Superlative for intensely preoccupied with, or by, a given topic, activity or emotion
“Every medieval craftsman was completely absorbed in his work, to which he was subjected to a far greater extent than the modern worker whose work is a matter of indifference to him.”
Superlative for very interested in, or fascinated by, something
“She walked up the stairs, absorbed by the intricate wall frescoes.”
Superlative for very entertained by or with something
“She was all absorbed with the music. Marcia had placed herself where the light from the window fell full across her face, and every flitting expression as she followed the undulant sounds was visible.”
Superlative for forgetful or careless due to distraction
Superlative for attached to someone or something in a neurotic or pathological manner
(keen on) Superlative for having an attraction to
Superlative for to be overcome by lust or aroused
Superlative for absorbed in thought
Superlative for experiencing or marked by overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement
Superlative for devoted completely to one object
Superlative for physically and mentally dependent on something (or someone)