They analyzed the remaining liquid spectroscopically and found three new sets of spectral lines. |
Pre-and postoperative ballistocardiograms were analyzed in approximately 100 patients with surgically amenable cardiovascular diseases. |
At least 30 peer-reviewed studies from grain, silage and green chop were analyzed. |
All this information will be analyzed and, after as many as 11 drafts, a performance outline will be hammered out. |
A mature grand fir tree was analyzed by a standard protocol to ensure an oleoresin composition within the typical range. |
The change of the lability of the system as the diffusion layer thickness is modified is analyzed in detail. |
In addition to the lac operon, a number of other synthetic and natural genetic circuits have been analyzed for robustness and evolvability. |
The body is X-rayed from many angles, and the X-rays are then analyzed by a computer. |
When the gas was analyzed it was found to have isotopic ratios identical to those found in the Martian atmosphere. |
Distance moved was not analyzed because it is well correlated with number of moves in odonate larvae. |
Adams analyzed this behavior with sage remarks regarding trace elements and essential dietary supplements. |
It has analyzed bribery by which areas of business are most ridden by large-scale illegal payoffs. |
Data were analyzed using Generalized Linear Models with a logarithmic link function. |
We analyzed gene mutations in patients who died of thrombotic events, using multiplex allele-specific polymerase chain reaction amplification. |
The same experimental database is analyzed here for distributions of amplitudes and widths. |
Their research shows that the surfactant layer must be analyzed in terms of its vibrational couplings, rather than by ordinary heat conduction. |
Speck disagreed with my assessment of the dream and my theory that dreams are easily analyzed and interpreted. |
It was essential that the theories be analyzed to examine and evaluate their content. |
The Tenebrio larval powder was then analyzed to determine the protein, amino acid, and fat composition. |
Fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed by gas chromatography as described above. |
That kind of resolution allows exquisitely exact areas to be analyzed for chemical composition. |
The charcoal tubes were desorbed with 1 ml of methylene chloride and analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. |
A report has been made to Sattahip district chief Pongpat Wongtrakul, and the chemical substance is being analyzed. |
The results that came back on the two lots analyzed by the laboratory were quite revealing, to say the least. |
A General Accounting Office report noted in August that Uncle Sam had never systematically analyzed medical devices for their hackability. |
The two loci marked with a number sign indicate those analyzed by quantitative PCR in the previous study. |
In related studies, the genetic factors determining the conformation of curd was analyzed. |
To the store, customers and products are all the same, data that are captured, analyzed and reshuffled. |
This battle, pitting the British against the native Zulus, has been thoroughly analyzed throughout the years. |
Raup analyzed different types of mollusk conchs in terms of their geometrical properties. |
Otherwise, a staff officer's recommendations are trusted as having been fully analyzed. |
One extreme, yet very thoroughly analyzed situation, is found in the swordtails and platyfish of the genus Xiphophorus. |
To obtain a direct measurement of the osmolality, 50 randomly selected samples were analyzed with an osmometer. |
The synthetically lethal combinations could not be analyzed because they did not grow under any conditions. |
All relevant verses must be analyzed in their entirety and tied together to form a consistent whole. |
This caused a deflection, which if it be analyzed, both directions taken together would be found to be a parallelogram of forces. |
The chromosome constitution of an individual can be analyzed following tissue culture of an appropriate sample. |
Finally, we analyzed the spatial spread of bluehead chubs and creek chubs through time. |
The table was analyzed using an exact permutational test using the algorithm of ROFF and BENTZEN permuted randomly 1000 times. |
Differences in the PRKAG3 gene sequences of the founder animals of the intercross were analyzed. |
The reason, publishers said, was because members of the Cayuga Nation believed the essay unfairly analyzed the Cayuga land claim case. |
Therefore it can be assumed that the seeds analyzed in this study were the result of neither selfing nor apomixis. |
The responses to the sexual arousal questionnaire were factor analyzed because of statistically significant intercorrelations among items. |
Each recipe is analyzed for calcium but also for calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, dietary fiber, sodium, and magnesium. |
Progeny plants were scored for pigmentation phenotype and analyzed for genotype using SSR markers. |
