Hard work never daunted him and when his wife Nora died 32 years ago, he raised his family of nine. |
Nora patted the corner of her mouth slightly with a napkin as she watched him drain the glass of water without hesitation. |
This might deter some golfers but not Nora who has nerves of steel when it comes to getting the birdies and pars. |
He could remember scenes when Nora was four, and he had pushed her down the driveway on her bicycle without her training wheels. |
Gemma Baird plays Princess Rose and Coliseum favourite Eric Potts dons the wig and slippers to play Nurse Nora, the pantomime dame. |
The smells of breakfast wafted into the room, and Nora stretched out lazily, feeling cramped muscles groan in response. |
In the old house, Judith Collins sits doing needlepoint as young Nora runs up to her with a ball of yarn. |
Nora Willman stood at the corner of the small, unpaved street, her basket of fresh fruits and vegetables swinging carelessly in her left hand. |
Nora makes duplicate keys for whoever asks and encourages them to walk right in whenever they please. |
Gail marched after the man enthusiastically, followed by a rather nervous Emy, a dismal Mary, and a grinning Nora. |
A number of the family have journeyed from England while Nora and her husband are over from Chicago. |
When alone in the kitchen, Nora sighs and methodically starts to clean her husband's bloodstains from the counter. |
Her hand flew up and a loud smack was heard throughout the large room before Nora knew what she was doing. |
Nora groaned loudly and threw her dishrag on the table, then headed outside. |
Lou gently lay Bev's hand back on the mattress and bowed his head with a solemnity that Nora thought both tender and portentous. |
Though Nora is at first reluctant about going away for the holidays, she soon warms to the idea. |
In the case of Nora, I refused to start writing her as a character until I truly understood her. |
To both her credit and her detriment, Nora has learned to not be quick to judge people. |
It was adapted for theatre by Marcy Kahan, from Nora Ephron's original screenplay. |
It is at his ramshackle house that the game takes place, with Nora filling the men's glasses from time to time. |
In a similar vein, Nora recommends that community colleges advance into the twenty-first century prepared for a diverse student body. |
Both Nora and Frank assume Tommy's irresponsiveness means he doesn't take anything in. |
Often dismissed as Joyce's little woman, Nora emerges in Murphy's film as his easy equal, in force of character if not education. |
One of the grand ' old stock ' of the area, Nora commanded great regard throughout the community. |
Nora tightly clutched the horse's reins as she galloped along the countryside. |
A lady of gentle disposition and kind manner, Nora was imbued with a caring and compassionate nature. |
Despite the appearance she tries to convey, Nora holds a deep secret that threatens to destroy her happy home. |
Nora came into the kitchen to pour herself some milk and overfilled the glass. |
Nora hesitates to ask him for the large sum of money she needs to repay her debt to Krogstad. |
As Nora listened to him laugh and shout with the others, she set her elbow on the table, resting her head upon it, and sighed wistfully. |
In each of these jobs Nora was never asked for documentation of legality or social security number. |
It was followed by one of him with Nora, then one of him with Emy, and another of him and baby Gail. |
Nora grabbed a dishrag and began to clean off the table, sighing in frustration as Chris refused to move his elbows as she wiped. |
Nora and Amanda made their way to the loggia, a large patio at ground level on the seaside of the house. |
After half an hour or so a sexton will bustle in to prepare for Mass, and Nora will rouse herself and peek outside. |
His long-suffering wife, Nora, faces an everyday struggle to find money for food and other essentials. |
When Nora was still a toddler, Woody began to succumb to Huntington's Disease, the hereditary malady that killed his mother. |
When he laughed, revealing a beautiful white smile and a dimple on his left cheek, Nora positively melted. |
The exhibition marks the centenary of Bloomsday, June 16th 1904, the day on which James Joyce first walked out with Nora Barnacle. |
She lives with her parents, Bobby and Helen and her grand-aunt Nora also lives with them. |
Nora was sitting on her bed, playing a game of solitaire, but she quickly changed the game so that Emy could join in. |
Even Nora was laughing too, and Justin, that meany, was quietly chuckling behind me. |
After demob in 1946, Bobby returned home to West Pelton, to his parents and to his childhood sweetheart, Nora Sampy, who lived nearby. |
Nora prided herself in knowing how to do things, where to get them, what was good and in what way it was good. |
We look back and remember the many authors who died this year, from Gore Vidal to Nora Ephron, from Ray Bradbury to Adrienne Rich. |
Nora could arm and disarm within a sentence, could wield a barb and its curative salve within a phrase. |
In her first memoir, Delia Ephron talks bad hair days, her lack of religion, and losing her big sister Nora. |
On June 14, 1989, the filmmaking duo of Rob Reiner and Nora Ephron created a romantic comedy for the ages. |
