She analyzes transcripts of interviews with political figures and examines the patterns of grammatical function words. |
Rather than just review the sodomy laws, Bernstein analyzes them from a socio-legal perspective. |
Stuart Kinner analyzes psychopaths, a mere one percent of the population who account for more than half of serious crimes. |
I would think that people would prefer media that soundly analyzes what they're writing about, rather than drawing unhelpful analogies. |
The sound and speech processor analyzes the sound and converts it into an electrical signal. |
It also analyzes their financial position and certain aspects of financial change. |
The multiplexer analyzes the complexity from all of them and assigns it appropriately. |
She maintains a consistent impartiality as she analyzes the bizarre system of punishment. |
The final project paper critically analyzes the project's successes and failures. |
He analyzes the painting as an illustration of the Ovidian myth and relates it to other pictorial and textual interpretations. |
Similar to a disk defragmenter, Registry Compactor analyzes the Registry and checks for fragmentation. |
The article analyzes the legal and political standing of the Soviet juridical theory of mare clausum as applied to the Baltic Sea. |
He defines sea power broadly to include maritime trade and ocean resources, and he analyzes the importance of sea lines of communication. |
The system does not deal with arbitrary mechatronic systems but analyzes electrical subsystems. |
Michael Robson analyzes the preaching and service of Dominican and Franciscan friars. |
In a nutshell, geolocation analyzes the user's IP address to guesstimate where the user is accessing the Internet. |
This is the process that analyzes an HTML document in comparison to standard HTML rules, identifying errors and non-standard codes. |
The social scientist analyzes the interchanges of the disputants from the standpoint that there is a correct position and an incorrect one. |
The first is examined using mass spectrometry, which knocks molecules apart and analyzes the debris. |
Surprisingly simple, this machine analyzes the blood samples of several people at once, and then differences show up as peaks on this computer. |
He analyzes various traditions of nineteenth-century associationist psychiatry in remarkably original terms. |
You can participate by running this free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data. |
The MDM is representationalist in that it analyzes consciousness in terms of content relations. |
After a training ride, the group analyzes his power output, average speed, distance, heart rate, cadence, and time, then adjusts the champ's workouts accordingly. |
This circuitry analyzes signal quality rather than signal strength, virtually eliminating the possibility of annoying noise bursts. |
To do this, it analyzes disclosure documents regarding securities distributions or public offerings. |
This paper analyzes data on the values of people belonging to age groups, starting in the early 1980s, according to the availability of data. |
The integrated microprocessor analyzes respiration patterns to detect and count each apnea and hypopnea event as it occurs. |
It analyzes obstacles to engagement and also identifies opportunities for enhanced cooperation and mobilization. |
The mediator notary, together with the spouses, analyzes the problems and determines their needs and interests and those of their children. |
We needed a vision that analyzes the current situation, the economic situation and we made decisions. |
Fara analyzes modality de re in terms of sortal sameness rather than similarity. |
It analyzes unexpected variances further and takes corrective action as deemed appropriate. |
It also maintains a supply of antitoxin, and analyzes bacterial spores and toxins found in clinical and food samples from across the country. |
This section of the chapter analyzes the historical investment returns of the Corporation. |
The Unit collects, analyzes and operationalizes information about terrorist activities in Vancouver. |
Any defect or discontinuity in the metal cause distortion of the magnetic field which the system captures and analyzes. |
It also analyzes the way an implementor might present the results of their assessment to the regulator. |
It gathers, analyzes and evaluates information about someone or something in light of legal information. |
It analyzes how energy may serve as an instrument to achieve sustainable human development. |
The embryologist analyzes the contents of every follicle under the microscope. |
They are to be congratulated on a book that analyzes and immerses readers in the new mediascape that is becoming increasingly dominant in our lives. |
It analyzes the HTML code to recompose it in the form of structured XML feeds. |
One exception is Taxation, which collects, synthesizes and analyzes complaint data from the regions. |
In addition to capturing and visualizing data, SOMNOlab software automatically analyzes such data as PLM, snoring and arousals. |
The program analyzes and calculates a characteristical point, the turning point of the S-shaped ascent of the profile. |
Each day, Metalor receives and analyzes different types of precious metals containing materials. |
The article analyzes several examples of such strategies, not only for companies operating in a capitalist economy, but also for companies based in countries that retain a traditional economy. |
