Licence duties tend to have very small disincentive effects on car ownership due to their relatively low level. |
Although the five a day catchphrase might be appropriate for adults, it could be a disincentive for children. |
Since Rutherford perceived disincentive effects in George's system, he believed that he had found a reason to reject it. |
Such circumstances, needless to say, had a disincentive effect upon agricultural production. |
So long as this is the case, any distortions caused by the taxation will be modest, as will the disincentive effects on labor supply. |
Increased revenues could be raised by such a tax without a significant danger of fiscal flight, disincentive effects, or unacceptable costs. |
Those banks which fail to show improvement in response to the monitorable action plan will be subjected to a disincentive package. |
Malaria-related health insurance costs for expatriate workers and their families provide a powerful disincentive for manufacturing activities. |
To tax the rewards of such success would be to create a disincentive effect that would lead to little or no innovation. |
This tax disincentive effect will therefore further reduce the altruistic payoff to the young. |
Deregulation would not have the same tax disincentive effects and would enhance workplace flexibility. |
Brown did, however, stress the speculative nature of the disincentive effects and the likelihood of evasion. |
If such job opportunities are low-skilled and low-paid, the disincentive effects on such travelling could be considerable. |
However, as will be seen below, the calculation of the trade-off in Chart 2 ignores the disincentive effect of taxation. |
The high level of car usage and the fact the number of large trucks has never been greater also acts as a disincentive to switch to pedal power. |
The usual tool is to cut interest rates which usually serves as a disincentive to saving and encourages people to borrow. |
Also, the fact that learners were providing their own writing materials was a disincentive. |
There can be no true accountability, or true disincentive for corruption and maladministration, without the bright light of transparency. |
This represents a disincentive for managers to economize and to keep operations small. |
The thought of the journey back out is in itself a strong disincentive to escape. |
One disincentive involves reducing unemployment benefits to people who have not spent seven out of the previous eight years in Denmark. |
Without doubt, our long-term objective must be to introduce a system of compulsory insurance which will function as a disincentive. |
It can also act as a disincentive to business expansion, thus undermining job-creation, particularly in small and medium-sized companies. |
The residents of Vancouver Island where I live have a huge disincentive for all commerce and visitors visiting Vancouver Island. |
It seems that this recommendation is meant to be a disincentive to public holiday work. |
Furthermore the illiquid nature of risk capital investments has proven to be a further disincentive for investors. |
Most schools did not have adequate latrines or potable water, which was a disincentive for the enrolment of girls. |
Why would we want to squeeze money out of Canadian students or have a disincentive for kids to go to university? |
The current mix of tax and benefit systems continue to provide a disincentive to take up work or to work longer hours in many countries. |
The fact that administrative costs are not included in this Fund serves as a disincentive for provinces and territories to take up the funding. |
Another rationale against increasing income supports for the poor is that it would create a disincentive to work. |
The system thus creates a disincentive to work, and a long-term dependence on benefits. |
For companies, the potential costs of lost production and asset damage stemming from community backlash is a disincentive to investment. |
With progressive tax systems, such disincentive effects can be significant to secondary earners, but much less so to primary earners, as most economists now agree. |
West European countries that have embraced high levels of social spending choose taxes that have relatively small deadweight losses and pay attention to disincentive effects. |
He thinks leaving large sums to children is a disincentive for them to go out and do great things on their own. |
It creates a disincentive for employers to hire people who may need government assistance to afford insurance. |
Thresholds set too low may both overburden the Commissioner's office and provide a disincentive for organizations to notify and report. |
This multiplicity of pension requirements across the federal and provincial jurisdictions acts as a significant disincentive for companies operating in more than one province to consider offering plans to their employees. |
In cases where interviewees claimed that the data were not being used, several also expressed a growing disincentive to continue collecting the information. |
A person would have to be serious about bringing a complaint against an individual if there were a financial disincentive if they were unsuccessful. |
If both the monetary disincentive for wrongdoing and the regulations to guard against it are neutered simultaneously, the inevitable result will be great and unrecoverable damage to large numbers of consumers. |
These factors at times affect every staff member and particularly become a disincentive for the mobility and career advancement of young professionals. |
Where food aid is provided, care should be taken to ensure that food is purchased locally wherever possible and that it does not become a disincentive for local production. |
Although careful review of any scientific research application is important, complex or time-consuming procedures for issuing research and collecting permits act as a disincentive to the implementation of such research. |
However, although unemployment insurance systems have been streamlined, in a number of cases, together with high marginal tax rates and social security contributions, they continue to provide a disincentive to take up work. |
This initiative is seen as both an effective economic disincentive for illegal activities and as a means of providing compensation for environmental damage. |
A major disincentive to an organization disclosing or publicizing negative information obtained through a screening process is the fear of a lawsuit for defamation. |
The EU has also advanced social welfare systems and there is no question of jettisoning these, although safety nets should not be a disincentive to work. |
Iran knows this, and that is itself a disincentive for them to proceed. |
Recycling is famously market based, and at the moment virgin PET is cheap as chips, leading to a huge disincentive to invest in recycling water bottles. |
This conservative safety factor typically adds mass, posing a disincentive to casting use in an industry in which weight is of vital importance. |
What happened after that is we gained a double-digit poll lead, which hadn't been earned, and that acted as a disincentive to do all the heavy lifting, to go to all the difficult places after the 2010 defeat. |
This federal tax disparity for LNG and propane is perhaps the largest disincentive to converting large fleets to alternative fuel vehicles. |
Confusion about internet jargon is the second biggest disincentive for people in that age group to log on to the web. |
Some term-limit opponents even claim that the laws are a big disincentive for women and blacks to run for office. |
This provides a disincentive for people to know their HIV status. |
Social pressure can be a powerful disincentive. |
If this is not provided, its absence can be the disincentive that prevents their pursuit. |
There's a fine disincentive for unethical behavior! |
Just as linking appropriate counselling and treatment to voluntary testing serves as an enabling incentive for testing, compulsory treatment measures are a disincentive. |
With the forecast growth in electronic shopping over the next few years, heavy bank fees for money changes will be a serious disincentive for consumers to shop over the Internet. |
Under this new feature of research funding in Canada, the university faces a disincentive to encourage faculty to pursue research for development. |
Activities that most employers' incented included biometric screenings and health risk assessments, with the greatest disincentive being used for tobacco use. |
The complicated application process was a disincentive to volunteering our time. |
We considered volunteering, but the complicated application process was a disincentive. |