It was recognised as a species of wild cattle and the likely ancestor of the Brahman cattle, which had been domesticated in the region ages ago. |
Brahman that is the source of everything as mentioned in the Vedanta sutras is not jiva is very clear from Lord Siva's prayer. |
When they compared cows by breed of sire, the ranking order was Maine Anjou, Chianina, Brahman, and Simmental. |
Although seen to be present in all its material manifestations, Brahman is understood best as the knowing subject within us. |
A seeker of true Divinity will attain salvation when he realizes the Truth, the all-pervasive Brahman. |
He was born into the Brahman caste which meant he was from the highest ranking caste of Hindu priests. |
The crux of the problem is the oblivescence of the individual in the matter of the identity between Brahman and himself. |
This distinction mirrors the Hindu separation between the Brahman and those in lower castes. |
When a boy is born, a family Brahman records details for the infant's horoscope. |
Four Brahman and four Angus sires were rotated among breeding pastures in both forage systems each year. |
In this great wheel of Brahman, the life and foundation of all, the soul wanders like a swan, thinking himself and the Inspirer to be separate. |
He who knows it as existing in the cave of the heart, in the transcendent akasha realizes all his desires along with the Omniscient Brahman. |
This spirit soul must enter into the spiritual sky to merge into the Brahman effulgence. |
Saktas refer to the Supreme as Sakti, Smartas call the Supreme Being Brahman, and to Vaishnavas He is Vishnu. |
The convictions that samsara is nirvana and that atman is Brahman are two distinctive religious conclusions born of such insight. |
Mostly straightforwardly, the expression atman is Brahman unequivocally identifies essential self with cosmos, ultimately not two things but one. |
It states that the individual soul and insentient matter are distinct from Brahman, but Brahman is the basis of their existence and reality. |
Truth is within us and the Atman and Brahman are one and the same, which can be discovered with introspection. |
The diversity which we see and experience in terms of discrete entities has to be viewed against the total background of reality, Brahman. |
It is just as much an adjective as guna, and Brahman is just as much a noun as jagat. |
In Vedic literature it is said that everything is Brahman and nothing else. |
And since Brahman is common to all things, never dividing them, Brahman has to exist in non-dual or, we would say today, non-binary form. |
This Reality as all pervading Consciousness is also called as Brahman, Atman, and even God. |
This consciousness is the Brahman or the supreme life force. |
Finally he wrote his books on the subject of Atman and Brahman. |
Tamil Brahman women wear a sari that is eighteen cubits long. |
Born in the modern Murgarapattam in the southern Dravidian province, he was the son of Aruni and Jayanti, a very pious Brahman a couple of the Tailanga order. |
Brahman contains in itself both being and nonbeing, and it is the sole reality the ultimate cause, foundation, source, and goal of all existence. |
Brahman is the fullness of qualities, and by its own intrinsic nature brahman produces the world. |
A fundamental message of the film is that we are all connected, just as the Vedas teach that through atman we are all part of the universal soul of Brahman. |
Brahman is the creator, preserver, or transformer and reabsorber of everything. |
According to early Vedāntins, the real is bereft of all character since its nature is non-differentiated consciousness or Brahman. |
The ocean in the tranquil state is Brahman, and in the turbulent state, Maya. |
A Florida rotational crossbreeding study involving the Angus, Brahman, and Hereford breeds revealed that calf survival rates were similar for the three sire breeds. |
Four Brahman and four Angus sires were rotated among breeding pastures in both forage systems each year to prevent confounding of sire and forage system effects. |
Based on these results, reasonably, B. indiens x B. taurus females would also express some tolerance to mosquitoes similar to that observed for the Brahman x Hereford steers. |
In this paddock west of Brisbane, at the Gatton campus of the University of Queensland, are the Brahman cross breed of cattle that you see throughout the tropics. |
He realizes that he was looking for something tangible and definite in his quest to find Atman and Brahman within himself and to understand the meaning of life. |
When the three letters are joined together to form the syllable Aum, that syllable should be used as the symbol of Brahman, or the Cosmic Reality. |
Very much like the Hindu concept of Brahman, Taoism conceives of the concept of Tao, which is the underlying metaphysics of all that is being and non-being. |
Guided by a realized guru and avowed to the unreality of the world, the initiate meditates on himself as Brahman, Absolute Reality, to break through the illusion of maya. |
The sky is broodingly grey over the humid downs of the Barkly Tableland as a mob of well-fed white Brahman cows and calves quietly shift across the green expanse. |
The Buddhists, by attacking Brahma, simultaneously attack Brahman and then axiologize the latter in such texts as the Tevijja Sutta. |
Maya is to Brahman what the snake in motion is to the snake at rest. |
It was established either by a Brahman convert or patronised by a Brahman and from that source it was given the name Bahmani. |
This triggered a Brahman backlash in northwestern India, which argued that the language should be written in the native Devanagari script. |
Brahman, also called zebu, any of several varieties of cattle originating in India and crossbred in the United States with improved beef breeds, producing the hardy beef animal known as the American Brahman. |
Canadian beef breeds are typically northern cold climate breeds whereas much of the southern U. S. cow herd including Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and much of Kansas, has a Brahman influence to withstand the summer heat. |
Force in action is Maya, force in potency is Brahman. |
It involves two bulls of the Brahman breed pitted against one another and as the name implies, they engage in a forceful barrage of headbutts. |
For example, it distinguishes the nirguna from the saguna Brahman. |
Many of the ancient texts still provide core elements of Hindu rituals and, despite their great length, are memorized in their entirety by Brahman priests and scholars. |
A Hindu may worship multiple deities, all as henotheistic manifestations of the same ultimate reality, cosmic spirit and absolute spiritual concept called Brahman in Hinduism. |
Scholars like Adi Sankara affirm that not only is Brahman beyond all varnas, the man who is identified with Him also transcends the distinctions and limitations of caste. |
While Brahmanism links the ultimate Brahman with the self, Buddhism's rejection of God is linked to the doctrine of anatman, the radical denial of self. |
The multitude of Devas are considered as manifestations of Brahman. |