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How to use Nora in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Nora? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Hard work never daunted him and when his wife Nora died 32 years ago, he raised his family of nine.
Nora patted the corner of her mouth slightly with a napkin as she watched him drain the glass of water without hesitation.
This might deter some golfers but not Nora who has nerves of steel when it comes to getting the birdies and pars.
He could remember scenes when Nora was four, and he had pushed her down the driveway on her bicycle without her training wheels.
Gemma Baird plays Princess Rose and Coliseum favourite Eric Potts dons the wig and slippers to play Nurse Nora, the pantomime dame.
The smells of breakfast wafted into the room, and Nora stretched out lazily, feeling cramped muscles groan in response.
In the old house, Judith Collins sits doing needlepoint as young Nora runs up to her with a ball of yarn.
Nora Willman stood at the corner of the small, unpaved street, her basket of fresh fruits and vegetables swinging carelessly in her left hand.
Nora makes duplicate keys for whoever asks and encourages them to walk right in whenever they please.
Gail marched after the man enthusiastically, followed by a rather nervous Emy, a dismal Mary, and a grinning Nora.
A number of the family have journeyed from England while Nora and her husband are over from Chicago.
When alone in the kitchen, Nora sighs and methodically starts to clean her husband's bloodstains from the counter.
Her hand flew up and a loud smack was heard throughout the large room before Nora knew what she was doing.
Nora groaned loudly and threw her dishrag on the table, then headed outside.
Lou gently lay Bev's hand back on the mattress and bowed his head with a solemnity that Nora thought both tender and portentous.
Though Nora is at first reluctant about going away for the holidays, she soon warms to the idea.
In the case of Nora, I refused to start writing her as a character until I truly understood her.
To both her credit and her detriment, Nora has learned to not be quick to judge people.
It was adapted for theatre by Marcy Kahan, from Nora Ephron's original screenplay.
It is at his ramshackle house that the game takes place, with Nora filling the men's glasses from time to time.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Buck turned away, and Nora shoved the powder down deep into her jacket pocket, feeling vaguely guilty.
Well, Nora, what is it that has brought you to bitumen at this of all times?
Nora felt that her chance had come, and she made up her mind to get her seatmate into trouble, if possible.
Nora knew how her seatmate would feel and prepared herself for the question that she was sure would be asked.
Nora went her way, provoked with her seatmate and angry because the joke had not worked quite as she had expected.
Bessie's seatmate, a girl named Nora, about Bessie's own age, was very mischievous.
Seguin openly lived with Nora, the governess, for whom he had furnished a little house.
If Nora and fil were like rose and lily, she was decidedly the robin of the party.
We knew you by the glow-worm in your mouth, said Nora, with a peal of laughter.
Surely we hear the voice of Nora Helmer herself, the very quintessence of Ibsenism!
Both simultaneously offered their cakes, and Nora took a ladyfinger from each.
I went with Nora Ganey into the very poorest of all the tenements down by the docks.
You see, she is the daughter of vitas daughter who died last year, Nora explained.
Im very sure, Nora dear, you will find something more interesting in vitas cake box than you could dig out of that dusty hole.
Without waiting to consider vitas opinion, Nora sprang from her hiding place and darted up the path into the cottage.
Of course everything is all right, but we dont want Nora worrying while were away and vitas alone.
Mac got as far as Nora Darling, absentmindedly inserted a comma between the words, and there stuck hopelessly.
As Celeste began the andante, Nora signified to the Barone to drop his work.
Presently she jumped past betta and threw her arms around Nora.
Nora was gone, lost in that turbid stream which flows through our city.
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