I intend to continue practicing law past my 65th birthday, for as long as the firm will tolerate me. |
Oak Day is held in the central quadrangle and marks their royal founder's birthday. |
But he always came to visit us on his birthday, which was on New Year's Eve, and each time he would ask to see his tangerine tree. |
I talk to him every once in a while, and I went to his birthday party, but we never talk like we used to. |
I should thank you for autographing my copy last year when my classmates bought it as a birthday gift. |
The very saddest day of both of our lives was on my 18th birthday when my mother took off. |
Since most Hondurans are named for a saint, they celebrate their saint's day as well as, or in place of, their own birthday. |
Most children have the name of a saint as part of their name, so many celebrate their saint's day as well as their actual birthday. |
Just shy of its 180th birthday, the oldest political party in the country voted itself out of existence in early December. |
He died there in a hail of bullets over Labor Day weekend, two months shy of his 26th birthday. |
But, just a few months shy of his 28th birthday, as well as reaching his peak physically, he feels that he is at his mental best, too. |
Michelle Wie is expected to make it official today, a week shy of her 16th birthday. |
I met Josh's mother Barbara when Natalie had just turned a year old and Josh was a month or two shy of his first birthday. |
He died today of natural causes, only 39 years old, just shy of his 40th birthday. |
He was just shy of his 60th birthday and certainly had much more to do in his life. |
Crammed into eight lines in block capitals, the postcards ask after family and friends and wish a happy birthday to a much-loved brother. |
It's a an exciting pageant of anniversaries this week, even aside from my own birthday. |
This would mean ructions in the family, whose shaky economic viability depended on your starting work the day after your 14th birthday. |
The organisation, which celebrates its 30th birthday this year, is on the lookout for more parents to train as volunteers. |
A lollipop man schoolchildren call Harry Potter was celebrating his 80th birthday today. |
Jason's claim will be lodged with the courts following his 21st birthday in June. |
Being an army brat has its advantages like getting to see the world before your 18th birthday. |
How exquisite she would look in the rope of garnet beads my mother gave me years ago for a birthday present. |
It's daughter Caroline's third birthday and a proud and happy little girl turns church-going into a gleeful romp. |
That Romish, Popeish man of sin The one you loathed so long You gather at his bidding And sing his birthday song. |
Steiffie was added for my birthday in 1978, and that is when I truly became an arctophile, a serious collector of teddy bears. |
He leaves home on his son's third birthday and begins a cross-country road trip to try to answer some of his nagging questions about himself. |
Additional visits can be arranged by appointment and they also cater for birthday and school parties. |
On her birthday, he sent her a card that was signed by everyone in his unit. |
Your reaction to your recent birthday may be a sign that you are dissatisfied with your life in more general terms. |
That is the date of the third birthday of their private limited company whose mission in life is to lure new investment and jobs into the city. |
I owe the rather wonderful Jane a big apology for not having yet acknowledged perhaps the nicest and most unexpected birthday greeting. |
The elephant is just short of her first birthday and is due to give birth any day! |
Just after his twentieth birthday, in 1916, Alves Reis lit out for the Portuguese colony of Angola to make his fortune. |
It is believed the thieves rifle letters for money or anything they can cash in, with birthday cards particular targets. |
Besides, the members get together for occasional functions such as birthday parties and weddings. |
Her riding career began when she was given a pony for her third birthday and it was soon clear that she had natural talent. |
The donations were made in lieu of presents on the occasion of her 70th birthday. |
One birthday, she had chocolate cake with pink icing, and she and two friends spent the entire afternoon running through the sprinkler. |
We are delighted to extend best wishes and many happy returns to Ted Clark, Langanoran, on the occasion of his birthday over the weekend. |
Congratulations and many happy returns of the day to Mrs Bridget Caden, Tooreen, Crossmolina, who today celebrates her 100th birthday. |
But her desire to create was rekindled after receiving her first left-handed guitar for a birthday gift. |
Be it a birthday party or a wedding anniversary one cannot do without pastries which heralds the good occasion. |
Christmas, Vishu, New Year, birthday and a wedding anniversary are all occasions to celebrate. |
