Superlative for not processed or refined
“In its unfiltered state, it is very muddy owing to the nature of the soil.”
Superlative for contaminated, due to not having been subjected to filtration
“The Department of Health advised pregnant or nursing women and children under six with a lead service line to avoid drinking unfiltered water.”
Superlative for not drinkable
“The presence of slime mites in foods indicates unsanitary conditions or the use of unfiltered water to process the food.”
Superlative for unrestrained in expression
“What followed was a frenzy of joy, relief, and unfiltered emotion.”
Superlative for having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient
“Boiled, unfiltered coffee raises total and LDL cholesterol because coffee beans contain a terpenoid lipid called cafestol.”
Superlative for accurately reflecting the actual appearance, qualities, or characteristics