Past tense for to engage in playful or frivolous activity
“We would just fool around to kill time when we had nothing better to do.”
Past tense for to engage in boisterous behavior, typically designed to attract attention
“Children learn songs of spring and are cajoled and threatened to stand in the appropriate place, to sing the correct notes and words, and not to fool around on stage so they won't embarrass everyone.”
Past tense for to engage in promiscuous behavior
“Do you promise not to fool around with other women in the future?”
Past tense for to behave badly, mischievously, or in an overemotional way
Past tense for to engage in amorous relations
Past tense for to prance, said of mounts
Past tense for to jovially tease, playfully annoy, or lightly badger someone
Past tense for to engage in leisurely or unproductive activities
Past tense for to waste time, or to fool about
Past tense for to tease, typically in a good-natured way
Past tense for to play a joke or trick on someone, typically in a teasing manner
Past tense for to engage in aimless or idle activities
Past tense for to tinker or fidget with something
Past tense for to playfully behave as though one is attracted to someone
Past tense for to be slow to act
Past tense for to enjoy oneself or celebrate in a noisy or boisterous way