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How to use Maastricht in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Maastricht? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The social chapter of the Maastricht treaty deserved support on its own merits.
The Maastricht package was a political bargain, which deliberately left for later negotiation many of the wider ramifications of monetary union.
In protocols to the Maastricht Treaty, the UK and Denmark have secured the right to permanently remain outside the monetary union.
Because it is illegal to grow marijuana in the Netherlands, police in Maastricht spend a great deal of time removing home-based grow operations.
If he funks this one then his government will unravel and we will be back to John Major, the Exchange Rate Mechanism and Maastricht.
His leadership in directing a diversionary force at Maastricht allowed the king's main army to take the town.
The history of Maastricht goes back to approximately 50 B.C., when the Romans built a settlement by the main road near a ford in the river.
At Maastricht we won the opt-out which kept the pound and the opt-out from the social chapter, which labour threw away.
He also voted against the pro-EU Maastricht treaty, only to transform himself later into a rabid Europhile.
Labour is a trade union party so it was taken for granted it would fully implement the social chapter of the Maastricht Treaty.
It will be more like John Major's task of suppressing the Maastricht rebels, or Jim Callaghan's in managing a fissile Labour party.
In retrospect, the 1991 Maastricht Treaty can be seen as the high-water mark of federalist ambition.
The Bologna process needs to be coherent and to chime with the Maastricht declaration on the establishment of a European qualification framework.
Eurocontrol runs only the Maastricht centre, doing its pitiful best to choreograph the other parts of the system.
Whatever else they said or did not say, the French cried no to budget stringency of the sort the Maastricht plan demands.
This, it will be recalled, was included in a halfhearted and limited way in the Maastricht Treaty.
In such a situation, Latvia risks contravening one of the criteria set out by the Maastricht Treaty.
Any citizen assumed to have an understanding of the Treaties of Maastricht and Amsterdam could not possibly have difficulty comprehending that.
The Maastricht indicators are so suffocating, it is as if we were giving a glass of water to a person whose neck we have put in a noose.
Does this not reward bad behaviour and betray the principles of the Maastricht Treaty?
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Examples from Classical Literature
Maastricht contains the provincial archives, a library and geological collections.
I have had a large sum of money transferred to a bank in Maastricht for their use.
Hand me the necessary moneys or securities and I will convey them to Maastricht.
Louis, after the capture of Maastricht led his army southwards into Lorraine and overran the electorate of Trier.
It was time that the day's work should be finished, for Maastricht was not to be carried upon that occasion.
On August 21st Maastricht capitulated, and the campaign was brought to a glorious conclusion.
The landscape in the background is distinctly reminiscent of the scenery about Maastricht, the alma mater of the Van Eycks.
Kamper also received a degree in business management from the University of Limburg in Maastricht, Netherlands.
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