What an opportunity to proclaim real liberty to those in physical captivity and spiritual bondage! |
During the nineteenth century, juries as far South as Georgia refused to convict whites who assisted slaves escaping from bondage. |
Trapped in the vicious cycle of bondage and slavery, they have nowhere to go and are thrust into a life which reduces them to nothing but robots. |
In 1860, on the verge of war, four million black slaves were held in bondage across the South. |
The novels aptly illustrate why escape plans were fraught with failure and why some slaves chose to remain in bondage. |
Growing Up in Slavery presents young readers with intense, autobiographical stories of 10 slaves as they recall their early lives in bondage. |
From time immemorial slaves have manifested a desire to escape their bondage. |
In India and other parts of Asia, some people are outright slaves, others in debt bondage that ties them to a particular landlord. |
Have they opposed the bondage, the pulverisation of human lives, produced by a system that places capital and profits above human need? |
La Sylphide also popularized the white tutus, freeing the ballerinas from the bondage of stiffening panniers. |
A woman enchained cannot choose but give a measure of that bondage to her sons and daughters. |
She can rap, she can vogue, she can do bondage and ballads, but one thing she can't be is clean-cut. |
By the time England entered the African slave trade, the European bondage of non-European peoples was already well established. |
It pains us to see you so ignorant and uneducated, and so eager to place yourselves in bondage. |
His bondage art often captures that exact aesthetic I previously described, which I consider nearly a fetish in and of itself. |
His life seems set towards one of idyllic village life and oppressive bondage to his masters. |
Alexander II realized that to modernize mean that Russia needed to westernize, so in 1861 he emancipated the serfs from bondage. |
Since freeing myself from office bondage, I've been more relaxed in my news-gathering. |
Furthermore, his 1839 statement reflected a greater concern about the conscience of the slave owner than the physical bondage of the slave. |
Slaves held in bondage are forced into labor and too often treated inhumanely. |
Bonded labour or debt bondage is probably the least known form of slavery today. |
He noted that it was significant that after four centuries of bondage the descendants of slaves have become a free and independent people. |
Therefore people should be freed from the bondage of religious superstition and empowered to overthrow their leaders. |
Once she was freed from the contractual bondage in December 2001, there was no stopping this beauty. |
The nature of slavery and the responses of slave women to their bondage must also be considered. |
The Muslims, likewise, have been held in the bondage of traditionary forms and ceremonials. |
His contrition and his guilt do not help to free him from his bondage, though. |
Poets were pop stars, now they're weird beardies in bondage to an ancient craft that nobody deigns to understand. |
Most of what is seen in the film is bondage, discipline, and masochistic acts performed by actual participants in that world. |
Varied mythical figures have been conjured up as saviours of a people in decline or bondage. |
I put on a red tank top with a black fishnet shirt over it and red plaid bondage pants. |
As you led everyone in a prayer for deliverance from any curse over their lives, I felt a definite sense of release from bondage. |
Our poems don't rhyme, because rhymes keep our chains of bondage on free thought, chains invented by men. |
The slave narrative is the best single source we have for the lived experience of bondage in the antebellum period. |
We went back to the set and I watched the Falcon escape from bondage and alert the cops to where the crime boss and his rats were hiding out. |
He also was into voyeurism and bondage, it seems, and liked nothing more than to watch naked men being racked and tortured in the dungeons. |
The origin of the living entities' bondage in matter goes back to time immemorial. |
But the tree of life becomes a vehicle of bondage and dependence established by the demiurgical realm. |
All these evoke the requisite themes of pain, humiliation, bondage and fetishism. |
Do we see only ourselves, or our neighbourhood, or our nation, or a world in bondage? |
Hope of escape kindled within as the terror of bondage loosened. |
In the present age, the whole creation awaits liberation from bondage. |
Many people desire to be free, yet continue to find themselves in bondage. |
He ministered in mercy to the suffering, ministered healing to the incurable, ministered deliverance to those in bondage, ministered forgiveness to the fallen! |
Escaping from bondage in Egypt by dint of magic and smart talk is comprehensible: Exodus played to our strengths. |
We grow used to the rhythm imposed on us by our need to subsist: soon we get to like our bondage. |
Intrepid and resourceful, Casement gathered testimonies about the armed extortion and debt bondage that supported the rubber trade. |
This includes practices such as debt bondage in which a person has no choice but to submit to the pressure. |
According to interviewees, trafficking victims are often involved in a debt bondage relationship. |
Mafiwasta highlighted that there is strong evidence to suggest that debt bondage is widespread in the Emirates. |
