Avoid violent programming and using the television as an electronic baby-sitter. |
A baby-sitter is a teenager acting like an adult while the adults are out acting like teenagers. |
It is expected that you will pay the baby-sitter, even if it is a young person, a neighbour, or the child of a friend. |
She isn't interested in tattling to the wife, whom she doesn't know, or using a baby-sitter spy-cam to catch them. |
This is the age where the television performs the role of a baby-sitter, than a means of entertainment. |
I might not be as stable as all the rest of you potheads, but I don't need a baby-sitter. |
Finding a baby-sitter was the challenge, not to mention watching our offspring sob at the window as we drove off. |
If you hire a caregiver, baby-sitter, or domestic worker, you may be considered to be the employer of that person. |
The baby-sitter, a 24-year-old Indonesian, sustained injuries described as serious. |
Translation can be tricky, so I explained that in America a baby-sitter is someone who is paid to look after a child. |
A family fun booklet approaches issues such as online security, communication, cyberbullying and entertainment, through the story of two young siblings, their parents and their IT-genius baby-sitter and neighbour. |
Still, this would be a standard baby-sitter of a movie without one hypernatural flame-haired element. |
Meanwhile, the children trundle from one type of child-minder to another during the day, before perhaps settling down to an evening under the eye of a local baby-sitter. |
A PAEDOPHILE baby-sitter who gained the trust of a mother by using a picture of himself with Tony and Cherie Blair was jailed for 15 years yesterday. |