Kids' parties are the rage these days, with parents ready to overindulge their young ones, especially during birthdays and special occasions. |
It even lets you add birthdays and yahrzeits of loved ones, with a reminder for every year. |
For birthdays, no celebration is complete without the downing of the yard of ale. |
Communal feasting is central to marking birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, achievements, significant purchases, and major public holidays. |
Additional local news items are welcomed by everyone, such as weddings, anniversaries, christenings, birthdays, birth announcements and deaths. |
And let's face it, when you've had as many birthdays as she's had, they don't mean so much anyway. |
At one point, the restaurant was giving all people celebrating birthdays a card, signed by the staff, that was also a gift certificate. |
On the supporting card favourite backers must have thought all their birthdays had come together. |
There are a number of birthdays and various other celebratory occasions coming up. |
Tommy, best wishes for your special day, and we wish you lots more birthdays. |
I remember promising myself not to be a misery guts about my birthdays as I get older. |
What becomes of retirement plans when Century birthdays are as common as turning 50 is today? |
Mrs Rainy Day opined that the observing of birthdays is primarily a matter for children, not for adults. |
There were the usual birthdays and sleepovers, awkward school pictures, and family shots that blur the distinction between all our lives. |
The other she would bottle in a preserving jar and keep as a treat for one of the children's birthdays. |
Parents try to make their children's birthdays special with a cake, cards, and gifts. |
I kept thinking of all the great times I had with Rob, our first date, our first kiss, Valentine's Day, birthdays. |
I do remember his birthday, his wife's birthday, his two kids' birthdays, his anniversary and, of course, Christmas. |
For a fee, buskers could perform personalised songs for every occasion, from birthdays and anniversaries to marriage proposals. |
I reckon that birthdays are more suitable occasions for resolutions than New Year. |
Eating noodles at birthdays has become a tradition, in the hope that the birthday celebrant will have a long life. |
They have helped to celebrate the birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings of countless people across York. |
To make the staff feel at home, she frequently organises fares to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries of staff families. |
The study doesn't mention all the cakes people eat to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, engagements and to mark the departure of a colleague. |
To be fair, the place is regularly filled with people celebrating birthdays and anniversaries and weddings and the like. |
Katie and Kelly, now celebrating their 21st birthdays, were born ten weeks premature and were initially given a 50-50 chance of survival. |
Others, who share their birthdays with the Queen Mother, arranged special parties themed around the big event. |
Admittedly he is inclined to forget things like birthdays, but that's not a cardinal sin, not in my book, anyway. |
Slovaks usually celebrate birthdays with their families, and celebrate name days with friends and co-workers. |
He'd take his posing pouch to work and do Tarzanograms for the girls' birthdays. |
The twins celebrated their 40th birthdays with a party and hooley at the Country Club, Hollybrook last week. |
Both are 9 years old, have birthdays 3 weeks apart and enjoy similar interests. |
On birthdays and at Christmas I'd only get one set of presents, whereas my friends got tons from stepdads, stepmums, social workers. |
We generally celebrate our birthdays quietly, without much fuss or fancy goings-on. |
He wholesaled stock ranges of postcard greeting cards for all occasions including birthdays, Easter and Christmas. |
Hen and stag dos, birthdays and a lot of parties coming back again and again ensured that it was always swinging. |
Anyway, for the two ladies in our community we say many happy returns of the day girls and may you both enjoy many more happy, healthy birthdays. |
Maybe that's why when we reach a certain age, we're supposed to confine such extravagances to birthdays, weddings and Christmas. |
A green man, as he likes to call himself, Robin David says that he always gifts a tree on birthdays and other occasions. |
Among seven people, there is about a 60 percent probability that two will have birthdays within a week of each other. |
They could have ten birthdays, an engagement and two weddings all taking place within a seven-day period. |
Any money raised will be divided equally between the children when they reach their 21st birthdays. |
Until the Soviet era began in the 1920s, Abkhazians did not celebrate their birthdays or keep track of their chronological age. |
Moreover, the place offers the much-needed privacy for big families or groups celebrating birthdays and kitty parties. |
The company aims to cater to the growing needs of nuclear families to celebrate events like weddings, engagements, birthdays, and kitty parties. |
And look at there: requests, reservations for large and small meetings, parties, birthdays, wedding days, anniversaries and much more. |
Mr MacCormick, I am sorry I did not recognise that yesterday was one your special birthdays. |
Weddings, birthdays and other celebrations are infamously difficult for those watching what they eat. |
Like most subjects in England, moreover, subjects in America observed coronations and royal birthdays at a distance, by means of local ceremonies. |
He never forgot birthdays, bread-and-butter letters or calls to give his students, his friends, playwrights and actors best wishes for their first nights. |
