Comparative for intended to protect someone or something
“The windows had a protective covering on them so no one could see in the house but the inhabitants could see out.”
Comparative for made or done so as to deter an anticipated unpleasant situation
“One could make a similar argument with respect to cities taking protective measures against bioterrorism.”
Comparative for having or showing a caring instinct to protect someone
“A boy needs a protective father to save him from himself and others.”
Comparative for jealously or possessively protective of someone
“That protective boyfriend of yours isn't letting you out of his sight, is he?”
Comparative for careful or wary in one's actions
“It can take a very short time for anyone who isn't careful and protective with their money to be swindled out of thousands.”
Comparative for designed to prevent or protect against illness or disease
Comparative for shielded and protected from harm, damage or danger
Comparative for excessively controlling, overprotective, or traditional in a male-dominant manner
Comparative for gentlemanly or respectful in conduct
Comparative for guardian-like, safeguarding, or acting as a protector
Comparative for characterised or marked by sheltering
Comparative for supportive or protective of domestic interests
Comparative for providing protection, care, supervision or guarding