Clinical, radiographic, and pathologic findings, including ultrastructural studies in select cases, were analyzed and correlated. |
The corresponding cylinder analyzed would be the solid body from which the Archimedean screw was carved out. |
Samples were analyzed according to a modified indophenol detection method, and concentration was assessed by spectrophotometry. |
Microscopic images captured with digital cameras for pathologic studies have been analyzed at many research institutes. |
At least three tissue sections from each of the 49 biopsy samples from the 15 patients considered were analyzed. |
Each sample was analyzed in duplicate, and the means of the duplicates served as data. |
In thousands of journal articles and scholarly monographs Christianity's holy wars have been probed, analyzed, and debated. |
The park's current flora is analyzed by habitat and four plant communities are described and discussed. |
Because the data analyzed in Table 2 represent a pooled cross-sectional time series we tested for the presence of autocorrelation. |
At least 15 independent colonies were analyzed for each strain and the median values were used for the calculation. |
The data were analyzed in several ways, incorporating frequencies, percentages, means, medians, and standard deviations. |
Differences between the urban and suburban girls were analyzed quantitatively as well as qualitatively. |
Samples from three independently grown cell cultures were analyzed in parallel. |
The samples were dissolved in hot hydrofluoric acid and analyzed for lead by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. |
The DNA alignment was analyzed with both parsimony and distance matrix methods. |
Survival curves were plotted and the significance of differences between life spans of strains was analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. |
The hair samples were washed, weighed, cold digested, and analyzed with atomic absorption spectrophotometry. |
The authors analyzed data on 664 patients with either severe, melancholic, or recurrent depression. |
The cross sections of the samples are analyzed, and the pigments are identified under a polarizing or scanning electron microscope. |
The energy reflected back can be analyzed by a spectrometer that researchers then interpret. |
Differences in hourly morphine dose over time were analyzed by a repeated-measures analysis of variance. |
None of these studies reported a difference in overall taste panel acceptability of the beef analyzed. |
The number of analyses exceeds the number of studies because several studies analyzed two or more dependent variables. |
Overall, the scientists found chlorogenic acid to be the predominant compound in all the samples analyzed. |
The gels were dried and subjected to autoradiography and analyzed by computer-assisted densitometry. |
Therefore, we have attempted to create a simple, reversible photochromic metal-ion chelator that can be analyzed quantitatively. |
Researchers analyzed data from several sources, and found a strong correlation between cosmic ray intensity and ozone depletion. |
On another level, language is analyzed as an object that is used to control and mold social relationships. |
We have obtained and analyzed cores of varved sediments from Cheakamus, Green, and Glacier lakes. |
All that information has to be collected, compiled, sequenced and analyzed before any credible conclusions can be drawn. |
They analyzed baseline serum vitamin A concentration in relation to risk for hip fractures as a continuous variable and by quintiles. |
Researchers analyzed studies from the past 40 years, many showing a notable link between a high body mass index and acid reflux. |
The two beams, with two different planes of polarization, are then analyzed by another Nicol prism. |
The above Talmudic passage should teach them that several thousand years ago, some very wise people had already thoroughly analyzed human life. |
Metals and organochlorine compounds were analyzed by the Quebec Toxicology Center, Quebec City, Canada. |
Cross sections collected at the root collar and at every meter were analyzed using standard dendrochronological techniques. |
Chromoviral distribution has been analyzed in 15 reptilian species, including representatives of crocodiles, turtles, and squamates. |
He insisted that the Soviet bureaucracy was not, as Trotsky had analyzed, a reactionary privileged caste, but rather a new ruling class. |
The samples were sonicated for 12 sec and cell number was analyzed using a Coulter counter. |
We analyzed each sample in triplicate, and results were defined in micrograms per gram of dry lung tissue. |
She processes the bags so that the digested plant remains inside can be dried, weighed, and chemically analyzed. |
As a control, we also analyzed the dynamic phenotype of ndc 10-1 in the presence and absence of benomyl. |
Vidal and Hedges collected and analyzed the largest genetic data set ever assembled for the scaly reptiles known as squamates. |
In each case, samples of femoral venous blood and urine obtained at autopsy were toxicologically analyzed to determine alcohol concentrations. |