These are ideal gifts for weddings, birthday, anniversaries or any other special occasion. |
Missing a child's class recital, a spouse's birthday or a wedding anniversary takes its toll over time. |
He remembers his mother throwing big birthday parties for him and the two other leapers every time leap day rolled around. |
For example, most males raised in the South have shot a gun before their thirteenth birthday. |
Saturday, CNN is rerunning a special show that ran on the 19th to celebrate Larry's 70th birthday. |
After doctors warned last May that the two-year-old might not live to see his 10th birthday, they quickly embarked on their own mercy mission. |
My mother's face floated to mind, a pale reproachful moon, at her last and first visit to the asylum since my twentieth birthday. |
To mark his seventieth birthday, a series of Laurent de Brunhoff's classic stories have been reprinted this year in special hardback editions. |
A child is a minor until the age of legal majority, which is the twelfth birthday for a girl and the thirteenth for a boy. |
He answered with a lascivious wink when reporters asked him what he was giving his wife for her birthday. |
Last Friday night a surprise 50th birthday party was organised for yours truly by the family. |
A young girl who lives in a cheap motel with her mother comes every year for her birthday meal. |
Wrapped up in white, Pike is not merely a sexy birthday gift for you-know-who. |
A Christmas birthday also means a birthday party amalgamated with the festive celebrations. |
On the other hand, I cannot feel too bitter about an occasion that reminds me that my birthday is the next day. |
I blew out the candles on my twelfth birthday cake before indulging in the luscious chocolate taste. |
In others, it may include completion of a rite of passage, such as getting buried up to your chin in an ant nest on your thirteenth birthday. |
Sailors of the ship Shtandart are silhouetted as they climb on its masts and yardarms during the city birthday celebrations. |
So if you're looking for a house in the Lakes to celebrate a 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th or even 70th birthday Boston House is the ideal choice. |
The American design diva, who celebrated her 62nd birthday last month, has been forced to behave by the latest trend for ladylike dressing. |
Then we took mom out for dinner and pretended that we had remembered her birthday all along. |
If your items are in good condition, regift them to someone for Christmas or a birthday! |
It's great that you are re-gifting your children's overflow birthday items to a worthy cause. |
After all, we don't want Darren turning up on his 18th birthday after a night on the WKD, in his F reg Ford Fiesta XR2, ready for a drive do we? |
I started collecting vintage watches ever since my grandfather gave me one of his Hamilton vintage wristwatches for my 18th birthday. |
Maria has opened her birthday gifts and the coffee table is covered with wrapping paper and the presents. |
He had his first race just two days after his sixth birthday at the world championship track near Swindon. |
The screen veteran is the biggest name on the Queen's birthday honours list, receiving a knighthood. |
Raised by his mean aunt and uncle, he learns on his 11 th birthday that he is a wizard of uncommon powers. |
Happy birthday and I hope your wish for a huge boost to global development comes true. |
I'm now counting down to my 38th birthday, and then the second anniversary of the inception of this web backwater. |
Rose, who is now counting down to her 100th birthday, attributes her longevity to a life-long non-smoking status. |
It all begins in the fabled land of Albion, where our young hero must notch up three good deeds to raise money to buy his sister a birthday gift. |
It had been her birthday party, where she had had to invite the whole kindergarten class. |
So, I, being your benevolent, kind and generous friend, decided to get you a new cat for your birthday. |
Mr. Lane is one of a kind, and it's not just a birthday but an entire career that merits celebration. |
Functions such as wedding receptions and birthday parties were in danger of being cancelled all over the city. |
Teenagers in Blackburn and Darwen will receive an extra birthday present this year as part of a mayor's plan to encourage young people to vote. |
Over the years, you have stayed in touch, exchanged long phone calls and birthday cards and kidded him about marrying well. |
They recapped the story of their day to the others and they had a mini party to celebrate Jamie's 18th birthday. |
According to Nepali tradition, the prince effectively became a god on his birthday and he could not be seen worshipping another. |
On her fifteenth birthday she had stupidly agreed to jump off a branch of a willow tree over a shallow ravine some ten feet below on a dare. |