The famed writer, filmmaker, and humorist Nora Ephron died on June 26 at the age of 71 from leukemia. |
It follows the lives of the identical twin chorus girls Dora and Nora Chance. |
Amanda wandered back to the beach to find Nora fast asleep in the shade. |
Nora was walking down the street a couple of blocks away from my house. |
And, whereas the townspeople start rioting and attacking the chain-smoking cult the Guilty Remnant, Nora is at peace. |
The two of them ate in silence for a minute or two, and Nora was quite aware of the gazes he was casually shooting over at her in between bites of food. |
For three days of unremitting bliss, Nora directed me opposite Meryl Streep. |
Nora Ephron was our Dorothy Parker, but she was a multimedia Dorothy Parker, excelling in books, films, scripts, humor. |
The pot of water was now simmering away, and Nora had not returned. |
Why do you think Nora reacted to the life-like dolls of her family that way? |
But why do you think Nora wanted to divorce herself from the situation and drive off? |
We interviewed each other and Billy played an extension of me, and Meg played an extension of Nora. |
In another room, Nora sat in the corner, while the casting director wielded a video camera. |
Yes, if it's about James Joyce and his muse, the beautiful Nora Barnacle. |
The pregnant actress sported a particularly frumpy skirt, striped Nora Batty-style long socks and wedge-heeled bovver boots on a trip out in London. |
Occasionally, as if by accident, Nora's daughter Beth would turn up, a bit weary from the sea and slightly out of sorts, and Nora would do her best to get her seaworthy again. |
Delia told of making Nora pineapple shakes with canned pineapple, not fresh, when she was in the hospital. |
Nora is survived by her husband Michael, son Mark, daughter Sharon, son-in-law, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, relations and friends. |
Many Joycean academics agree that even after he met Nora and moved to Trieste, the red-light romps continued. |
When Joyce gets paranoid about his talent as a writer, he takes it out on Nora, throwing her past in her face and calling her down for being married before. |
While Nora enthusiastically turns to fairy tales as a form of childhood therapy, she also unwittingly absorbs the genre's patriarchal and racist subtexts. |
Nora is delighted to have been included in the Queen's New Year honours. |
She was born on June 16, 1886, and christened Helen Nora Wilson Low. |
Nora invited Amanda to the sitting room for tea, and filled her in on how the commune worked, and that no profits were made, but everything was paid for. |
In the 1950s, Nora and Frank dream of their future, but, late that evening, encounter the returning Captain Walker. |
The most common ports of call were Caralis, Nora, Bithia, Sulci, and Tharros. |
This homage to scientist, psychologist, and cyberneticist Gregory Bateson was produced and directed by his daughter, Nora. |
Tommy is recognised by Nora, Frank, and the media as a pinball prodigy, which is made even more impressive with his catatonic state. |
Award for the best oralist went to Nora from the runner up team, Qatar University. |
Gerry was at our wedding, baptised our daughter Nora and concelebrated my mother's Funeral Mass in May. |
Nora and Frank begin to become more and more lethargic and leave Tommy standing at the mirror one night, allowing him to wander off. |
He surprises Frank and Nora in bed, leading to a struggle and the Captain's subsequent murder by lamp. |
Typical towns in the area include Nora, Fagersta, Sala, Kristinehamn, Filipstad, Ludvika and Hedemora. |
The late 19th century English poet Nora Chesson summarised pixie mythology fairly well in a poem entitled The Pixies. |
Sometimes narrator Nora at first comes off as a likably upfront, if slightly self-satisfied Parisian gallery owner. |
Nora Ephron's astute romantic comedy is winningly played and bearably cute. |
About three in the morning, Nora knocked at the little glass door of the concierge's loge, asking if the doctor was in. |
I might have to break up with Nora, she has serious daddy issues that she need to sort out before dating anyone again. |
Asian Tariq Mahmood, 29, crossed a battleline to guide white pensioner Nora Stanton, 73, through street carnage on Saturday. |
His editor suggests that he meet with Nora, a copyeditor at the firm. |
The picture was originally sent in some years ago by Mrs Nora Lindsey, formerly Aircraftswoman Lockhart, now of Easington, near Saltburn. |
In that election, Salmond stood as a candidate for the Gordon constituency, which had been represented since 1999 by the Liberal Democrat Nora Radcliffe. |
Asan Khan, Boondarick Kovilaukool, Tadoh Ndikum Munji, Annie Thecla Sealy-Auguste, Purnima Sharma, Tengu Nora Ashikin Tengku Nazaruddin, Amandi Anselm Ukwatu, Jihao Zhou. |
Other Harlow fancies are Slaney Dream, Quiet Nora and Delmonico Leader. |
Arthur was elected to replace the unpugnacious Nora Lewin, a liberal law professor who was skittish about capital punishment and clashed with more aggressive prosecutors. |
Patch falls in love with Nora but cannot feel her physically because this is the curse that they will have to live with and can only possess a vessel of theirs on Cheshvan. |
Carelessly slapped together slops in cliched Nora Roberts potboiler. |
During the tests, Nora and the Specialist flirt, much to Frank's jealousy. |