Superlative for faulty, not working or functioning as expected
“Vehicles with worn or defective shock absorbers are less stable and more liable to go out of control.”
Superlative for physically broken or damaged
“The horse escaped from its stable during the night into the field and thence onto the railway line via a defective fence.”
Superlative for generally low in quality or standard
“A member of a fitness center was injured while using a defective squat machine.”
Superlative for lacking or deficient in some element or quality
“The man who exceeds in fear and is defective in bravery is called cowardly.”
Superlative for unsuitable for a given purpose
“The copper turned out on trial to be defective for the purpose of sheathing.”
Superlative for not properly working or having the desired effect
Superlative for consisting of disorganized, untidy, or incomplete parts
Superlative for unable to be supported or justified
Superlative for rickety in structure and easily damaged
Superlative for rudimentary or crude in form, not thorough or complete
Superlative for having no use, purpose or reason
Superlative for physically ill or weakened
Superlative for mentally deficient or underdeveloped
Superlative for displaying a lack of sensibleness or judgment
Superlative for physically disabled, typically unable to walk properly
Superlative for depraved or perverse in nature