Transcribed excerpts of the lyrics will be analyzed with respect to phonetics, phonology, morpho-syntax, prosody, and lexis. |
Historians have for years analyzed the social aspects of the Civil War and the common soldiers who fought it. |
The interviews were transcribed for qualitative data analysis and analyzed using grounded theory methodologies. |
As this model is analyzed only in terms of average payoffs, these results are not affected by these assumptions. |
A log building expert analyzed features such as handwrought nails, log joinery, and floor plans. |
After coming up with the list, he analyzed opportunities by placing up to two plus signs or two minus signs next to each characteristic. |
The acoustician first analyzed the hall as a shoebox and then applied the results to the vineyard. |
We analyzed the 850 patients with gonococcal, ureaplasmal, chlamydial, trichomonal, and mixed urethritis. |
The oldest DNA ever found comes from Siberian dirt analyzed by bioarchaeologist Eske Willerslev at Oxford University. |
A number of courses are taught in which the mission statement of an organization is reviewed or analyzed. |
The proteins were detected by Western blots using antibodies specific for these proteins and three independent blots were analyzed. |
With the Fick method, inspired and expired gases are analyzed to determine oxygen consumption. |
Longitudinal data sets from infected adults and perinatally infected children were analyzed separately, and a combined analysis was also done. |
The efficacy and tolerability of a butterbur root extract for the treatment of asthma was analyzed in a prospective, nonrandomized, open trial. |
The influence of sociocultural factors on language minority children's development is the second significant factor analyzed. |
He analyzed bourgeois culture which conveniently precluded his being absorbed by it. |
Characteristics of the sample population were analyzed using univariate descriptive statistics. |
Answers to open-ended questions were categorized into major themes before being analyzed. |
These can rank among the most reliable of sources, when properly evaluated and analyzed. |
They analyzed them and found out that the moon rocks had magnetic properties. |
Within this framework, speech input could be analyzed into phonetic features that are connected to a phonemic level of representation. |
Because of its smaller thrust and lack of an afterburner, it has a lower removal rate than the F100 engines analyzed. |
The downside of this approach is that a high volume of network traffic can overload a system, and as a result not all packets are analyzed. |
We have analyzed the music and made our decisions about tempo and rubato, phrasing and articulation, voicing and dynamics. |
For infant deaths and postneonatal deaths, deaths were attributed to the year of birth, and the 1981-1991 birth cohort was analyzed. |
For example, the Ebola virus has a particular protein in its coat that can easily be detected and analyzed with mass spectrometry. |
The contours of a series of colonies of different cell lines and tumors were morphometrically analyzed to calculate their geometric dimensions. |
All interview data were transcribed and analyzed in Tzeltal with the help of two native Tzeltal speakers who also spoke Spanish. |
The micromechanics of the organ of Corti and the tectorial membrane is then analyzed by our new method. |
Some 200 building products are analyzed using internationally recognized science-based standards. |
Plasma levels of micronutrients were analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography. |
Hundreds of images are taken during the MRI exam, analyzed by computer and physician, then compared to the patient's mammograms and ultrasounds. |
The patient and environmental strains of V. cholerae were further analyzed for clonality by southern hybridization using the rRNA probe. |
We prepared total protein extracts from staged populations of animals and analyzed them by protein blot. |
Each spectrum was analyzed as a linear combination of basis fluorescence spectra using a singular value decomposition algorithm. |
They also analyzed the music collections of people who use Internet file-sharing services. |
All species analyzed in this study are organized according to current chalcid taxonomy. |
Sojourner analyzed the chemical composition of fifteen rocks using its alpha proton X-ray spectrometer. |
Only full-length genomic and cDNA clones, including genes with in-frame stop codons, were analyzed. |
A lot of data from long-term studies need to be analyzed and assimilated to help in the decision-making process. |
We analyzed data from only the first trial on each pair to minimize any effects of habituation. |
Immediately after their arrival in 1820, the missionaries studied the Hawaiian language, analyzed it, and in 1826 established its orthography. |
We analyzed only what we perceived as higher quality songs from the tape recordings. |
In their weaning study, Fisher and his colleagues analyzed a juvenile woolly mammoth tusk from Wrangel Island in northern Siberia. |