Wedding anniversaries, 21st birthdays, retirement functions, Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day are all celebrated here in Ireland in great style in recent years. |
Grandparents, aunts and uncles put money away at birthdays and at Christmas. |
Stephen Clarke, 56, a quality auditor from Freshbrook began writing poems for birthdays, weddings and anniversaries and has even had several published in anthologies. |
Mary has 18 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren and she says she has an awful lot of birthdays to remember but she never forgets any of them. |
Watching the gamine Nicole, hair newly dark, eyes particularly blue, voice as Russian as vodka, you would be entitled to think all your birthdays have come at once. |
He was a beloved reverend uncle, faithful in remembering birthdays and jubilees. |
The rich and the famous celebrate their birthdays at exotic locales. |
Being an avaricious sort, I keep a long, ever-expanding list of coveted items which I trot out at the appropriate holidays, anniversaries and birthdays. |
Except for the milestone years, such as 21st birthdays, or the last year of your bachelorhood, very seldom are birthdays the fanfares they used to be. |
When there are so many around you, who would like to be with you around certain nodal birthdays, you cannot deny. |
Unlike other stargazers, my friend does not resort to performing calculations with birthdays and positions of planets or shuffling and reading tarot cards. |
Three Beanie Baby birthdays have fallen in the last eight days and by tonight when I was being asked to suggest presents for a lobster I confess I was feeling unhelpful. |
The Chair announced a slew of member birthdays and anniversaries, and the few absentees were welcomed back to the fold. |
They are gifts bestowed on us at milestone birthdays and in retirement. |
A number of centenarians celebrated their birthdays earlier this year. |
They are frequently used during birthdays, marriages or funerals, and are even taught at school in literature or music classes. |
The pool also offers swimming lessons and aquafit classes, and has a party room available for birthdays. |
Operas were originally composed and presented as a sumptuous accompaniment to some special event, such as the weddings or birthdays of dukes, princes, and the like. |
Make a date with edding: mark the most important dates on your calendar such as birthdays, events and holidays. |
Our teddy bears are the ideal gift for all special occasions such as birthdays, gift exchanges, anniversaries, stocking stuffers or just because! |
In recent years, birthdays have had a nasty habit of getting me thinking too much, recalling memories I'd rather not recall and conducting one too many internal dialogues. |
There are different hanbok for special occasions, such as weddings, babies' birthdays, and 61st-birthday celebrations. |
Toys photos are very important for both parents and children in the decision making process particularly during Christmas time and birthdays. |
If you have anything of interest you would like to share with our readers, newsy items, birthdays, or anniversary greetings, etc., Kay Byrne would like to hear from you. |
You shouldn't come here merely to revel in birthdays and anniversaries but to focus on and swoon over dishes like sweetbreads en cocotte with ginger and licorice. |
Grandmothers might be buying games online for their grandkids ' birthdays. |
Show that you care with these distinctively original ideas for weddings, birthdays and special occasions. |
Owner Kenny is planning a monster bash with heaps of free nosh to make his wife Star's 23rd and his daughter Nadine's 21st birthdays a time to remember. |
There are now 11 grandchildren's birthdays to celebrate, so I take her point. |
This family calendar has enough space to note down all those appointments and birthdays. |
The Afghan women were grateful that maternal deaths had been reduced and that infants were now surviving beyond their fifth birthdays. |
In addition to ordinary life, we also celebrate major events by sharing food with people: birthdays, graduations, weddings, even funerals. |
Once again, I would like to wish him the best of birthdays, as well as good health and happiness, of course. |
My mother, ever wise, bought a first-edition copy, and sometime thereafter I began celebrating my birthdays with its raspberries-and-cream-cheese layer cake. |
Les, Robyn, and Steve are all celebrating birthdays this weekend. |
He sometimes appears as rather soft-hearted and sentimental, he will usually recall birthdays and anniversaries when others forget. |
Apart from cakes on birthdays, few special foods are eaten at major secular ceremonies, although such ceremonies involve toasting and drinking alcohol. |
Here are a few prominent people that share their birthdays this month. |
Special days like holidays or birthdays may be times when family members are open to marking the occasion in a special way. |
Who's to say girls know what to get their better halves for birthdays and holidays? |
You don't find supercentenarians eating cake on their birthdays! |
Popular ship for weddings, birthdays and small-scale parties. |
Their pet love hotel will also have a fitness centre and space for dogs to celebrate their birthdays. |
Buy a gift a month to prepare for birthdays or Christmas. |
Try using the different variables you can drag into your contacts list to remember those important personal details that enhance your business relationship, like birthdays, anniversaries and much more. |
So, by the combination principle, there are 365 x 364 x 363 nonmatching combinations of three birthdays, out of a total of 365 x 365 x 365 combinations altogether. |
For birthdays, Quigley doesn't serve cake. Instead, he lights up the mirrored ball, dims the house lights, and brings out a fruit platter with a candle in it. |