A widower, whose wife died from leukaemia last year, is appealing to people to join the bone marrow register on her birthday. |
Our only birthday rule here is that whosever special day it is, they get to call the shots. |
Three hundred people of all ages attended a birthday service in York Minster. |
My mother, who died when I was born, kept a diary every day from her eleventh birthday until she married. |
Friday was oldest ds's birthday, so we picked him up at his dad's and made a good ol' fashioned family night of it. |
Lee and I gave my Dad a Settlers of Catan travel set for his birthday, which is so kawaii. |
Four months later, on the night of her 83rd birthday, burglars ransacked her bedroom as she slept heavily after taking a sleeping tablet. |
A party was held at the home yesterday in advance of her birthday, and her family were taking her out for dinner tonight. |
In retaliation, she poisoned the birthday cake of his nine-year-old daughter by adulterating the batter with juice from oleander leaves. |
Victim of a seemingly random attack, he was jumped and kicked to a pulp as he made his way home from a 21st birthday celebration. |
Parents and well-wishers came together to celebrate the birthday of a woman who has bought smiles and happiness into dozens of young lives. |
Stanley has one of the most joyless birthday parties imaginable thrown in his honour, with an undercurrent of menace never far from the surface. |
A few mornings ago I started cutting out the pieces for a rag doll for Amelia's birthday. |
For my fifth birthday I was given a model yacht, and a rag doll my mother made. |
The days turned into weeks and the weeks into months until the day after the twins' fourth birthday. |
Jurors heard that Mr Ward, who suffered from a rare eye condition and had been blind since he was 15, had been celebrating his birthday. |
She wore the black sequined dress to her 37th birthday party at the Tate Museum. |
The bride celebrated her birthday the day after the ceremony, as the newlyweds jetted out for their honeymoon in the Maldives. |
She said a package that included a birthday cake and candles for her daughter was on its way and should arrive soon. |
Up close he looks like a child who has just eaten too much jelly at a birthday party. |
He became an ace 10 days before his 21st birthday, during the invasion of Sicily. |
NoNo is the funny little red robot with rubber sucker feet, given from Ulysses to Telemicus, as a birthday present. |
Many laudatory speeches during birthday parties and eulogies during funerals simply skip over this time and construct biographical outlines without these years. |
Thanks for the good wishes about teaching, hope the birthday went well. |
Shortly after her birthday, Schroeder decided to get an adjustable gastric band known as the Lap-Band. |
Among the materials was an annotated cartoon booklet given to my father on his 22 birthday. |
A restaurant has apologised after a toddler was served whisky instead of fruit juice at his birthday party. |
An odd party of five orphans and their attendants are assembled for a birthday celebration on an East Texas ranch. |
That Tut accomplished all this before his 12th birthday suggests aye was the power behind the throne. |
The next day, Christmas, is the birthday of the savior, but Frank is not a believer. |
A Spaniard by birth, Victor Serna left home shy of his 14th birthday and entered the monastery to become a Marist brother. |
As a result, while Newton was born on December 25, 1642 in England, his birthday was January 4, 1643 everywhere else. |
Loskarn was prominent enough on the Hill that in 2010, he chronicled celebrations of his 32nd birthday for Politico. |
The 22-year-old pilot who had never flown a plane before his 18th birthday was about to begin his meteoric rise to the top of the Luftwaffe's list of living aces. |
The following day was the 43rd birthday of Tihen, who had gone from Burger King to the city council. |
Parents are reminded that the club can provide excellent and varied recreational outlets for birthday parties, such as basketball, indoor football, handball and racquetball. |
So in a few minutes I'm heading into town to send belated birthday presents and to try and convince myself to think about Christmas with appropriate jollity and generosity. |
So, to commemorate her 75th birthday, the two got matching butterfly tattoos on their wrists. |
Elle and Arki celebrated her brother Ben's birthday by releasing white balloons from the end of the dock into the sunset, to the sound of the local Junkanoo band. |
Jimmy Hamilton, a boyish man who celebrated his 80th birthday the previous day, is recounting to me a tale of bravery from the middle years of the last century and I'm rapt. |
Every shift at LLGS, a counseling hotline which celebrated its 40th birthday earlier this year, was three hours long. |
When my British husband insisted that what he truly wanted for his birthday was to see a Monster Jam Truck show, I cringed inside. |
