Comparative for having a period of great prosperity or rapid economic growth
“Australia has had a booming economy for over a decade, but economic growth has not been translated into the creation of new full-time jobs.”
Comparative for very loud or having a high volume
“Her voice did not resound in a booming echo, as it did when she had first spoken from her electronic home.”
Comparative for low or deep in pitch or tone
“Psycho-acoustics provide a potentially effective solution to the problem of loud, booming bass tones that can resonate through the wall when a neighbor is playing the stereo very loudly.”
Comparative for containing, consisting of, or producing harsh, unpleasant or discordant sounds
Comparative for producing a surplus or profitable
Comparative for a hefty amount or abundant
Comparative for becoming larger in size, degree or intensity
Comparative for vehement or impassioned in expression, sometimes pretentiously so