You feel that sin has separated you from God, and that you are in bondage to the power of evil. |
Is the demon in fact the Roman army, keeping people under occupation and in bondage? |
They want to be freed from the bondage of hunger, ignorance, and isolation. |
In this section, you will find Thurman's memoirs of his life in bondage and his eventual escape from slavery to a life of freedom in Canada. |
In the second state of life, when the spouse is in bondage in Egypt, the Bridegroom comes to deliver her. |
Methodist and many Baptist clergy opposed human bondage and at first called on believers to manumit their slaves. |
In the bondage of sin, marriage is threatened by discord, a spirit of domination and infidelity. |
They assumed that man, once liberated from social bondage and free to pursue his individual happiness, would live in peace. |
I renounce all spiritual bondage that came upon me as a result of these things. |
Bearing this in mind, special mention must be made of one visibly refreshed gentleman who was wearing a sort of tartan mannequin jacket and matching bondage trews. |
The custom is derived from the days of slavery in the United States when a slave owner often would break the middle finger of a slave's hand to indicate bondage. |
Still, like other Japanese traditions, such as serving tea or ikebana, the art of arranging flowers, Japanese rope bondage is an art to be mastered. |
To deliver out of that Egyptian bondage to Wretchedness, and Ignorance, and Sin, the hardhanded millions, of whom this hardhanded, earnest witness, and writer, is here representative. |
Hirst's portrayal of the scene is reminiscent of Gilles Deleuze's description of his escape from the bondage of academicism in postwar French philosophy. |
Two hundred years ago, following a slave uprising, Haiti threw off the yoke of bondage to become a free black state and a haven for escaped African slaves. |
Once the yoke of bondage was removed, we reached out through a network of World Trade Centers in 91 countries and 200 cities, all part of the World Trade Centers Assn. |
Although the majority of slaves lived and died in bondage, the intelligent and enterprising slave lived in the hope of eventually buying his freedom. |
This event should be observed by all the descendants of former bondmen and bondwomen, as we call to mind the beginning of our captivity and bondage in this country. |
The use of white ropes as props with the dancer's movements enveloping and unravelling the rope makes a powerful visual image of the soul's freedom from bondage. |
It is when the pilgrim throws away the rose-colored glasses of illusion and sees the vanity of all worldly preoccupation that he breaks free of their bondage. |
Their will to survive, no matter the obstacles, was pivotal in releasing them from the physical and psychological bondage that characterised indentureship. |
Usually, they are told there is no work, so they immediately find themselves in debt bondage. |
Examples include quarrying, salvage, and farm work as well as trafficking, bondage, forced labor, prostitution and pornography. |
The Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery does not contain a definition, but specifically prohibits debt bondage, serfdom, servile forms of marriage and the exploitation of children and adolescents. |
Moses's act of liberation becomes an allegorical prefiguration of Christ's redemption of all humanity from the bondage of sin. |
That event was a cosmic explosion of love and goodness, shattering the rock-solid walls and iron gates of every bondage that ever tyrannized humankind. |
Forced labour and debt bondage are also considered slave labour. |
Any child who is subject to involuntary servitude, debt bondage, peonage, or slavery through the use of force, fraud, or coercion is a victim of trafficking in persons regardless of the location of that exploitation. |
In economically backward societies, as a woman's status is lower and her options more limited, to that degree is prostitution a more attractive alternative to virtual family bondage. |
No child shall be the object of any type of bondage. |
He respected the role of the woman in life and attributed the redemption of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage to the meritoriousness of women of that generation. |
It speaks of the Father being in bondage because of perfection! |
Priority targets include children working under forced labour conditions and in bondage, children working in hazardous occupations, and very young working children. |
The common folk were held in bondage to their lord and master. |
Those in power should always remember that cultures and beliefs cannot be held in bondage indefinitely and that, when they are released, they may well be found to lack moderation. |
To the principalities and powers that have held Sapele in bondage for generations, the Gospel is a declaration that their demonic kingdom has come to an end. |
Tomorrow I will be preaching about the blood of Jesus and challenging the occult deceptions that have kept many in bondage for countless generations. |
He said his perception of it is that aboriginal peoples in this country are still in bondage and an apology is necessary for the final redress from this bondage. |
The abducted slaves were kept in bondage by the runaways. |
We affirm our faith in the purposiveness of history where people can transcend bondage and death and are prepared to offer one's own life for it. |
