Superlative for excessive in praise or flattery
“At about the same time, I will be in another plane, bragging about you to my poor seatmates, who will soon put on their headsets, having had enough of a mother's gushing pride.”
Superlative for flowing freely as, or like, a stream
“The gushing waters of refreshing grace never cease to flow in slaking the thirst of his people.”
Superlative for gushing forth in profuse amounts or quantities
“I have accomplished the work of numberless days in a single heroic act, in emptying the vessels of their gushing wine.”
Superlative for abounding in words or containing more words than necessary
Superlative for having or arousing feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia, typically in an exaggerated and self-indulgent way
Superlative for plentiful or abundant in amount
Superlative for that has been described as greater or better than it actually is
Superlative for given to open displays of emotion
Superlative for emitting a gurgling or burbling sound
Superlative for cheerful and full of energy
Superlative for loudly cheerful, enthusiastic or approbatory
Superlative for moving or flowing outwards with an undulating motion
Superlative for complete and without holding back any doubts