Tissue analyzed at the Tyler, TX, laboratory included right and left lung, omentum, and mesentery from each patient. |
Birds collected in May could have already been on the breeding grounds, so for May only birds collected during passage through Chicago were analyzed. |
We analyzed fecal pellets of each bat to determine food habits. |
To characterize the mode of inhibition, they analyzed whether binding of eiseniapore to membranes and lytic activity were affected by these substances. |
Development of similar procedures for the analysis of other volatiles is dependent on several factors including the properties of the compound to be analyzed. |
Differences were analyzed separately for sugar maple and Norway maple. |
The researchers sampled gases, or volatiles, discharged from the volcanoes, and analyzed the nitrogen and helium compositions to trace their sources. |
In this approach to qualitative analysis, complex sentences and meaning units are analyzed by identifying the semantic relationship of topics discussed. |
Their latest data show that 38 percent of the live sea otter population and over half of the dead otters analyzed have been exposed to the parasite. |
Using this technique, absorption spectra that are a characteristic fingerprint of the sample analyzed are routinely obtained with minimum or no sample preparation. |
A number of verbs belonging to each category are analyzed in terms of the thematic roles and grammatical relations undertaken by the noun phrases required by these verbs. |
Soil samples were analyzed for all hay meadows and pastures. |
The seismograms from earthquakes recorded at stations all over the world are analyzed to derive compressional and shear wave velocity and density as a function of depth. |
Any tree within striking distance of a use area should be analyzed. |
They also analyzed the long-term academic achievement of these students. |
The frames are analyzed in a time domain to produce at least one comparison index, after which an appropriate block size is selected for the transform coder. |
The remaining artifact-free data were then spectrally analyzed using discrete Fourier transforms to yield power data for specific frequency bands. |
Therefore, omentum, mesentery, and lung tissues from 20 individuals in whom mesothelioma was diagnosed were analyzed for asbestos bodies and asbestos fibers. |
The products were analyzed for their total valeric acid content to determine if they possessed the type and amount of valerian stated on the label. |
Then I read this cool piece on, in which acousticians have analyzed Mayan tombs and found that they were designed to produce incredibly weird sound effects. |
They were most of the time well thought over and solidly analyzed. |
To identify these predictive genes, classic toxicants must be analyzed to determine the most appropriate genes that will represent each class of chemical or toxic end-point. |
In place of these, we analyzed timing of anthesis, presence or absence of seed wings and pistillate racemes, and prevalence of acuminate leaf apices and attenuate leaf bases. |
The material collected was analyzed under optical microscope, and dissected with the help of 2 bistouries to liberate the spermatozoa from the tissue. |
The urine was analyzed by dipstick testing, urinalysis, and urine culture. |
Results were statistically analyzed using the Student's t-test. |
Wh-questions, for example, are analyzed as having the wh-word in situ. |
Although the larger study is ethnography, I analyzed the data from home observations and interviews with family members through a case-study approach. |
In a single blink, Justine had analyzed him and the situation she was in. |
The fluorescence anisotropy decays were analyzed by a unidimensional model, which correlates all the lifetimes with all the rotational correlation times. |
An advantage of our technique is that all attachment points of both the ulna and medial epicondyle were analyzed, giving a global picture of the length changes possible. |
The PCR products were analyzed by electrophoresis on agarose gels containing ethidium bromide and were photographed under ultraviolet transillumination. |
Densities of whelks were measured three times during each summer at all sites in these uncaged quadrats and average predator abundance was analyzed using analysis of variance. |
It gets scrutinized and argued about and kicked around and analyzed. |
To rule out cell positioning as a possible cause of fusion failure, the researchers precisely analyzed the arrangements of unfused cells in mutant worms. |
Homozygous phenotypes of the recombinant lines were analyzed. |
Progeny phage that produced clear plaques in the presence of IPTG and X-gal were analyzed by a differential oligonucleotide hybridization technique, as reported. |
Grain and hay samples were analyzed for DM, ash, and soluble protein. |
Selected hand-picked samples were analyzed after being dissolved. |
Female krill were later analyzed for ovarian physiological maturity. |
To further characterize the immune response, we analyzed the secretion of other cytokines by A549 cells after exposure to DEPs or carbon black particles. |