This document analyzes the experience of Health Mutual Funds set up by Inter Aide in Pune in collaboration with Parvati and Annapurna. |
He tells anecdotes, analyzes concepts, reads philosophical texts, describes the experience of certain novels, generalizes, makes lists, and syllogizes. |
One of her current research projects analyzes the HIV prevention needs of people who have sexual relations with both men and women. |
It analyzes the files and decide on the individualization of the original budget appropriations. |
This study analyzes data collected on coral reefs in the Florida Keys, which is the only shallow water coral reef tract on the continental shelf of North America. |
Its unique software analyzes raw data and provides users with easily understood reports that can be instantly shared throughout an organization. |
After a customer unboxes a smartphone, MixRadio analyzes the customer's digital music collection with an app to generate custom streaming radio stations on the phone. |
In this report, the King Baudouin Foundation analyzes the differences in school performances between autochthon and immigrant pupils. |
Tactically, the Service analyzes, publishes and disseminates intelligence products which address current threats to the security of Canada. |
Once the adhesive electrodes placed on the chest of the victim, the device analyzes the heartbeat and decides when to send an electric shock. |
The ways in which a child perceives, organizes and analyzes information provided by his or her social and physical environment. |
As we shall see in Section 3.4, the later Wittgenstein analyzes Cantor's diagonal and claims of non-denumerability in some detail. |
It analyzes milk samples and measures traces of beta-lactam, the main antibiotic used to treat cattle, in just five minutes. |
The report also analyzes three key companies in Saudi Arabia oil and gas industry. |
Dreamland is a provocative and bracing book that analyzes how Canada's foreign policy has subverted the myths that Canadians believe about themselves and their place in the world. |
It also analyzes the level of congruency between the projected and perceived tourism destination image of Vietnam. |
The fifth chapter analyzes the total novel, both as a living novelistic tradition and a literary critical category. |
Like Plato, Aristotle analyzes the different kinds of city-states. |
The vision system automatically digitizes and analyzes the material, taking into account the geometry of the components, the position of the airbag, and all possible distortions. |
Thornburg Investment Management Inc. analyzes promising companies with sound business fundaments, while seeking to identify and minimize any downside risk. |
The study analyzes the interactions on the Moon among electrostatic adhesive forces, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays, and lunar gravity. |
It is a sector, within the area of the industry, mainly, of the hairdressing salon, that offers expectations, which we will be able to state quickly once analyzes the world-wide numbers of business of the referred sector. |
Automatically analyzes, structures and contextualizes collected data into a single structured resource, detecting hidden relationships and meanings between disparate pieces of data to facilitate search and discovery. |
Brief: Â Â Â This is a unique book of its genre that deeply analyzes the five states of consciousness that Advaita Vedanta talks about in its two streams: inner and outer. |
The group, which analyzes policy options for Western Canada, recently completed a study of international land stewardship programs and determined Canada has fallen behind other jurisdictions. |
In Postal Culture, Gabriella Romani documents and analyzes the production and consumption of letters in post-unification Italy. |
The report also analyzes three key companies in Romania oil and gas industry. |
Report analyzes that Insulin and Insulin Biosimilars holds a future scope and potential in the market. |
Using research that analyzes children's behaviour, fantasy lives, art work, even their dreams, companies are able to craft sophisticated marketing strategies to reach young people. |
His mother is an independent court reporter and analyzes depositions. |
Noise Squelch: The noise squelch circuit analyzes signal quality instead of signal strength, which allows the circuit to discriminate between noise and desired signal. |
The Company uses its custom-built mail analysis system, which automatically combines different customers into truck-load shipments and analyzes the cost-savings benefit to the customer. |
This report analyzes the worldwide markets for Polybutylene Terephthalate in Thousand Metric Tons. |
He painstakingly analyzes the radicality of moral conflict, which cannot be masked by resort to facile monisms. |
Fully automatic detail enhancement analyzes the image pixel by pixel. |
The portfolio manager focuses on companies with increasing sales and profitability and analyzes earnings forecasts, sales and revenue growth, and cash flow to identify attractively priced companies. |
Aruvian's research report Analyzing the Global Oil Shale Market analyzes the basics of oil shales to the global oil shale industry. |
Her treatise analyzes the prescientific representations of human families, focusing on the discourse which, through internal transformations, specialized into biological and cultural anthropology. |