Religion puts you in bondage, but Jesus sets you free. |
But one cannot perpetually live in bondage to fear. |
I was originally into plain old bondage, but have found that both submission and painplay are things that I can eroticize. |
One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children to bondage, which is Hagar. |
But they hearkened not unto Moses for anguish of spirit, and for cruel bondage. |
Few could afford this, until a further law in 1799 established their freedom and made this slavery and bondage illegal. |
Their acceptance was grudging, as they carried the stigma of bondage in their lineage and, in the case of American slavery, color in their skin. |
In Eastern Europe, on the other hand, landowners were able to exploit the situation to force the peasantry into even more repressive bondage. |
The fact that the Lukashenko regime reacts to all appeals from Europe was evident last Sunday, when a day to celebrate freedom served as an occasion to remind Belarusians that they are in bondage. |
Pawnship, or debt bondage slavery, involves the use of people as collateral to secure the repayment of debt. |
It is the function of free speech to free men from bondage of irrational fears. |
Set a happy and an influential example to your fellow slaveholders, by a righteous treatment of those, whom you unrighteously hold in bondage. |
Although some Haratin have gained their freedom, many remain in bondage. |
The result is described as equivalent to debt bondage. |
He'd got Kat involved in bondage and domination and their details were found on fetish websites as they trawled for threesomes. |
Debt bondage can be passed on from generation to generation, with children required to pay off their progenitors' debt. |
The absence of adequate education and employment opportunities had made conscription to the regular military or other armed groups attractive, and human trafficking, debt bondage and other illicit activities possible. |
Most victims are trafficked into violent situations: prostitution, forced marriage, and domestic or agricultural work in conditions of slavery, servitude or debt bondage. |
It is generally acknowledged that workers in debt bondage are primarily illegal migrant agricultural workers, maids, nannies or hideously exploited people in small industries in the Third World. |
Sharon, 54, admitted suggesting the hijab was a form of bondage but said Mrs Tazi insulted Jesus by calling him a minor prophet. |
Case studies 2 and 5 are good examples of projects that have included comprehensive gender analyses as part of the implementation strategy in their efforts to fight debt bondage and child labour in Asia. |
As examples, the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and forced or compulsory labour, including forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflicts, are mentioned. |
In the poor rural areas of Thailand, where poverty has given rise to the phenomenon of debt bondage, it is believed that it is the daughter's duty to sacrifice herself for the well-being of her family. |
This Convention prohibits exposure of children to situations which are dangerous to their health, morals and well-being and to conditions of slavery, debt bondage and serfdom. |
Amanda Bailey's examination of debt bondage contributes significantly to a growing body of scholarship on early modern global economics. |
In many cases, victims are held in conditions of debt bondage as well. |
In the US, slavery was replaced by peonage and debt bondage. |
Indenture, otherwise known as bonded labour or debt bondage, is a form of unfree labour under which a person pledges himself or herself against a loan. |
Some were sold into debt bondage, prostitution and forced marriage. |
In many cases, they are not paid or are held in debt bondage. |
The basic objective of the bill is to prohibit slavery and debt bondage in all of its manifestations and regulating matters leading to debt bondage of workers. |
Our tendency as fallen beings, as those whose bondage to sin is real, is to insist that real hope comes by refusing to look at evil and call it what it is. |
Mode a Modern day slavery is defined as human trafficking, forced labour and practices such as debt bondage, forced marriage and the sale or exploitation of children. |
But if he fancies something kinkier, Mistress Stella can offer Wayne bondage, domination, a transvestite session and slave training for pounds 70 an hour. |
Mr Williams, who lived with his girlfriend, was into bondage and mummification and police probing his death had found drugs, a gas mask and ties in his rucksack. |
The chief function of Headey, Cersei in Game of Thrones, is to provide a voiceover while Santoro gazes, impotently, in his finest gold lame posing pouch and bondage bling. |
Their marriage broke up when she discovered he had been engaging in bondage games with a local dominatrix while he was supposedly working out at the gym. |
Debt bondage, forced marriage and the sale or exploitation of children, as well as human trafficking are also included in the foundation's interpretation of modern slavery. |
Set in a lonely rooming house and bondage club, Night of the Celibate revolves around a celibate guru, from whom desperate men seek relief from their sexual compulsions. |
Fifty Shades of Grey'' features bondage and sadomasochism scenes. |
A report today claims bondage gear and equipment associated with sado-masochism were removed from the 30-year-old's London apartment, pictured, by police looking for clues. |