Twelve business telephone conversations were analyzed in order to detect intercultural differences between speakers of Finnish and speakers of American English. |
Tennant was studying a new mineral that contained a number of platinum metals and discovered a black powder that other chemists had also seen, but had not analyzed. |
The first step is to have a blood sample analyzed for its HLA profile. |
We analyzed the concatenated alignment of previously available amino acid sequences, although the possibility of paralogy could not be completely excluded. |
The only Copepoda protein analyzed for oligomerization is also a monomer. |
Researchers analyzed swabs taken from 42 neckties worn by physicians and medical staff as well as 10 neckties from security staff at the medical center. |
Sure, there are plot holes, but most of them don't become apparent until long after the end credits have rolled and the film is being analyzed in a post-screening discussion. |
Another controversial claim, that he fought in Java against the Muslims, has been analyzed by historians. |
Scratches should be closely analyzed to determine the attitudes of the boats at the time of initial contact. |
I had already concluded that not one of my writings was publishable, having myself analyzed the faults of my belletristic production. |
This allows both documented and undocumented changepoints to be analyzed in tandem. |
Trust me, I've checked every angle and analyzed a zillion options eleventeen different ways. |
It was then brought to Italy, where Enea Silvio Piccolomini, later Pope Pius II, first examined and analyzed the book. |
He analyzed the marketing of the chocolate with lawyerlike logic and came to the conclusion there was little special about it. |
Data suggest slight decreases in markers of proliferation in the periosteal and midsutural areas analyzed. |
The location of IVO was analyzed and found at the level of the LVOT or at the level of the midventricle. |
Journalists from 107 media organizations in 80 countries analyzed documents detailing the operations of the law firm. |
Later in his life, Pound analyzed what he judged to be his own failings as a writer attributable to his adherence to ideological fallacies. |
In 2010, the BBC analyzed the stigma over men crying during Titanic and films in general. |
Bernanke's policies will undoubtedly be analyzed and scrutinized in the years to come, as economists debate the wisdom of his choices. |
In the study, researchers analyzed 404 male and 119 female comedians from Australia, Britain, and the United States. |
These are then analyzed in a laboratory to measure time, frequency and species. |
Tuya Butte was the first such landform analyzed and so its name has entered the geological literature for this kind of volcanic formation. |
The most common pollutant classes analyzed are nutrients, pesticides, total dissolved solids and sediment. |
Runoff is analyzed by using mathematical models in combination with various water quality sampling methods. |
The multiple reflections are analyzed mathematically for pattern changes with multiple passes creating a computerized synthetic image. |
A team led by Marie Tharp and Bruce Heezen analyzed the data and concluded that there was an enormous mountain chain running up the middle. |
Several studies have analyzed the statistical properties of reversals in the hope of learning something about their underlying mechanism. |
Most statistical models of reversals have analyzed them in terms of a Poisson process or other kinds of renewal process. |
Larger animals are too scarce in the fossil record for good statistics, so paleontologists have analyzed microfossil extinctions. |
The sound of speech can be analyzed into a combination of segmental and suprasegmental elements. |
Complete plastomes were analyzed phylogenomically and divergence dates estimated to seek potential selective causes for the PACMAD radiation. |
A new discipline, sociology, emerged in the late 19th century and analyzed and compared these perspectives on a larger scale. |
Conversely, historical developments spanning many current countries may be ignored, or analyzed from narrow parochial viewpoints. |
No historian or linguist has ever analyzed this explanation as anything more than an obvious joke. |
Elemendorf analyzed the ethnographic reports of Drake's stay at New Albion. |
While this was a very low value of pesticide residue, it was the highest amongst the 50 vegetables analyzed. |
The word there in such sentences has sometimes been analyzed as an adverb, or as a dummy predicate, rather than as a pronoun. |
The Tamil case system is analyzed in native and missionary grammars as consisting of a finite number of cases. |
In some languages, diphthongs are single phonemes, while in others they are analyzed as sequences of two vowels, or of a vowel and a semivowel. |
Some phonotactic restrictions can alternatively be analyzed as cases of neutralization. |
It is either allophonic or phonemic, and may be analyzed as an underlying consonant cluster. |
In some languages, vowel length is sometimes better analyzed as a sequence of two identical vowels. |