It is important to note that James won't see this until this Saturday at his birthday, unless one of you rotten bastards reading this goes and tells him. |
The uncle told RTL radio Hauchard called his grandmother, ostensibly from Syria, on Nov. 2, for her birthday. |
Mel's birthday was the next day and what did Antonio get his little woman? |
Seventy plus males all fighting over the remote control, forgetting your birthday or nailing wonky shelves to the firmament without first reading the instructions? |
In the recent birthday honours only one of the 25 new knights bachelor was from health care, and he was a chairman of a regional office of the NHS Executive. |
When his knighthood was announced in the birthday honours list in June, he paid tribute to the people who work for the charities he has supported. |
Denison admits that he shrank from doing the project in the run-up to his birthday last year, when he had planned to start it. |
For her birthday, depp and director Bruce Robinson purchased Heard a bicycle and she rode it all over San Juan. |
She may have already consumed a few small alcoholic beverages to toast her 21st birthday, but the following transcript is somewhat tough to comprehend. |
Tomorrow is my birthday and I heard the tantalizing rustle of wrapping paper this evening shortly after being told to stay in the kitchen out of the way. |
He lost the bet on the twenty-eighth question, when a duplicate birthday turned up. |
I reserve those future modification strategies for my birthday. |
Nick and Susan enjoyed the Diwali celebrations in Jaipur and spent her birthday last November staying in a royal palace with the maharajah in residence. |
The hustle and bustle of the birthday party hit him like a ton of bricks. |
Endre Farkas' invitation to celebrate literary lion Pablo Neruda's 100th birthday inspired a series of performative prose-poem vignettes, Proem Cards From Chile. |
Now, with his fortieth birthday approaching, he decided it was time to retire. |
He was a fit man, apart from fairly well controlled hypertension, who had been rowing competitively until his 70th birthday, and he rarely visited his general practitioner. |
Last month, she and Schaeffer traveled to Paris and then onward to the town of Ghent to celebrate Chasen's 64th birthday. |
At the birthday party, as if to underline that this was a zoo, the speakers had to make themselves heard above the screeching of nearby black and white ruffed lemurs. |
Some people also believed that Plutus' birthday was July 22 of the lunar year and they sacrificed to him on that day in the hope of becoming rich. |
For her birthday, her father hired a band that would show up at her doorstep to serenade her. |
So prepare for the Laird's party and birthday surprise with the people of the island, and watch as this renowned theatre company work their magic on a well-known story. |
McIlvanney made up for his absence by despatching three magnums of excellent champagne for Fyall and his guests, and a magnum of Krug for the birthday boy himself. |
And doing it righthandedly and lefthandedly and upside down, it didn't seem like just writing your birthday, did it? |
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel returned to Germany for his wife's birthday and to meet Hitler to try to obtain more Panzers. |
On 9 March 1888, Wilhelm I died shortly before his 91st birthday, leaving his son Frederick III as the new emperor. |
Our beady-eyed snapper caught the actress unawares on Monday morning after celebrating her 20th birthday with 100 friends in Malibu. |
Ryan O'Leary, 5, of Valencia, showed off a bearded dragon he received recently on his birthday. |
Welsh politicians suggested that she be made Princess of Wales on her 18th birthday. |
A few months later, his wife Yvonne bought him a set of darts for his birthday and he started playing weekly, occasionally at Bristow's pub. |
He made his professional debut at the Atlantis Hotel and Casino against Tim Brown, shortly after his 19th birthday. |
Turpin turned professional in London in 1946, soon after his 18th birthday. |
Dana Jackson was not your average blushing bride. You see, she went down the aisle on her 100th birthday. |
Open, a month before his 45th birthday, Faldo finished in a very creditable position of tied for 5th place. |
In cool misty weather conditions, Faldo's solid and steady play in the final round won him the Open title a day after his 30th birthday. |
A BIRMINGHAM belly dancing school is celebrating its fifth birthday by offering discount classes. |
The organisation celebrated its 100th birthday in 1988 with a Centenary Tournament at Wembley between 16 of its member clubs. |
In 2006, Pooh received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, marking the 80th birthday of Milne's creation. |
A GREAT-GRAN has celebrated her 101st birthday with afternoon tea and a singalong. |
