The birds, whose wings are clipped to prevent them flying away, have been moved to aviaries in one of the royal palace's towers. |
At the end of the breeding season phase, we removed birds from their home aviaries and conducted a mating competency tournament. |
The night before each trial, birds were captured from aviaries and weighed. |
Pain said three aviaries large enough to hold 20 birds of each of the three species are currently being built at the facility. |
Birds awoke within 3 min and were placed into small recovery cages before being released into their housing aviaries. |
In the current experiments females were in cages or aviaries with males with whom they had not previously bred. |
They looked like aviaries with their random scattering of what appeared to be perches. |
The birds for whom these aviaries will cater include ospreys, wedge-tailed eagles, perigrine falcons, barn owls, and collared sparrowhawks. |
Birds were kept in large outdoor aviaries, which were opened after a week. |
Beyond the main flying arena which is used for falconry displays and training courses, there are numerous barns and aviaries for housing and breeding the birds. |
All my aviaries have compost heaps in them and the firefinches really seem to appreciate these, often spending large amounts of time picking them over. |
Those wishing to breed the baraband parakeet in captivity should house pairs separately in long, spacious aviaries so they don't become overly fat. |
Imported birds such as exotic pheasants, parrots and peacocks were very popular and were kept in aviaries to be bred or shown to important visitors. |
There are more than 50 aviaries with parrots, falcons, pheasants, hornbills, toucans, touracos, pigeons, ibis and many more. |
However, numerous outbreaks of fatal protozoan infections have been reported over the past 40 years, mainly among psittacines of Australia that have been kept in aviaries. |