In Latin and Hungarian, long vowels are analyzed as separate phonemes from short vowels, which doubles the number of vowel phonemes. |
However, some languages, such as French and Mandarin, are sometimes analyzed as lacking lexical stress entirely. |
Alternatively, these reduced vowels can be analyzed as instances of the same phonemes as full vowels. |
One of the most analyzed areas where the use of language is determined by the situation is the formality scale. |
Believers in radipraxy support the idea that beliefs which boost human understanding of truth should be analyzed, understood and followed. |
The conflict stage is where the problem is analyzed with several possibilities presented to resolve the problem. |
Henry analyzed the composition and investigated the properties of carburetted hydrogen gas. |
In the United States, cooperatives, particularly those in the Midwest, are analyzed at the University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives. |
Using methods of literature material, video observation and mathematical statistics, this paper analyzed sanda players' leg-applied technology. |
Accordingly, alternative dredge plants were analyzed, including pipeline, hopper, and the conventional sidecast dredge. |
The authors have recently analyzed a PMMA lens explanted because of snowflake degeneration in the dry and hydrated states. |
The absorbances were downloaded directly into a Macintosh SE 30 computer and analyzed with Delta Soft II software. |
Impacts on the global agrochemical industry such as market drivers and industry challenges are analyzed as well. |
The others segment is analyzed cumulatively, considering bacitracin, fusidic acid, and ceftriaxone within this class. |
Beauregard analyzed the terrain that he still held and saw an advantage at Water Oak Pond, a hotly contested water feature on the battlefield. |
If adhesion contracts typically are enforced, why should an adhesion contract that touches upon copyright issues be analyzed any differently? |
Urine samples were analyzed for total N and allantoin in urine was determined by HPLC as described by Chen et al. |
However, resource allocation in a hospital can be analyzed by using production theory to determine efficient resource use. |
Embryonic Stem Cell Technologies analyzed in this study include Stem Cell Transplants, Cell Based Genomics, Xenotransplants and Other. |
The companies analyzed in the report include Analogic, Esaote, GE, Hitachi, Hologic, Philips, Shimadzu, Siemens, and Toshiba. |
The results were analyzed to identify torques and angles of attack affecting the blades, which allowed deriving the maximum torque values. |
The major product segments analyzed are Anionic Surfactants, Nonionic Surfactants, Cationic Surfactants, and Amphoteric Surfactants. |
The major product segments analyzed are Rack and Pinion Steering Gears, Ball Joints, Tie Rod Assemblies, and Steering Pumps. |
The composition provides an inhibition of bacterial adhesion to an apatite test plate analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. |
The ideas of the late John Maynard Keynes have been extensively discussed, analyzed, and debated. |
The variations in the reflectance values of the different samples were analyzed using the General Linear Model. |
In this article, which later earned him Nobel Laureate in economics, he analyzed the consequences of information asymmetry in certain markets. |
At the company, the bath sample was analyzed by refractometry and the bath analyzer. |
Thermal properties of the cured resoles were analyzed by thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. |
Lavages were then performed at 10 minutes, 24 hours, and at 4 and 7 days afterward and analyzed for levels of IgE and histamine. |
Hemolyzed and lipemic samples were analyzed by the method and did not interfere with the method performance. |
Mumbai jumped two places and grabbed the numero uno position on the Liveability index 2013 analyzed by the Institute for Competitiveness, India. |
Dietary recall inter-view responses were analyzed for the intake of beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and magnesium from food and supplements. |
The researchers then analyzed the samples for their bile acid binding, swelling and gelling properties. |
Beliefs are commonly analyzed as binary relations between subjects and propositions. |
After cooling, the water is analyzed for formaldehyde using the lutidine method, with results reported in ppm. |
One was analyzed directly by HPLC, whereas the other was saponified as described above, neutralized, and then analyzed. |
Thymidine kinase DNA of TK6 human lymphoblast cells was analyzed using electrophoresis. |
The kinetics of myocyte contraction and caffeine-induced contraction were analyzed to assess the effect of TA on sarcoplasmic reticular function. |
Interview responses and seven-day dietary records were analyzed for the intake of energy, fats, fiber, carbohydrates, and other macronutrients. |
Fourteen additional cases flagged at factory-default settings and proven, by manual differential WBC count, to harbor blast cells were analyzed. |
