungerU, and Your Seat At The Table. |
Making his welterweight debut in 2006, Hatton won a tough fight against WBA champion Luis Collazo to win a world title in his second weight class. |
Japan forced Inner Mongolian and Barga people to fight against Mongolians but they surrendered to Mongolians and started to fight against their Japanese and Manchu allies. |
After the Battle of Lewes, Edward was hostage to the rebellious barons, but escaped after a few months and joined the fight against Simon de Montfort. |
Eubank was knocked down twice and lost on points to Calzaghe, but saw his popularity rise as a result of managing to finish the fight against his more fancied opponent. |
Some materialists among modern historians have tried to read a form of class struggle into Sverre and the Birkebeiner's fight against Erling and Magnus. |
Previously a base to fight against the communist regime in Poland, London came to be seen as an important centre to foster business and political relations. |
In Germany, the name Arminius was interpreted as reflecting the name Hermann by Martin Luther, who saw Arminius as a symbol of the German people and their fight against Rome. |
Historians see Chartism as both a continuation of the 18th century fight against corruption and as a new stage in demands for democracy in an industrial society. |
This was followed by a fight against Chicago boxer Packey McFarland, one of the greatest lightweight boxers of history, which McFarland won on points. |
After Collins retired, a fight against British boxing legend Chris Eubank was quickly set up for the vacant WBO title on 11 October 1997, in Sheffield. |
The most common cause of shellfish allergies is the production in the body of antibodies designed to fight against tropomyosin, a protein found in shellfish muscles. |
This will allow young people to watch the CAN matches and will also reap advantage of the event to spread messages of the fight against Ebola virus and civicism. |
And TIZ Zambia executive director Good well Lungu expressed hope that the MoU will highlight key area in the fight against corruption that needs new strategies. |
In 2012 the Government of Timor-Leste adopted the Timor-Leste National Action Plan on Gender-based Violence and supports the fight against this pervasive problem. |
Doucet also wants the government to authorize the collection of statistics on an ethnic basis that can be used for allocating social housing to fight against ghettoization. |
Mamata's meteorical rise to power since 2006 has been because of her fight against the Left Front government's forceful land acquisition both in Singur and Nandigram. |
This service should include the fight against new HIV infections. |
There, they met Marshal Tito, the Communist leader of the Partisans, who was leading the guerrilla fight against the occupying Axis forces with Allied support. |
The provision is the latest step Oregon lawmakers have taken in their fight against bogus degrees, diploma mills, and non-accredited institutions in general. |
Let me assure you, sir, that I will, in the interests of APANUA, continue the ceaseless fight against senseless acronymity, initialese, indecipherable abbreviation. |