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How to use Maximus in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Maximus? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Occasionally it was good custom to plunder the palace of the freshly deceased Pontifex Maximus.
Other terms for even numbers of bells include Minor, Major, Royal and Maximus.
Maximus fell into disfavour and Rome sent the largest army it had ever assembled after Hannibal.
Maximus escapes, but is gravely wounded and is soon captured by slave traders and taken to North Africa.
In the manner of Late Roman politics the instigator of the new troubles, Arbogastes, had been instrumental in bringing down Maximus.
The team has already run an F1 car around the Circus Maximus in Rome, and the historic Sultanahmet hippodrome in Istanbul's city centre.
There are children in London's better-to-do nurseries who answer to the name of Maximus.
One of the sergeants, Maximus, claimed that he saw their spirits ascending to heaven during their executions, and he was then beaten to death.
The emperor, Pontifex Maximus, sits on top of the Pantheon, and adjudicates the differences among the doctrines.
Now, recall that the way that the Romans set up their control, they set up this system of Pontifex Maximus, in which the emperor was the head of the religion.
A second temple was located at the Circus Maximus, near the race-tracks, where he was considered to be the protector of the four-in-hands which joined the races.
At the end of gladiator, Maximus Decimus Meridius, played by Russell Crowe, dies.
The first couple of times we meet her she seems to be a scheming, untrustworthy person willing to try any ploy to attract the attention of Maximus.
The Circus Maximus could seat around 150,000 spectators, and the Colosseum about 50,000 with standing room for about 10,000 more.
For his subsequent campaign in Gaul, Maximus drew on a large number of garrison units stationed on the northern border.
Welsh historical sources report that Maximus reorganized the defence of Britannia before departing for Gaul.
The tale The Dream of Macsen Wledig is a romanticised story about the Roman emperor Magnus Maximus, called Macsen Wledig in Welsh.
Following his landing in Gaul, Maximus went out to meet his main opponent, emperor Gratian, whom he defeated near Paris.
Some scholars believe Maximus may have founded the office of the Comes Britanniarum as well.
Maximus surrendered in Aquileia, and although he pleaded for mercy was executed.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The reviser, Maximus, was condemned by a council, and confined on a charge of heresy in a distant monastery.
He was justly compared to Fabius Maximus, distinguished by the epithet of cunctator.
Frescoes of the school of Zuccari, representing games in the Circus Maximus, etc.
The chief of the pontifices, the Pontifex Maximus, was at the head of the college.
This contest of disintegration and recomposition was carried on with much spirit between Maximus and Gabriel.
General Maximus is a battle-weary commander of one of Rome's finest legions.
The Department for Work and Pensions has announced US company Maximus will carry out the controversial Work Capability Assessments.
He received it, notwithstanding the labarum, and received further the title of Pontifex Maximus, which he retained all his life.
Maximus came up against theodosius in the end, and that was the end of him.
The most important of the works of Maximus will be found in Migne, Patrologia graeca, xc.
For this he was upbraided in the Senate by Fabius Maximus, and called the corrupter of the Roman soldiery.
Mommsen's account of the pontifex Maximus should be consulted, Hist.
The case was tried by the proconsul himself, Claudius Maximus.
Rainton Bridge-based Maxim Brewery, which was raised from the ashes of Vaux Brewery, won the British Bottlers Institute Gold Medal for its Maximus brew.
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