As the author notes, Maria's case was championed by the Jesuits, while her doubters were the secular or parish clergy. |
La Salle hated and harassed the Jesuits but got along fairly well with the Recollects. |
There are 203 Jesuits, including priests, brothers and scholastics, in Ireland. |
The Jesuits quickly restored religious zeal among believers in southern Europe. |
He did, however, encourage new orders such as the Jesuits, Barnabites and Ursulines. |
Tonight at dinner in my community I will mention this to my brother Jesuits. |
The Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, was among the most prominent of these new orders. |
This book is an anthology of personal prayers by Jesuits from the Society's beginning down to the present day. |
The royal children would have been handed over to the Jesuits for education, led by the gentle and intelligent Father Garnet. |
The founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius Loyola, must be seen as a key player during it. |
Some of it pertains strictly to the needs and history of the Jesuits, but in other ways it speaks to the church as a whole. |
More troubling was the Jesuits ' lack of academic grounding in the new disciplines. |
The religioners who embarked for the service of the fleet were 180, consisting of Augustinians, Franciscans, Dominicans, and Jesuits. |
While presenting himself as an advocate of traditional learning, Kircher, like many of his fellow Jesuits, was hardly a strict Aristotelian. |
The emperor's talent for showing himself open to all cultures was also well demonstrated by his relationships with the Jesuits. |
At least the gatherings gave you a chance to twit tame Jesuits about how you didn't believe in their God, but aren't-we-all-good-fellows-anyway. |
Late in the 1690s, a bunch of coureurs de bois paddled to New Orleans along with a bunch of Jesuits. |
In 1773, following the expulsion of Jesuits from several European and Italian states, Clement XIV issued a brief suppressing the order. |
Matteo Ricci had brought with him a spinet, other Jesuits brought violins and flutes, cellos and bassoons and manuals on music styles. |
In 1909 he entered the novitiate of the Jesuits in Freiburg but left after only two weeks, ostensibly on health grounds. |
The authors also fail to understand that for Jesuits chastity is a way of relating to God, not just to other people. |
In 1656 his Provincial Letters decried the abuse of casuistry by Jesuits in Paris. |
The language of the missions was Guarani and the Jesuits fostered a degree of literacy in the native tongue. |
Another remarkable aspect of the film is its decision to cast the Waunana tribe of Colombia as the Guarani people embraced by the Jesuits. |
When Anabaptists in 1575 and Jesuits in 1581 were condemned to death, Foxe wrote vehement letters to Queen Elizabeth and her courtiers, begging reprieves. |
The Austrian court was dominated by the Jesuits, its government had concluded a concordat with Pius IX, the pope who ardently combated all modern ideas. |
And until the expulsion of the Jesuits in the early 1760s, the church controlled virtually all educational institutions, from village schoolhouses to university faculties. |
The Jesuits may even have been enlightened enough to make available newly invented optical instruments, on sale in Paris as early as 1609, to Descartes and his schoolfellows. |
The Pope sacrificed the Jesuits in order to appease neighbouring rulers. |
By this date, the Jesuits had grown accustomed to such venomous denunciations. |
The Jesuits took care to notify the general disregard for the papal breve. |
The most successful of the new orders was the Jesuits founded by Loyola. |
Presumably the popularity of the name would outweigh any slight that Dominicans, Jesuits, or members of other orders and congregations might feel. |
Since its founding, Jesuits are known for free-thinking, which has helped make its universities so well-regarded. |
In the middle decades of the eighteenth century a group of Swiss Jesuits labored in the Southwest of the present United States to promote the northward expansion of New Spain. |
Conscience prevailing, he was received at Douai, then sent from Rome by the Jesuits to Bohemia to serve his novitiate, before being reordained in Prague. |
Hundreds of brotherhoods associated with the Jesuits had to be dissolved. |
Kino satisfied himself that a land connection must exist, and the 18th century Jesuits generally followed his example. |
The Jesuits managed to obtain jurisdiction over the trading city of Nagasaki. |
Although close to a hundred churches were destroyed, most of the Jesuits remained in Japan. |
In 1767, there were protests against the expulsion of the Jesuits by the Spanish Crown. |
By the middle of the 17th century the secular priests were 442, the religious 142, of whom 62 were Jesuits. |
An heir to the devotional, observantine, and legalist traditions, the Jesuits organized along military lines. |
The Jesuits became preachers, confessors to monarchs and princes, and humanist educators. |
Jesuits participated in the expansion of the Church in the Americas and Asia, by their missionary activity. |
