Superlative for showy in speech and given to using flowery or elaborate terms
“The language they used was high-flown - some would say overblown.”
Superlative for poised or dignified in style, tone, or form
“The high-flown speech delivered by the esteemed professor left the audience captivated and inspired.”
Superlative for idealistic, especially to the point of being unrealistic
Superlative for relating to or characteristic of an epic poem
Superlative for demonstrating eager enthusiasm and overreaching ambition
Superlative for having a dignified in manner, tone, or style
Superlative for having a dignified or stately tone, form or style
Superlative for poised or dignified in style, tone, or form
Superlative for poised or dignified in style, tone, or form
Superlative for poised or dignified in style, tone, or form
Superlative for poised or dignified in style, tone, or form
Superlative for based on abstract reasoning
Superlative for characterized by pretentious or showy displays
Superlative for wildly exaggerated or improbable
Superlative for having an arrogant, self-important or pompous manner
Superlative for having or showing creativity or inventiveness