Superlative for not restrained or held in check
“Put simply, if inflation is bad, it is difficult to see why rampant house price inflation can credibly be seen as anything good.”
Superlative for spreading or growing rapidly or profusely
“When contagious diseases occur, there is a tangible threat of rampant spread of infection.”
Superlative for very widespread or common
“There was a widespread and apparently rampant perception that the novel was based on a true story.”
Superlative for forceful, intense or vehement in action or performance
“More than just a rampant performer, his instantly distinguishable, almost androgynous voice has the power to hurt and haunt in vastly varying situations.”
Superlative for rich and profuse in growth
“Cedar trees were rampant on the untended grounds, attesting to the name of the Suttons' residence, and as he strode by one, he reached for a handful of green needles.”
Superlative for rearing on both hind legs with the forelegs extended
“Now the dome was restored to its original purple, and the gold rampant horse reared above it.”
Superlative for used or accepted broadly by most people
(of countryside) Superlative for green with grass or other rich vegetation
Superlative for impossible to control or govern
Superlative for significant or great in degree or intensity
Superlative for of unsound mind, or seemingly so
Superlative for characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion
Superlative for indicating a large number