I go to the gym three times a week and can run rings round other staff half my age but I'm still being booted out because of a birthday. |
On 30 March 2011, she sang at a gala celebrating the 80th birthday of Mikhail Gorbachev. |
Early in 1997, he held a 50th birthday party, costumed as Louis XIV, for 500 friends. |
The Delius Association of Florida has for many years organised an annual festival at Jacksonville, to mark the composer's birthday. |
In July 1695, Purcell composed an ode for the Duke of Gloucester for his sixth birthday. |
Enid was devastated when he left the family shortly after her thirteenth birthday to live with another woman. |
On his nineteenth birthday he arrived at the front line in the Somme Valley in France, where he experienced trench warfare for the first time. |
Lewis died on 22 November 1963 from renal failure, one week before his 65th birthday. |
Later Blair was expelled from the crammer at Southwold for sending a dead rat as a birthday present to the town surveyor. |
He remained at Eton until December 1921, when he left midway between his 18th and 19th birthday. |
It's just, like, totally not fair that Justin Bieber, 21, right, was papped in his birthday suit. |
With these hot nights most of us had ditched our pyjamas, preferring our birthday suit in bed. |
Lady Gaga literally appeared in her birthday suit when she stepped out to celebrate her 28th birthday this time. |
Peter has sneaked back from Paris in secret to spend a cheeky day with her and she has to think fast when they catch her in her birthday suit. |
Her Mother's birthday being the 31st and mine the 30th of the same month, we congratulated her on her sense of the fitness of things. |
He claims to have once blagged himself into a birthday party being thrown for Mel C's mother, and found all the Spice Girls there. |
While staying with Monroe, he planned to send Washington a letter of grievance on the former President's birthday. |
But recipients were expected to give works to the monarch, at New Year or on their birthday. |
After John gave her a lovely wooly hat for her birthday, she wanted to make it up to him so she took him out for dinner. |
In Scotland children are entitled to a place in a nursery class when they reach their third birthday. |
She also begged off from finalizing the birthday party plans for her baby. |
The show starts with preparations for Milkshake Monkey's surprise birthday, and all the guests are busy with their very special party jobs. |
Each child in England at the first school term after their third birthday, is entitled to 15 hours per week free childcare funding. |
Turing died in 1954, 16 days before his 42nd birthday, from cyanide poisoning. |
For her birthday, the princess who could have anything chooses the dirtiest, scruffiest pig in the kingdom, a pig named Lollipop. |
He became more frail, and seldom left his flat, although he travelled to Liverpool for celebrations of his eightieth birthday. |
In 1708, Christopher Wren's masterpiece, St Paul's Cathedral, was completed on his birthday. |
He makes the milkshakes while partner Angie is responsible for the birthday, Christening and cupcakes. |
He set out for England from Scheveningen, arrived in Dover on 25 May 1660 and reached London on 29 May, his 30th birthday. |
At or around his eighth birthday, he was designated Prince of Wales, though he was never formally invested. |
On 29 May 1660, his 30th birthday, he was received in London to public acclaim. |
Ashley Boyne sobbed after a judge refused to continue his bail and he was led to the cells on his 29th birthday. |
White landed on August 18, 1590, on his granddaughter's third birthday, but found the settlement deserted. |
It turns out that's why the former Primrose Hill gang called their fave tattooist to SADIEFROST's birthday bash. |
In the 2nd century, Pertinax, who shared his birthday, became emperor, overshadowing commemoration of Claudius. |
For her birthday in 2005, Tyler and her French band performed in La Cigale, Paris, and in Zaragosa, Spain, before an audience of 100,000 people. |
To celebrate her 57th birthday in 2007, she released an album called Valentine on her new eponymous label. |
In 2001, Bassey was principal artiste at the Duke of Edinburgh's 80th birthday celebration. |
The title was awarded to Philip, Duke of Edinburgh by Queen Elizabeth II on his 90th birthday. |
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel returned to Germany for his wife's birthday and to meet with Hitler to try to obtain more Panzers. |
On another occasion, the naval hospital at Halifax requested some flags to fly for the Queen's birthday. |
Queen Beatrix chartered the ship in 1998 as part of her 60th birthday celebrations. |
National Weatherperson's Day is celebrated in his honor on 5 February, his birthday. |
Pupils would move up a form each year before entering the fifth form in the academic year in which they would have their sixteenth birthday. |