Discussing Streisand's art, Mann effuses more than analyzes. |
The project analyzes the interrelationship of social change, anomic conditions, and the shift to violent and organized groupings with a political agenda. |
The machine automatically analyzes a victim's heart rhythm and signals the user to push a button to deliver a defibrillating shock if necessary. |
It analyzes the environment and decides whether to apply features such as directionality or compression in order to make the sound signal easier to hear. |
Commerce concedes this, and its Final Determination analyzes square-end bed frame components using at least some of the Diversified Products factors. |
The software solution simulates and analyzes the purchasing behavior of customers in specialty stores and deduces reliable prognoses about future buying decisions from the information gathered. |
Truly I say to you that he who meditates and analyzes the teachings of my Book, with a true desire to elevate his knowledge, will acquire the light for his spirit and he will feel Me nearer to him. |
Putnam's risk-management capability analyzes securities across all the Putnam Funds and other portfolios to identify areas of over-concentration and other potential risks. |
Automates data collection and analyzes all the data instead of time-consuming, costly, error-prone field sampling procedures that use only a small fraction of the available data. |
High-technology is indispensable in jump analysis: 14 high-speed infrared cameras record the jumps of a young sport canoeist and transmit the images to a computer that analyzes the strain on the knee and ankle joints. |
He not only analyzes his muscular qualities on demand and can adapt the program with finesse, but it also provides early detection of overtraining, fertile ground for injuries. |
WhatIF, a frequency planning tool, uses a new simulation technique that analyzes spurious performance of Intermediate Frequencies. |
The 2007 report analyzes economic freedom in 161 countries on the basis of criteria ranging from the freedom to invest and trade to job flexibility. |
Dr. Marianne Sadar of the B. C. Cancer Research Centre in Vancouver received CIHR commercialization funding to evaluate and develop a custom microarray that analyzes the hormonal progression of prostate cancer. |
The thyroid gland workup is a laboratory test that analyzes the health of the thyroid gland, including the TSH level, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, which is responsible for thyroid gland function. |
The EIU's index ranks 105 countries with a model that analyzes 25 individual indicators in the areas of affordability, availability and quality and safety. |
If one analyzes ad hominem as a particular kind of move in dialectical exchange, then one may develop rules of dialogue which distinguish circumstances in which such moves are and are not acceptable. |
This report analyzes the worldwide markets for Utility and Power Boilers in Megawatts. |
The Opti-Grade system provides a complete solution using hardware that collects data on the road's actual condition, and computer software that analyzes this data. |
The Bioscience Liaison Officer, and analyzes the performance of CF personal protective equipment in cases of combat-related casualties as part of the Battle Injury Mitigation Program. |
Rather than simply replacing a color, the Color Changer detects and analyzes variations in brightness, then makes the necessary adjustments to produce a realistic effect. |
Explain to the participants that the enterprise's capacity to honour its future obligations is the main financial factor that a lender analyzes when you submit an investment project. |
The present report briefly describes the meteorological circumstances that led to the flooding and analyzes in detail the amounts of precipitation. |
When the Bloc Québécois analyzes bills, it does so thoroughly. |
Accordingly, this report analyzes issues that have direct and significant impact on the ability of institutions to meet their statutory deadlines for responding to access requests. |
It also analyzes the Group's financial situation to verify its adequacy with respect of the financial requirements resulting from the Group's development. |
In general it analyzes how societies progress, stagnate, or regress because of their local or regional economy, or the global economy. |
The chart at the right analyzes the effect of the imposition of an import tariff on some imaginary good. |
To meet its objectives, the FinTRACA collects and analyzes information from a variety of sources. |
Thomas Csordas, in contrast, analyzes how ritual language can be used to innovate. |
It analyzes the structure of words and parts of words, such as stems, root words, prefixes, and suffixes. |
This new report analyzes marketing strategies of the world's leading agrochemical companies. |
In this particular piece of work Nadin analyzes the so called the baroreceptor reflex. |
A new study from ABI Research analyzes the global market for wireless, networked industrial monitoring. |
The Policy Inspector tool analyzes, compares and verifies policies written in XACML using formal proof. |
This report analyzes the worldwide markets for Recreational Vehicles in Units. |
Sperling analyzes how gender stereotypes and sexualization have been used as political tools in Putin's Russia. |
He analyzes the disputes surrounding the butterfly ballot employed in Palm Beach County and the absentee ballots in Seminole and Martin Counties. |
