In a striking contrast to all simulations involving four d strands, the triplex assembly is not stable in the simulation. |
Here r is the base, or radix, and the coefficients d i are the digits of the number. |
Nouns ending in d or g containing a long vowel or diphthong where that consonant is syncopated in the plural, preserve it in the diminutive. |
Any error introduced while measuring the width of strips a d is considered negligible. |
Resistance was evaluated by immersion for 10 d at the second trifoliate leaf stage. |
In the study of leaf growth and flowering time, pre-cultivation ended after 14 d when the plants had two true leaves with petioles. |
With organic farming, songs from k d lang and some cracking yodelling from our rogue maverick rap star, complaints should only raise a whisper. |
Similarly, unmatched citations that were not detected by a search strategy were included in cell d of the table. |
The length of the lateral shoot at each phytomer position along the primary stolon of plants after 45 and 38 d growth. |
The symbol for shilling d and for pence s came, respectively, from Latin denarius and sestertius, but in usage their values were reversed. |
We define the dark current noise, or dark-current shot noise, as where q is the electron charge and I d is the dark current. |
Let d be the length of the diagonal of a square and s the length of its sides. |
If the sire was determined to be Angus or Brangus, then conception date was determined by subtracting 283 d from calving date. |
Pianos and keyed wind instruments deal in fixed intervals between notes, so they resolve both c sharp and d flat to the same frequency. |
On average, collections were made every 3-4 d for phytoplankton and zoo-plankton, 7 d for benthos, and 10-14 d for nekton. |
Plant have been grown for 7 d either in hydroponics or in aeroponics. |
If the rate ratio was heterogeneous, then the maximum-likelihood estimates of parameters under the free-ratio model were used to calculate d N and d S along each branch. |
Nutrients were thoroughly mixed into the substrate, water was added to field capacity and the pots were incubated for 10 d in a glasshouse before seeds were planted. |
Plants were cultivated for 8 d either in hydroponics or in aeroponics. |
She also provides a critique of why Olmec and Maya art have been so readily accepted by Western collectors an d art patrons while Teotihuacan leaves them cold. |
That is why dyslexics tend to reverse the order of letter features, thus confusing d with b and p with q, and to transpose the order of letters within words. |
Lactating subantarctic fur seals perform one of the longest attendance cycles described in fur seals, spending on average 11-23 d at sea from summer to winter. |
Iridectomy is sometimes performed to emove tumours d improve then of children who have small central congenital cataracts. |
With 85x700mm columns and 85x560mm beams, the laminated Radiata pine portal frames create a graceful, double-curve d roof. |
On d 8 of hospitalization, positive results were obtained for Rickettsia rickettsii, the pathogen causing Rocky Mountain spotted fever. |
He knew the state the club was in when she took over and the way she's turned it roun d has been remarkable. |
Mammary gland blood flow ipsilateral and contralateral to the pregnant uterine horn was measured on d 245 of gestation and d 44 of lactation. |
Oseltamivir, 75 mg BID, piperacillin, and tazobactam were started 2 d after the onset of the fever and cough. |
Leitir Mor is the one to beat, but a chance is taken on Red d Clasp following her debut fourth to Vinson Massif in a maiden here on Monday. |
Between d 11 and 17 the conceptus elongates to 25 cm, the primitive streak in the embryonic disc appears, and somites appear soon thereafter. |
Scrum-half Tobie Botes scored all of Treviso's points, including two tries, a c o n ve r s i o n a n d t wo penalties. |
I urge both parties to resolve the i r d i spute to avoid disruption to passengers and safeguard BA's future. |
He has stuff and collabo with a number of stars so that w boost his balanc lot en d also written collaborated big will also bank balance. |
Paramor said he had warned Guan three times and timed him d m taking too long over his second shot at the 13th before imposing the penalty. |
