Superlative for serving to alleviate a person's feelings of grief or distress
“It is comforting to know that most lobbyists are ethical and honest people who rely on facts and figures.”
Superlative for causing one to feel heartened, gladded or fulfilled
“It is comforting to finally see my progress, to see how far I have come.”
Superlative for calming, soothing or relaxing in nature
“He heard the comforting tones of Lady Frances reassuring him, and he inched carefully toward her.”
Superlative for showing compassion, care or sympathy
“Sensing Yolande's comforting and caring nature, I was able to share my inner thoughts and desires with her.”
Superlative for serving to revitalize or reinvigorate
“The climb was always hard but soon forgotten when the comforting breeze lifted by the upward-sloping dune cooled tortured lungs.”
Superlative for serving to alleviate pain or suffering
“My hand in no way trembled or hesitated as it reached for the comforting medicine.”
Superlative for serving to soothe or alleviate pain, typically medicinally or therapeutically
Superlative for characterized by a good or happy sentiment
Superlative for comfort based on one's experience and knowledge with their surroundings
Superlative for pleasant and satisfactory, especially to the mind or senses
Superlative for providing a feeling of ease or relaxation
Superlative for acting or tending to diminish or avoid conflict or hostility
Superlative for the pleasantness of warm and sunny weather