Going from vernissage to exhibition we saw each other again, and this is how a genuine family friendship was formed. A friendship dotted with walks in Venice, gargantuan New Year meals, birthdays and weddings. |
They choose their numbers with a combination of family birthdays and Lucky Dips and buy their ticket online. |
If you are looking for musical entertainment on the occasion of events like birthdays, weddings, bar mitzvah, street parades, or others, he offers a format tailored to your needs. |
Sometime around 2000, I learned about Crossword Compiler, bought it, and started making easy, themed puzzles for holidays and birthdays, and puzzles with orienteering themes for my local club newsletter. |
They can partake in births and birthdays in real time. |
A newborn baby, at birth, receives an average of 32 presents and thereafter children continue to be pampered, not just at Christmas or on birthdays. |
Also, with its great pricing, the new FlatFoto will be a great giftable item for birthdays, special occasions or holidays. |
These birthdays did not escape the notice of the organisers who contrived to offer the birthday boy and girl a chocolate cake, while those present loudly applauded them. |
The problem is, I have a history of turning up late, double-booking and forgetting kids' birthdays, so I know my friend doesn't believe me. |
Charlotte Chipman, 100, takes yoga and aerobics classes weekly, attends lectures and concerts to stay sharp, and maintains a Rolodex of family birthdays to keep connected. |
Four of the main festivals are gurpurabs, or events commemorating important incidents in the lives of the Gurus, such as the birthdays of Nanak and Gobind Singh and the martyrdoms of Arjan and Tegh Bahadur. |
To many parents, special occasions like holidays and birthdays are indissolubly connected with the process of buying the latest video games for their children. |
We stayed, through missed birthdays and anniversaries, through long nights waiting for phone calls, through tears while I sat in my little room downrange, wanting nothing more than to go home and hold our two young daughters. |
Register up to 12 important dates, such as anniversaries, birthdays etc. The information will be kept private and you will be given advance notice via e-mail or letter mail of each date registered. |
Many of our donors choose to commemorate important events in the life of a loved one such as birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, and weddings through a gift to Inter Pares. |
Commencing January 1, 2001, employers are able to give their employees two non-cash gifts per year on a tax free-basis in order to commemorate special occasions, such as Christmas, Hanukkah, birthdays and weddings. |
Holidays, school events, birthdays, Mother's Day, and Father's Day may be painful sources of memories until the family establishes new traditions. |
And vice versa: which of us can be sure, after all, that if we were empowered to create, say, admiralties we would not give them to our middle-aged children for their birthdays? |
Facebook Gifts is a new service in America which mines what the company knows about its users, their tastes and their friendships to encourage them to buy and send each other gifts at appropriate times, such as birthdays. |
Staff birthdays are celebrated, usually with cake, flowers and a gift. |
Have you accounted for expenses such as Christmas, holidays and birthdays? |
In this first episode, June, who is celebrating her thirteenth birthday, wants to hear from grandpa if the first children in the world also celebrated their birthdays. |
Short passwords, and those consisting either of letters or numbers only, are unsuitable. The same applies to user names, names of children or pets, and birthdays or maiden names. |
This Sandinista initiative came to be remembered under the name of piƱata, name given to vases or containers made out of cardboard filled with delicacies which the children at the time of festivals and birthdays break. |
We all have birthdays from time to time, but we are not all called upon to play a leading role in events such as those your country has just experienced. |
Your participation in private celebrations such as birthdays and anniversaries can affirm your place in the family circle and connect you to the various generations in it. |
There were a variety of informal traditional activities that occurred in recognition of events such as birthdays, pinnings, and engagements. |
That's why KLS, a Los Angeles limousine company, provides exclusive limo packages for birthdays and bar mitzvahs. |
He also turns speed signs into uplighters, offering perhaps unusual presents for significant birthdays. |
Perfectly priced for summer travel and birthdays, the small, portable game board features 120 increasingly difficult challenges. |
I have been doing a lot of garden parties recently and a lot of half birthdays for people whose children who are born in the winter months. |
In their heyday from the 1920s to 1950s, a box of hankies, often with a pretty view on the lid, was a popular gift for birthdays and Christmas. |
But how sad that ageism is so rife in our society that women barely out of their 20s now feel the need to tell porkies about their birthdays. |
Everything you will need to throw any party, birthdays, a special celebration, a costume party, filled with gigantic inflatable slides, obstacle courses, Party Entertainment. |
At the end of the year Egyptians put aside five days for festivities which were spent celebrating the birthdays of the gods Osiris, Horus, Seth, Isis and Nephthys. |
Today lardy cakes are served for birthdays or special occasions. |
Radio 4 and Radio 2 also play the National Anthem at 0700 and 0800 on the actual and official birthdays of the Queen and the birthdays of senior members of the Royal Family. |
Zippo also hasn't forgotten those special events in which candle lighting proves central to the festivities, from birthdays to anniversary celebrations to retirement parties. |