Morisot and her sisters initially started taking lessons so that they could each make a drawing for their father for his birthday. |
In October 2012, on Mark King's birthday during a gig in Bristol, Boon Gould joined the band. |
Weller was offered a CBE in the 2006 birthday honours, but rejected the order. |
Most dairy producers aim for a replacement heifer to give birth to her first calf, and thus join the milking herd, on her second birthday. |
In this way, the heifers will be able to give birth and join the milking herd before their second birthday. |
In 2014 Hamburg celebrated a birthday of park culture, where many parks were reconstructed and cleaned up. |
Hafengeburtstag is a funfair to honour the birthday of the port of Hamburg with a party and a ship parade. |
The funny story is about a wealthy british lady, her buttler and four pretended guests celebrating her 90th birthday. |
Your child may also begin to plink out a few notes on a xylophone or toy piano before her first birthday. |
Strasser became the world's youngest Head of State when he seized power just three days after his 25th birthday. |
Webster enrolled at Yale just before his 16th birthday, studying during his senior year with Ezra Stiles, Yale's president. |
George sat down. Queenie got up. 'Could I have some money to buy a birthday present for somebody?' she asked. |
I have been racking my brain all day trying to think of a birthday present for her. |
The Lion Park Resort is Botswana's first permanent amusement park and hosts events such as birthday parties for families. |
Whitney died of prostate cancer on January 8, 1825, in New Haven, Connecticut, just a month after his 59th birthday. |
Davy spent the winter in Rome, hunting in the Campagna on his fiftieth birthday. |
The youngest, Lucille, died unmarried and childless in 1825, months before her 18th birthday. |
He introduced the custom of producing poems for the new year and the monarch's birthday, which became one of the key duties of the position. |
In fact, he did not approach her as a suitor until on or near her eighteenth birthday. |
Just before his 90th birthday, he wrote a new story for a charity book, Gentle Footprints, to raise funds for the Born Free Foundation. |
I didn't tell the girls it was my birthday. First thing they always did was grab the poor victim's arms and legs and give her the royal bumps. |
They served a pretty skimpy portion of ice cream as the free birthday dessert. |
When he walked into his surprise birthday party, he was completely speechless. |
It's my birthday. I have been egged. I have also covered Miss Durnley in squirty cream. |
Now on his son's birthday feast there came unto the king some five and fifty chosen men, schooled in the starlore of the Chaldaeans. |
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has received myriad birthday congratulations from foreign heads of state and government. |
It was his custom to begin a new year's record on February 12, his birthday. |
Grandmothers go wackadoo over handmade cards. She'll be so happy she'll give you more money on your next birthday. |
The comedian was well known for working blue, so she seemed like an odd choice for the boy's eighth birthday party. |
Asin looked beautiful in a red frock as she welcomed quests to her birthday bash. |
I went to Donna's little girl's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese and had to listen to those screaming yard apes for an hour. |
Soon after coming into power, Claudius instituted games to be held in honor of his father on the latter's birthday. |
Barden yesterday confirmed his retirement after 16 seasons with Longford and, like O Se, is approaching his 35th birthday. |
Happy birthday Wrigley Field, but are you too beautiful of a ballpark? |
Tuesday, 19 March 2013, will mark the ninetieth birthday of Canadian abortionist Henry Morgentaler. |
Despite this, Jasmine is a happy, well-adjusted teenager, who has just celebrated her 17th birthday. |
Oliver Twist's ninth birthday found him a pale thin child, somewhat diminutive in stature, and decidedly small in circumference. |
Last night, staff at the home, in Broomy Hill Road, threw a huge party to celebrate Betty's landmark birthday. |
So, happy 20th birthday to this proudly silly fashion classic. |
Two-year-old Aeron Wallace was one of five who died when a blaze swept through their Perth home after a birthday party. |
Ball, presents a concert honoring the prominent wind band composer John Barnes Chance in what would have been his 80th birthday year. |
Emperor Akihito expressed gratitude Sunday to thousands of well-wishers who gathered at the Imperial Palace for his 74th birthday celebration. |
But the final straw came last weekend when she threw an allnight birthday bash for fellow X Factor judge Nick Grimshaw. |
Laced with Amaretto, lots of cream, coffee and sugar, this is an impressive dinner party dessert or a rich alternative birthday cake. |
On the Yachter, the silver fish enthusiasts have also been having a birthday with big bream bags. |