Figure lc and d displays a side view and a planform of the gate region, respectively. |
Wo r l d C h a m p i o n equestrian eventer Zara said her big ambition for the moment is to compete at the 2012 London Olympic games. |
K i r k w o o d H o s p i c e fundraisers Pauline Holmes and Jane Dutton get an eyeful of the latest venture to help the Dalton centre. |
These are characterized by pyrrhotine and pyrite poorly d with low quantities of chalcopyrite. |
Mano River Union is a regional organisation made up of Cote d Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. |
Models have been proposed for Gliese 581 d that could include surface oceans. |
The lowercase version has retained the curved shape of a medieval scribe's d, which d itself in general has not. |
In this section we will apply the concept of connectedness in dimension d to study tangencies of algebraic varieties. |
Spanish officers in riot gear s torme d t he UK-f l ag ged La Flibuste 120 miles off the coast of Cadiz after tailing it from the Caribbean. |
AidenMcGeadyhas d one little out wide in two matches and Robbie Keane remains an enthusiastic appealer but the sparkseemstohavegone. |
Such is the power eed that d to get two s greatest acters to and Jerry nd we come act s from ws. |
If I give a quarter of it to each of my two children, retaining half for myself, wouls s d they be liable to pay capital gains tax if I sold it? |
There are reports of a five-year pay freeze and unpai d compul sory overtime. |
Saikosaponin a and its epimer saikosaponin d exhibit anti-inflammatory activity by suppressing activation of NF-kappaB signaling pathway. |
Previous samples have a revealed that the variety of fish has not been correct and been wrongly d l escribed as a more expensive type. |
Pierre tells me that A-grow-bics is groud nd d ed inscience i d nduces the human grounded in science, induces the human growth hormone. |
The Council's decision imposing one of the abovesaid penalties d be issued without discussion during the same meeting after hearing from the member. |
I tried to get a sense of Ribaud as the illiterate yet wise person, but, with the exception of the moving d for th, his speech is not written as dialect. |
The dea d man, believed to be in his 30s, was driving a white Ford Transit when the accident happened on the A941 Elg in to R o t h e s r o a d a t Drumbain layby. |
The property has a d lightful front garden well as a large drivewa providing parking for u to 10 cars, leading to a sin gle garage and extensiv rear garden. |
In glacials a and c are stadials and b and d are warmer interstadials. |
Sydney, as well as in oasts a terrific Russell Tovey and lay a pair of prisoners so serving time in the potting's Ewen d Reverend Johnson, rious Anne Meredith. |
Ronaldo was never shy of talking himself up at Manchester United and Nani, his natural successor, has taken on the mantle of Old Traff o r d ' s c h i e f preener. |
Rib cages, fibulas, pelvises and craniums are all clearly visible in the pictures, de s i gne d to pro m ot e a Japanese medical display monitor company. |
The panel will be chaired by Gayna Perry, of Strange Attractors, anS d includes Liz Carlisle, of Urban Strawberry Lunch, and Fiona Dunn, of The Gallery Liverpool. |
Some of the most popular types of l i l d k i, areca and dragon. |
Burj Al Arab s concierge manager, Oscar van der Veen, has been recognised by Les Clefs d Or for his continued efforts in providing guests with outstanding service. |
That group relied on maintaining certain phase relationships between two laser beams to control whether a molecule of hydrogen iodide broke up or merely ejecte d an electron. |
Through the New Marke r ts Programme the LEP also offers f high-growth potential SMEs access to funding which can discount professional services advice d by35 per cent. |
People like to brag about their connections in D.C. It's a pastime for some. |
Case B, Case D, Dister D, Inman J, Jensen K, Johnson E, Payton G, Staiger T, volunteer botanists. |
Elsass F, Dubroeucq D, Thiry M Diagenesis of silica minerals from clay minerals in volcanic soils of Mexico. |
Dupeyron A, Ribinik P, Gelis A, Genty M, Claus D, Herisson C, et al. |