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How to use body clock in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "body clock"? Here are some examples.

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Crossing the international date line to get there plays havoc with your body clock.
Our body clock responds to an imitation sunrise by accelerating the wake-up processes.
Ecstasy damages connections in the brain which regulate the human body clock, according to a new study.
The answer lies mostly in our internal body clock, which is largely determined by our genes.
I am excited to read that scientists have worked out how the body clock affects our daily lives.
Melatonin resets the body clock to synchronize metabolic functions with times of activity and rest.
The flight to East Africa was a red-eye, but it was daytime on my body clock, and I was fatigued from several days of traveling alone.
Going to bed later will help you break the pattern your body clock has established.
The bedding is also suitable for those who keep unusual hours and who travel in helping to prevent jet lag and regulate the body clock.
I've been having quite a few late nights lately, and my body clock is totally screwed, so my internal alarm only just kicked in.
The flight home was 31 hours and I'm finding it hard now because my body clock is all out.
The body clock is clearly controlling the elaborate brain signaling system that regulates appetite.
Otherwise known as our circadian rhythm, our 24-hour body clock resets itself at sunrise and sunset each day.
Hamed had argued he needed to be able to use his private gym at all hours to adjust his body clock to specific times elsewhere in the world when training for fights.
While the light is dimmed down very slowly, the body clock relieves the fallĀ  asleep and creates the condition for a deep and recreative sleep.
For example, your internal body clock tells your body to be awake in the daytime and asleep when it's dark.
Cryptochrome also controls circadian rhythms and the body clock, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle and also the immune system.
Staying up late or switching to your family's sleep routine during time off can be tempting, but it'll also throw your body clock for a loop.
Your body clock needs to be synchronized every day, so we recommend using your Litebook Elite on a daily basis.
We therefore have to reset our body clock daily to adapt it to a periodicity reduced to 24 hours.
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