Present participle for to bounce back through the air after hitting something hard
“Sacrificing power for control, he struck the ball with his laces and watched it rebound off the post.”
Present participle for to recover in value, amount, or strength after a decrease or decline
“Trevino's the only golfer to rebound from back surgery to win big, and his humor is spontaneously unscripted.”
Present participle for to fail with unwelcome repercussions, especially opposite to a desired outcome
“The failure of the Government to control the explosion in public pay could yet rebound on the private sector.”
Present participle for to collide forcefully with something
Present participle for to recur, or break out anew after a dormant period
Present participle for to cause a sound to carry and have an echo effect
Present participle for to act in a given way in response to something
(of light or an image) Present participle for to bend back or mirror
Present participle for to move or jump suddenly or rapidly upwards or forwards
Springing back quickly when squeezed or stretched
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