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How to use Dummy in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Dummy? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Either way, the second dummy is then exposed and the play continues as in Double Dummy Bridge.
Slowly, Dummy regains both his voice and his confidence, and finally, in a fairy-tale ending, even his identity when King Richard recognizes him as his long-lost godson.
In 1994 Portishead, a trio comprising singer Beth Gibbons, Geoff Barrow, and Adrian Utley, released their debut album Dummy.
Dummy runs, false documentation and cover loads to give an aura of legitimacy were common themes in the plot, he added.
Dummy pronouns are used in many Germanic languages such as English.
The Interpretation of Dummy Variables in Semilogarithmic Equations.
In Britain, local councils and the emergency services conduct dummy runs for major catastrophes all the time.
To give the feeling that someone is watching and guarding over your spooky home, make a dummy or scarecrow.
It's been a bit quiet recently, and I got highly suspicious after Mike confessed to larding my logs with dummy search strings.
A team of Canadian scientists gave either an active drug, apomorphine, or a dummy drug to a group of six Parkinson's patients.
Mum wasn't wanting to supply such a thing naturally but she had been wondering how to wean Graham off his dummy which he still took a shine to.
Never dip your baby's dummy or teething ring into fruit syrups, honey, fruit juices or anything containing sugars, particularly at bedtime.
The patients were randomly assigned to either 200 mg daily of thalidomide or a dummy drug for a period of 24 weeks.
We control for unobserved heterogeneity across townships using a set of dummy variables representing the 15 townships in the county.
When he agrees to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge for a bet, it is only because a dummy will be substituted at the crucial moment.
West knew that there would be four hearts in the dummy, however, and was unimpressed by his holdings in the minor suits.
The men when gambling rarely spread out the shinplasters thrown on to the table, and the dummy was accepted in play.
I gave him another stare, did a bit of a dummy, and blasted the ball as hard as I could.
On four large glass sheets, Urquhart has painted in black the silhouettes of a tailor's dummy, a piano, a desk and a garden.
This was a fairly common feature in early computer games for personal computers, when most boss keys were used to show dummy DOS prompts.
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Examples from Classical Literature
But even as he spoke, Dummy sobbed once, wetly and loudly, and shambled away up to the bow.
Sometimes in the last few days she had swallowed a bit of sea biscuit if Dummy chewed the miserable stuff first to soften it.
Another was placed under the cascabel, which was supported by General and Dummy, with Rosebud at the jaws.
Dummy was at our house some, because old Uncle Silas was so afflicted himself, these days, that anybody else that was afflicted was a comfort to him.
They are serving the writs in ejectment and putting the dummy buyers in possession.
A dummy Bell Vireo elicited both agonistic and epigamic behavior from nesting pairs, depending on the phase of the nesting cycle.
He walked over to Spud, lifted the dummy into position in the crook of his arm.
And it means popping the individual into a mould, and dishing him up as a dummy.
The pyramid was then a dummy, made of rubble within a revetment of heavy flint nodules, which was faced with fine limestone.
All I have to do is daub a little phosphorus on the dummy and it will be in shape to do the ghost dance.
To the untrained eye, only the tailor's dummy opposite reveals the true purpose of this room.
A popular theory on the internet was that the body which landed on the ground was either a tailor's dummy or someone else.
You might as well be a simpering wax dummy out of a shop window.
With a double dummy, the French way, or Norwegian skat, if you like.
We used to practice it with a dummy in the swimming bath at school.
The dummy was lifelike even outside of the setting which Tam had planned.
You stuff a retrieving dummy into your gamebag because you might need it later on.
With the aid of wiper Ralph soon got the dummy ready for action.
At the centre of the parade was a horse-drawn gun carriage, with a coffin covered in the Union Flag and a dummy crown on top.
He said he did not keep two suits of the same kind in stock, but manufactured a second when it was needed to reclothe the dummy.
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