After 10 years of yo-yo dieting, Sharon was spurred to lose weight after seeing a birthday picture of herself. |
The doodle marks what would have been the 112th birthday of American inventor and entrepreneur Frank Zamboni. |
Jones, who was still performing over 200 dates a year as he approached his 70th birthday, set out on a world tour to promote the album. |
Eclyse the zorse, born to a mare and zebra, has just celebrated her first birthday. |
The quints will be presented with individual birthday cakes and will open a few gifts from the hospital and its employees. |
American graphic designer and filmmaker, Saul Bass, has been given a video Google Doodle to mark what would have been his 93rd birthday. |
He died of trench fever in 1922 on Christmas Day, one day short of his 30th birthday. |
Her father tells her to be patient and her mother bakes her favorite birthday cake, a strawberry cake with strawberry frosting and jellybeans. |
They went all out for his eightieth birthday party and chartered a tour boat on the bay. |
In November, Giggs celebrated his 40th birthday, leading to media outlets and football figures praising him for reaching the milestone. |
Charles first played for the Wales national team shortly after his 18th birthday. |
It can be a life cycle celebration for an individual, such as baptism, birthday or wedding. |
There might also be special games played at birthday parties which are not generally played at other times. |
How she could stand up her kid sister on her birthday to sneak off with that pimple faced, horny, fast-handed Johnson kid. |
Herod on his birthday made a supper to his lords, high captains, and chief estates of Galilee. |
Her death there was recorded by the priory's chronicler in June 1337, a few days before her 55th birthday. |
The couple shocked guests at Kaballah Rabbi Yehuda Berg's 40th birthday bash in Los Angeles with their show of affection. |
He published a collection in April 2010, months before his death, titled Dreams and Other Nightmares to mark his 90th birthday. |
Nutini made his first demo which saw him signed to Atlantic Records in May 2005, shortly after his 18th birthday. |
Not spankings...donkeypunches...at least let him get laid. It's his birthday. |
She began her swim the day before her 18th birthday, completing it the following day having turned 18 during her swim. |
A YOUNG Teesside kayaker celebrated her birthday by becoming the youngest person in the country to gain promotion to the top level of her sport. |
He even bought a convertible sports car for his fiftieth birthday. |
Another son was born to Agricola this year, but he died before his first birthday. |
That's why the 18-year-old has agreed to celebrate the company's first birthday by taking part in a sponsored bungee jump on Sunday. |
Samantha, who lives with mum Sandra and dad Steve in Tile Hill, loves dolls and got a pushchair and some bunkbeds for them for her birthday. |
The card has the holder's photo and a 15 digit ID number calculated from the holder's birthday and birthplace. |
Hume's father died when Hume was a child, just after his second birthday, and he was raised by his mother, who never remarried. |
The British Museum exhibition coincided with both the 80th anniversary of the publication of Joyce's novel, and Richard Hamilton's 80th birthday. |
Dave Ruby took up skating again last summer, around the time his son asked for a skateboard for his birthday. |
Andrew Romano sends the septuagenarian Stone a birthday wish. |
As he approached his 80th birthday, Blake undertook a project to recreate the Sgt. |
Three days later, the Daly family celebrated Douglas' 10th birthday. |
An EP, No Plan, was released on 8 January 2017, which would have been Bowie's 70th birthday. |
Blackstar was released on 8 January 2016, Bowie's 69th birthday, and was met with critical acclaim. |
On 6 September, Moon attended a party held by Paul McCartney to celebrate Buddy Holly's birthday. |
On his 87th birthday, 30 October 1972, he was too weak to leave his bedroom. |
On 8 November 2012, Stoker was honoured with a Google Doodle on Google's homepage commemorating his 165th birthday. |
On the evening of 27 October Thomas attended his 39th birthday party but felt unwell and returned to his hotel after an hour. |
Scottish Canadians have embraced Robert Burns as a kind of patron poet and mark his birthday with festivities. |
In 1982, as part of the celebrations for his sixtieth birthday, Larkin was the subject of The South Bank Show. |
When Prince Sigfried goes hunting at night on his birthday, he meets the enchanted princess and falls in love with her. |
The queens of the day are the Catherinettes, the unmarried girls who will celebrate their twenty-fifth birthday within the next twelve months. |
Dubai resident Jorge Noel Tamayo, 42, bought a smart balance wheel for his son's 11th birthday in a popular mall in Dubai two weeks ago. |