The test works by taking a small blood sample that is analyzed to detect the presence of an antibody when the body is responding to an allergen. |
Olson reported that the five sections of kipunji DNA that he analyzed put the animal closer to baboons than to mangabeys. |
The sub product segments analyzed include Bomb Calorimeters, Reaction Calorimeters, and General Calorimeters. |
Using the newly-develop method, the FRA has analyzed about 3,000 released flounders caught in the Sea of Japan. |
After collecting tissue samples, other researchers analyzed the tissues to determine if BPA exposure was harmful to fetal development. |
Tableman, and Kim, also analyzed this data set, but used a model with inverse temperature. |
The surfaces of friction were analyzed by the methods of optical microscopy and microradiography. |
The potentials and electric fields due to the infinite plane and line charges and point multipoles are analyzed. |
The material analyzed came from an area adjacent to a metal fin perpendicular to the hotface in the sintered refractory. |
Then the collision is analyzed and evaluated within just a few milliseconds. |
Writing characteristics, miscues, and composition characteristics are analyzed, and two case studies are included. |
Orchiectomy specimens were analyzed by an expert pathologist and divided by the presence of teratoma. |
In Iraq, units based their Electronic Warfare support on the intelligence exploited and analyzed by TES analysts. |
To provide higher resolution, the tetrameric tandem amino acid repeat sequences within central variable region of the B602L gene were analyzed. |
Ignas Snellen of Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands and colleagues analyzed the planet's spectrum. |
A study by Dutch doctors analyzed chocolate to quantify the amount of catechins, from the family of flavonoids. |
Using the 6-meter Atacama telescope, astronomers analyzed the temperature of the afterglow in a narrow strip of sky along the celestial equator. |
It analyzed the changes in 2009 and forecasted 2010 in order of industrial chain rule, rich in content and succinct in style. |
This was true whether the Southern blots were analyzed by scanning densitometry of autoradiographs or by a PhosphorImager. |
However, Trowbridge has carefully analyzed her work and called out its inherent spectrality. |
Bilberry anthocyanins were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography with visible or mass spectrometric detection. |
After culture, the spermatozoa were flash frozen and analyzed for the percent damaged chromatin using the DNA fragmentation index. |
Serum samples collected in 1998 were analyzed for tocopherols, tocotrienols, and cholesterol. |
Natural source Vitamin E products analyzed in this study include Tocopherols and Tocotrienols. |
This report on the global spirometer market is analyzed and segmented on the basis of product, technology, end user, application, and geography. |
The myofilament lattice collapse in these embryos has been analyzed by immunofluorescence with antibodies to myosin A and actin. |
Pyron had previously analyzed an evolutionary tree containing all groups of squamates, the group that comprises lizards and snakes. |
Morphological alterations in diatoms and chrysophyte spores were recorded and analyzed. |
The study analyzed the tiny ear bones, the malleus, incus and stapes, from two species of early human ancestor in South Africa. |
Shafer and BYU grad student Todd Jensen analyzed information from a nationally representative sample of 1,088 children in stepfamilies. |
Doubled letters, digraphs, and trigraphs are also examined and analyzed carefully. |
The 2006 survey, the only one of its kind in the neurosciences, analyzed 150 neuroscience programs across 41 states. |
Subsamples were drawn from the integrated water samples and analyzed by a Turner Designs Aquafluor Handheld Fluorometer and Turbidimeter. |
They also looked at helpful features like parking sensors and backup cameras, and analyzed turning circles and stop-and-go gas mileage. |
Add to that multiple noncall channels for customer interaction, and the volume of information to be analyzed is enormous. |
In this work, the deformations and internal forces of the cylindrical tank with an open upper end in the contact with subsoil are analyzed. |
In addition, by comparison with a known spectrum, the changes on the surfaces of substrates can be analyzed nondestructively. |
To test these hypotheses, a chi-square test was run, and the data was analyzed with the use of contingency tables. |
Scientists analyzed accidents in 16 states and the District of Columbia that involved 3,922 children in SUVs or passenger cars. |
After having been classified, the data has been analyzed by using the scientific research model of Numerical Taxonomy Model. |
Additionally, Blanco and colleagues described a patient also presenting with oligozoospermia that was subsequently analyzed. |
Venograms were obtained with conventional angiography and were analyzed with quantitative angiography by the operator. |