He and the other contributors advocated for the secularization of learning away from the Jesuits. |
Both shared an asceticism and intellectualism, encouraged by the Jesuits. |
Jesuits and seminary priests, trained in Douai and Rome to make good the losses of English priests, encouraged this. |
In a second project funded by European Jesuits, the Western Ghats were explored from Palghat to Coorg in Karnataka. |
Several European expeditions, including a group of Spanish Jesuits, explored the Chesapeake Bay during the 16th century. |
Jewlike, the Jesuits have insinuated themselves into every level of society. |
In 1615, Pope Paul V gave the hospice and the nearby Scottish Seminar to the Jesuits. |
In 1820, although religious activity was resumed, it was no longer led by the Jesuits. |
There was little doubt, according to Coke, that the plot had been invented by the Jesuits. |
The period of tolerance ended during the reign of King Sigismund III Vasa, who was under the strong influence of Piotr Skarga and other Jesuits. |
The Jesuits were expelled from the country and their assets confiscated by the crown. |
Member churches include Saint Catherine Church in Mansheya and Church of the Jesuits in Cleopatra. |
In 1597 Margaret's head ended up with the Jesuits at the Scottish College, Douai, France, but was lost during the French Revolution. |
Later, European Jesuits such as Matteo Ricci and Nicolas Trigault would briefly mention indigenous Chinese clockworks that featured drive wheels. |
His departure left the Jesuits alone with their missionary work, and to defend the natives against slave dealers. |
The Jesuits secured a royal decree restoring the disputed mission territory to Spanish jurisdiction. |
Despite their mission army of 14,000, the Jesuits submitted without resistance. |
Indigenous freedom decreased in contrast to its period under the Jesuits, and the response to intermarriage was lukewarm at best. |
From 1697, Jesuits established eighteen missions throughout the Baja California Peninsula. |
Then, in 1767, King Charles III ordered all Jesuits expelled from all Spanish possessions, including New Spain. |
In 1767 the Jesuits were suppressed in the Spanish dominions, and during the next 120 years there has been no trace of a missionary. |
French Jesuits who sailed along the Ussury and the Amur in 1709 prepared the first more or less precise map of the region. |
Ursula to the Theatines, Barnabites, and Somaschi, and their influence in turn on the Jesuits, than their impact on the secular clergy per se. |
Like many Jesuits, Nobili abandoned an uncertain future during Italy's Risorgimento for the perilous life of a missionary in North America. |
Solorio grew up in east San Jose where he attended Most Holy Trinity Elementary School and Bellarmine Prep, a high school operated by Jesuits. |
After leaving seminary, Bollard became the first former seminarian ever to file a sexual harassment lawsuit against the Jesuits. |
It just so happens that the dominant trend in much neoscholastic theology, promoted as it was by the Jesuits, was Molinist in orientation. |
Near Council Bluffs they visited the Jesuits living among the Potawatomis. |
Raymond Schroth's The American Jesuits more than fills this void, offering a perspective of the order that by turns reveals, inspires and consternates. |
Nestorians, Franciscans, Jesuits, missionaries of all kinds brought the message in their turn, each seemingly thwarted, their efforts frustrated, their work destroyed. |
It was founded by the Jesuits in 1854 and was designed by Joseph Hansom. |
Neither monks nor friars, the Theatines first, then the Barnabites, Somaschi, Jesuits, and others responded to ecclesial needs in a time of turbulent reformation. |
The schools of the Jesuits, Barnabites, Somaschans, Doctrinaires, et al. |
In 1767, the Jesuits were expelled from Spanish dominions by royal edict. |
He also handled religious incidents such as the disputes between the Jesuits and the Church of England, personally interrogating John Gerard after his capture. |
It must be because I spent three years studying with the Jesuits. |
The original Church was referred to as the Church of Malabar by the Jesuits and as the Syrian Church of Malabar in Missionary Registers from 1801 onward. |
During the 16th century, education in Panama was provided by Jesuits. |
The bi-weekly Commonweal is edited by laymen but the weekly America is written and edited by New York Jesuits on behalf of North American Jesuits. |
Lutheran scholasticism developed gradually especially for the purpose of arguing with the Jesuits, and it was finally established by Johann Gerhard. |
From early in their mission to England, the Jesuits supported the well. |
He acted as the land agent for the Jesuits in Chillos in the 1690s, buying up small pieces of property for the expanding estate of the College of Quito. |
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, there was a controversy between Molinist Jesuits and Dominicans regarding the relationship of divine grace with man's free will. |
In 1691, the Jesuits accused him of favouring the Jansenist heresy. |
These were constructed by the Jesuits to work ore from the mine. |