This Article analyzes the mechanisms for expediting TPR and adoption appeals in Ohio. |
The report also analyzes three key companies in Nigeria oil and gas industry. |
Part V analyzes the constitutionality of the CAN-SPAM Act's requirements for labeling regular UCE and the creation of a do-not-e-mail list. |
The first chapter analyzes the manuscript from a codicological and palaeographic perspective. |
The software smart-lab analyzes all data measured with the BYK-mac, including six-angle color, sparkle, and graininess. |
The report lists drivers and restraints and analyzes global high voltage switchgear sales volume, market value and average price. |
This report analyzes the worldwide markets for Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment in number of B2C electronic bills generated. |
The report analyzes the European enzyme immunoassay Market by type, technique, end-user, and by country. |
Meulbroek analyzes stock price reaction in 320 illegal insider trading cases. |
Finally, Cristina Diego Pacheco analyzes motets by the little-known composer Alonso Ordonez, a chapelmaster at the cathedrals of Santiago de Compostela and Palencia. |
Therefore, this research studies and analyzes non-linear vibration and instable behavior of nanobars in the presence of Casimir intramolecular forces by applying DC voltage. |
DoseWatch Explore is a web-based, cloud deployed, dose management software that tracks, analyzes and reports practice-level radiation dose data for GE CT systems. |
He analyzes the relationship between nationalisms and organized violence. |
Her paper defines licit and illicit arms and analyzes the points of diversion of licit small arms to the illicit market and potential mechanisms to prevent diversion. |
This study analyzes the MMS markets worldwide and the industry value chain that has evolved against the backdrop of changing demographics, as well as emerging technologies. |
He analyzes actual DRF records, oscillograms, and numerical relay fault records to demonstrate how to deduce the sequence of events in a disturbance. |
This analyzes the gap year's influence on student development and provides ways universities and educators can develop gap year programs to promote this learning. |
Manulife's solution analyzes more than 100 unique voice characteristics to create individual voiceprints for customers, each unique, much like a fingerprint. |
The report analyzes the revenues, average price and volume sales of gas turbines by capacity ratings used for power generation in key ten countries in the market. |
VoIPmonitor is open source live network packet sniffer VoIP monitoring software and call recorder for Linux or posix Unix which analyzes SIP and RTP protocol. |
It describes the law governing security interests in personal property and analyzes the creation, priority, and enforcement of security interests. |
The Generation X report analyzes the attitudes and behaviors of the first generation to reach maturity sitting in front of computer screens while talking on mobile phones. |
Public finance research also analyzes effects of the various types of taxes and types of borrowing as well as administrative concerns, such as tax enforcement. |
He also analyzes important papally approved and reformed books. |
A piece coauthored with her straight friend Shirley Walton analyzes consciousness-raising groups in terms of William James's model of religious conversion. |
This report analyzes the downloading behavior of those that use a pay-per-song music service and the impact that various prices would have on their downloading behavior. |
Huang's final chapter analyzes two versions of King Lear by the Taiwan-based dramaturgs Stan Lai and Wu Hsing-Kuo at the beginning of the twenty-first century. |
This report analyzes the general situation of the pork market, the poultry meat market, the poultry egg market, beef market and mutton market livestock market. |
This study analyzes the various market dynamics of the different North American parts and service channels for medium and heavy-duty buses and trucks. |
He critically analyzes the changes occurring in everyday modern rural life, and, and how communities have emerged from crisis to become self-determining entities. |
For each worldview, O'Gorman also analyzes the dominant rhetorical mode. |
It analyzes phenomena such as shear thinning, dilatancy, thixotropy, aging, emulsification, gelation, dissolvation, and flocculation in various products and texture types. |
GeoOptics listens to these microseisms through subsurface geophones and a system of hardware and software that collects and analyzes downhole activity. |
One of its most important contributions is the way the author analyzes a myriad of racial terms as they were understood at different moments in the Bahian past. |
Skabelund analyzes cultural artifacts, such as photos and taxidermic objects, and draws on radio broadcasts, public statues, songs, and interviews. |
The ShoreTel TCO Tool analyzes TCO, upfront acquisition, costs management and support, for ShoreTel, legacy TDM systems and various competing UC vendors. |
Sonograms plot a sound's frequency and analyzes the foundations of melody, while lively discussions cover bird activities and changing seasonal trends. |
Hisama analyzes the structure of the voices in each sonority and compares successive sonorities using permutational theory to track which voices switch places. |