Comparative for faded by or as if by sunlight or repeated washing
“These bright colors stand in stark contrast to the washed out colors of the background.”
Comparative for faded or decolorized through a process
“Jozie opened her new dresser drawer and pulled out a pink-flowered tee-shirt and a pair of washed out denim shorts.”
Comparative for pale or ashen in complexion or appearance
“White wasn't my color. I looked pale and washed out in it. With my hazel eyes and pale complexion, I needed darker colors to make myself stand out.”
Comparative for feeling, or appearing to be, tired or fatigued
“Mary came to see me, looking tired and washed out, with shadows under her eyes, dry skin, and limp hair.”
Comparative for feeling, or appearing to be, ill or sickly
“He seemed better able to cope, even though Mary thought he still looked washed out and sickly.”
Comparative for slightly and indefinably unwell
(of a mixture or effect) Comparative for delicately complex and understated
Comparative for fair or pale yellow in color